
Guacamelee: Super Turbo Championship Edition announced for PS4, Xbox One, Wii U & PC

Developer DrinkBox is bringing a new digital version of Guacamelee to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and Wii U.

GarrusVakarian3743d ago

Nice, played it a little on PS3, co-op. Was pretty fun/funny.

I might as well wait for this to inevitably end up on PS plus on PS4 before i play it again.

Kingthrash3603743d ago

i beat it on vita, great game. ps+ free will be downloaded.

Palitera3743d ago

This game already ran perfectly on PS3. I know people are not supposed to criticize anything related to Sony on this site, but it is a waste of resources porting it to PS4. It will play and mostly look the same.

KakashiHotake3743d ago

Its not always about graphics. A great game is a great game.

Palitera3743d ago

Who's talking about graphics?

GarrusVakarian3743d ago (Edited 3743d ago )

Yeah, it did run and look good on PS3. But people who only have PS4's now and never played this on PS3 will also be able to play it. I can't see a game like this being a waste of resources, it wouldn't take much effort at all to put on PS4.

Palitera3743d ago (Edited 3743d ago )

1. We don't know how much effort at all.
2. Should any good game from last gen be ported to PS4, instead of these devs doing new, real next gen games?
3. I also feel like it is meant to be cannon fodder on PS+. 'Nothing good to put there? Let's give them another last gen game.'

So I say again: waste of resources. The industry is already stalled enough, we don't need the same games being released over and over again.

CrowbaitBob3743d ago


1. No, we don't have a clue how much effort at all. But the developers do, and they apparently don't think it's a waste of resources.

2. I guess that's up to the developers. I'd expect we'd be looking at a rough drought of game releases if all development stopped on anything that doesn't meet everyone's personal opinion of what constitutes "real next gen games."

3. Nice to hear you have feelings. Unfortunately, feelings do not inherently give birth to facts.

If you're not interested in something that doesn't automatically make it a waste of resources.

cervantes993743d ago

Um, maybe people who did not have a PS3 would want this.

admiralvic3743d ago

While I agree with your point, I rather not see that become an excuse to release enhanced ports. I much rather see sequels / new games, than constantly porting the same crap.

Blacklash933743d ago

"... will expanding upon proceedings with new boss battles and levels. Atop of this, character will also be on the receiving end of new abilities that are as-of-now not disclosed."

Nevers0ft3743d ago

It's a relatively small indie game (about 350000 lines of code), the port probably isn't spectacularly labour intensive. Not everybody has a PS3 so if the developer thinks the cost of porting to other platforms will be recouped I say "Go for it"... The game looks great and got decent reviews, I'm definitely grabbing it (for the Wii U).

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RadioActiveTwinky3743d ago

Damn it!!! I knew I should of waited instead of picking up a copy during the sale.

aquamala3743d ago (Edited 3743d ago )

title is wrong, PC already has this and it's called Gold Edition (and was part of the last humble bundle), this edition is only coming to XB1,PS4 and WiiU .

Blacklash933743d ago (Edited 3743d ago )

I played this on Vita and it was utterly fantastic. The game design, level designs, and gameplay mechanics are excellent and tight across the entire experience.

It's the best Metroidvania game of its type in years, in my opinion. If you haven't played it, I completely recommend it. It won't shock or wow you in the first ten minutes, but the sense of progression and new, incresingly complex and demanding challenges is virtually unrivaled in any game I've played in a long time.

Seriously, try it.

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Venoxn4g354d ago

Great coop metroidvania games, highly recommened

gamefreaks365354d ago

I liked the first game. Going to check out the second one now.


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