
God of War 4 Named in Sociology Textbook Blaming Video Games for Violence

If the dreadful ignorance often showcased by those that advocate the theory that video games desensitize young players to violence wasn’t enough, looks like some of them can see the future too.

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Abriael3716d ago

Must have been written by an insider.

GarrusVakarian3716d ago (Edited 3716d ago )

"There’s also a growing consensus that violent video games make violence seem normal."

Facepalm....Yeah, when i saw Kratos tear Helio's head off his shoulders i instantly accepted that as normal behaviour. In fact, i think i might repeat it on a few of my family members today..../s

Such idiotic, biased and ignorant people. Too lazy to get to the root causes of violence, so they just blame videogames. Graphic movies and TV shows are completely fine though, it's only videogames that violent behaviour seem normal....../s

Oh wow, in the article you can clearly see on the textbook that it says there is no evidence that TV causes violence but that there is a "growing consensus" that violent videogames do. I also love how they say "violent" videogames but but refer to TV as just "television"....how can they be so blatant with their bias!?

rambi803716d ago (Edited 3716d ago )

Growing consensus - (defn.) We dont have any evidence yet be we are super sure because we dont get any money from the videogame industry - so screw them.

elmaton983716d ago (Edited 3716d ago )

Oh yes, tell these people to humour me please because I became a serial killer thanks to violent games/s.


He is right after all. Well he maybe forgot just one word "NOT" playing God Of War 4 makes me so agressive and violent. Seriously the wait for this game and its announcement just revives Kratos in me. /s

Kidmyst3715d ago

@ Lukas, Sadly they don't point to lack of parenting, broken families, lack of discipline and many many other factors in this.

Gaming1013715d ago

There were more serial killers and sociopaths long before videogames even existed. Look at how Dexter displays violence - that it is a perfectly viable solution to a problem. It's no different than videogames. Yet, in real life we understand there are consequences to our actions, and that there are inherent cause and affect relationships between our actions and the outcomes of those actions.

If you want to argue mentally ill people, we can't frame all of life based on what mentally ill people may or may not do. It's just impossible. We wouldn't have cars, or the internet, or crazy people working in governments that make up dumb shit like this.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3715d ago
PSVita3716d ago

GOW is rated mature anyways

Mikelarry3716d ago

lol lets ask him for lottery numbers

UncleGermrod3715d ago (Edited 3715d ago )

This genuinely pissed me off. Even though they simply state that there is a "consensus", which unfortunately is true within certain political circles, it is the way they present it which is so wrong. They clearly have a bias, and textbooks are suppossed to be as objective as possible, especially when something is yet to be proven. Then they go on to mention God of War 4 in the same sentence as School Shooter (wasn't school shooter some relatively tasteless "homemade game" with no sort of wide spread adoption)? It is quite funny though that those who make these accusations fail to mention the vast amount of youth who watch mature and violent films and tv. I sort of believe that this witch hunt against gaming will go away as the younger generations begin to find their way into upper-echelon political positions and research commities. Seems like old-school political figures looking for a way to sway older population into votes...just blame the violent foaming-out-the-mouth video game playing youth for every violent tragedy and then pursue that end.

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jackanderson19853716d ago (Edited 3716d ago )

alot of articles before the actual naming of God of War Ascension did call it God of War IV so probably due to that....still the whole premise of games and violence being interlinked is pretty ridiculous, a (relatively) few cases of games being used as an excuse for violence while the millions and millions of non-violent gamers is disregarded

Abriael3716d ago (Edited 3716d ago )

Most probably the ignorant writer just misnamed God of War 3

I don't think he was knowledgeable enough to know anything about a yet unreleased game.

MidnytRain3715d ago

How do we know this isn't just a typo? The words "There's also a growing consensus" make it sound like it's just reporting, and not claiming.

PurpatraitorMGS3716d ago

Didnt you guys know? Hitler was in love with GTA!

G20WLY3716d ago

He wasn't keen on the original Wolfenstein. :)

rambi803716d ago

It is also a fact that after violent cave drawings were banned, the entire mongol empire became super peaceful and are today known as hippies

iDadio3715d ago

Waiting for the Daily Mail to blame some game on the tense situation in Ukraine.

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NeloAnjelo3716d ago

Many studies have proved otherwise. This game is also rated Mature.

Abriael3716d ago

The point is that the game isn't rated, because it hasn't even been announced :D

isa_scout3716d ago (Edited 3716d ago )

Just goes to show that the people that blame video games for societies woes have no real knowledge of the industry they fight so vehemently.

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Someone drew Mega Man in the God of War style and it's the Norse reboot you didn't know you needed

Every now and again a video game reboot comes along that completely changes how you feel about its characters, message, and the overall franchise. For many people that was God of War, when creative director Cory Barlog reimagined it in the Norse world. Now this might sound ridiculous, but the next candidate could very well be Megaman. Yes, seriously. Artist Marco Plouffe drew the bright blue hero as if he has been brought up in the harsh world of furs, ale, and gods that are a bit too enthusiastic about killing each other and giving birth to giant serpents.

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Nacho_Z1821d ago

Hats off for the quality of the picture but it's just shaved Kratos with a helmet. Should be blue surely.

Asuka1821d ago (Edited 1821d ago )

His concept is blue in the article. The thumbnail is actually protoman I believe... or judge dredd who knows

yomfweeee1821d ago

No, the thumbnail is Mega Man in GoW. There is also a Mega Man Dark Souls and Mega Man Alien variant.

Asuka1821d ago (Edited 1821d ago )


It's clearly protoman's helmet tho...

CorndogBurglar1821d ago

You are right. The artist's page shows he has a bunch of projects called "Mega Man in...." where he takes characters from Mega Man and fits them in to other franchises.

This project is called Mega Man in God of War, but this is totally Proto Man. It even says it on his page.

devind1821d ago

@yomfweeee The Dark Souls one is not Megaman.

Zeke681821d ago

While this was a great article and concept, I think this "wow let's copy god of war" "wow let's copy battle royal" "let's copy soulsbourne" or whatever is more bad than good for the gaming industry. Why not take, in this example God Of War "style", but put it in let say a middle east setting?
I understand small studios (and ea ms studios) wants to copy everything under the sun, but if you can't come up with your own ideas, why have a studio to begin with?

TLDR; be unique - not a rip off from yesteryear

Zeke681821d ago

Sad to see out 6votes 1 like new, fresh ideas and 5 want another copy and paste game.
No wonder we get a zillion Battle Royal games but not one shooter thinking outside the BR, MT's, multiplayer formula. Why bother do something new and exciting when "the masses" is happy with clone after clone?! I still have hope some unheard of studio is building away on their own unique game like minecraft, pubg, demons souls did back in their beginning. Rather play something new now and then instead of Assassins Creed #57, Need For Speed #326 or battle royal #1057...
Seems I'm in minority here thinking like this. 😩🤔

AK911821d ago

Um no I’m good thanks.

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DrumBeat1844d ago

Look out, Father! Shut it, boy!

He was definitely annoying in combat.