
Just few hours before the launch on PS4, Jasper Koning talks about Awesomenauts

With only few hours to go for the launch of Awesomenauts on PlayStation 4, Jasper Koning talks about the resolution at which Awesomenauts will run on PS4, what all things inspired Ronimo Games to create this game, the ups and downs that the company faced in its career and many more exciting things. Read on to find out all the answers about Awesomenauts and Ronimo Games..


New Awesomenauts Update out now

Awesomenauts 4.1: Dawn of the Renegades, is now available on Steam! This content update includes gameplay improvements, balance tweaks, new rewards, and a brand new character: Dizzy!


Awesomenauts is now available to everyone on Steam

Ronimo Games’ MOBA title, Awesomenauts, is now available to everyone on Steam.

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Modding Support & New Character Comes To Awesomenauts

Awesomenauts Update 3.5: Unleash your Power has released on Steam. This latest update brings a brand new character and fully-featured modding support for free to all Awesomenauts owners.

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