
Nintendo Enthusiast: Week In Review - Episode 2

In this latest addition of Nintendo Enthusiast: Week In Review, we go over some of highlights in the news of the last week. You're also not going to want to miss a 'fan reaction' to particular news announcement.

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SirNintend03747d ago

"Wii U outsells 360 LTD in Japan? Oh my god....oh my GOOOOOOOOOOOOD! *rips shirt*"

People you need to watch this video just for that segment. Starts at 2:10ish.

PoSTedUP3746d ago

lol, ehh was that a Coors Light aluminum bottle?? i love thoes!!

ptownjbo3746d ago

Slayer and Nintendo? I dig it.

Dunban673746d ago

perceived software drought?? its pretty real- most of owning a wii u since launch has been a drought unless you are thrilled w platformers and little other game variety

SirNintend03746d ago

The thing about software droughts is this: Do you finish every game you buy? I have a backlog of titles, including like 4 on the Wii U. Games like Deus Ex: Human Revolution DC take 40 hours+ on the first play through, plus there is so much to discover that you could easily do 100+ hours on multiple playthroughs. That's just on ONE game ya know? I do agree I'd like to see a steadier flow of Nintendo titles for the Wii U, but I think that's coming (finally)

higgins783746d ago

Its true, usually people who talk about the Wii U having a software drought - and it does to a point, you cant escape that fact - have a short attention span, either that or way too much time on their hands.

Dunban673746d ago

I see your point- and I hope you are right about more games coming- in the short term there are def games for me to play, although I bought the Wii U for my 8 year old son and there are not as many that he likes (or he has played thru them having more time to do so). But the variety is very low and at the rate they are producing games there won t be much at the end of the life span- My Son and I still play more Wii games on the Wii U than we do Wi U games- and there are, in comparison so much more genere s to choose from (on the Wii) -
additionally for us, 3rd party is big (even the older ports at the beginning) because we only have a Wii/ Wii U home console- going forward I don t see many good 3rd party games so whatever Nintendo and Lego games come out going forward may be it-

SirNintend03746d ago

What kinda games you like Dunban?

Dunban673746d ago

I like games like Xenoblade, Picmin, Monster Hunter, Zelda to name a cross section (Playing Earthbound now), Batman Arkham City was pretty good imo - I do want to get the Deus Ex game you mentioned and will get it- I enjoyed Darksiders II a lot - I look forward to playing ACIV as well - I wanted to get into MAdden and FIFA (or at least try to) but that will be difficult on the Wii U ( I may still buy the Wii U Madden and FIFA to learn them both playing single player

I like playing the Lego games w my son in addition to most any games he enjoys (He wants more than anything Mindcraft which is a perfect Nintendo/Wii U game - they should have done what it takes to get that game on the Wi U - lots of young gamers/ gamers to be are huge Minecraft fans

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SirNintend03746d ago

Exactly Higgins78. When I was a kid and got a new game I'd play it for hours on end trying to master it. Now days people play a game for a couple days and are "done" with it.


Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze almost brought back Enguarde

The creative director of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze has revealed that Enguarde almost made it into the game.

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SimpleSlave490d ago (Edited 490d ago )

I'm glad they didn't. I heard he was asking for way too much money to reprise his role as a mascot. Which is ludicrous since everybody knows Rambi is the real star here. Enguarde is just a second stinger at best.

The audacity of this fish! SHAME!!!


Top 30 Best Platformers On Switch

BLG writes: "For fans of the genre, the Switch is absolutely essential. It’s home to many titles that aren’t just among the best Switch platformers—but the best platformers of all time. So, bearing every eligible game in mind, here are 30 must-play platformers on the system."

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The best 2.5D games from Nintendo: Metroid Dread and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Nintendo Everything discusses the best 2.5D games from Nintendo, specifically Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and Metroid Dread.

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