
PS4 Xbox-like Official Licensed Asymmetrical Controller Released by Hori

If you have a PS4, but prefer asymmetrical analog sticks like the ones you find on Xbox controllers, Hori recently released the Horipad4 FPS controller that could fit your needs.

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Alan_Shore3750d ago

Why is there no touchscreen on it? Just kidding ;D

Gazondaily3750d ago

That's a good point though.

No headset connector and no trackpad would make this useless for many games. No lightbar is a plus though

LuaMaster3750d ago Show
MRMagoo1233750d ago

I'll be sure to get one of these when my left thumb mutates to a different position than my right. Why on earth would anyone buy a far inferior controller to use on the ps4, anyone that has used the ps4 controller knows how good it is.

Gazondaily3750d ago

"And more importantly, the retarded layout of the analog sticks."

How is it retarded? Many people, including me, prefer the asymmetrical layout of the analog sticks. The 360 controller is heralded by many as one of the best controllers out there (minus the dpad of course) for a reason.

TitanUp3750d ago

Have you played with a PS4 controller? it feels really good

morganfell3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

"Many people, including me, prefer the asymmetrical layout of the analog sticks."

Why? In all seriousness, why? Are your arms abnormally formed to the point you find arranging your palms facing a discomfort? Is there some reason that bringing your left hand back 1.5 inches when resting on your lap creates muscle cramp? Is your left arm longer?

Excuse me but I think you are a marketing victim and Microsoft put one over on you and quite a few other people. Especially when it comes to constantly having to pull the left trigger and then the right. Slight, but nevertheless existing off angle pressure is created on the controller and it is actually less efficient.

My hands rest comfortably in a symmetrical manner on my thighs when I am gaming with a DS and the science of that is simply not possible to beat with fashion statement.

And the trackpad? Well, they can't compete with that smart tech.

gamertk4213750d ago

Marketing victim? Hahaha, the Game cube had asymmetrical sticks, too. I also invert my sticks for games, too. For me, it's probably because I started off as a pc gamer, and my left and right hands were most comfortable slightly off center. It translates to my thumbs on the stick. Also, the early controllers I used on pc, for sports games mostly, just had the left stick and the buttons next to it on the right. When controllers came out with 2 sticks, it made more sense for my hands, for the left stick and buttons to remain even, and the right stick to be below. You may not agree, but don't belittle, as we tend to likewise look down on those who prefer symmetrical sticks. To Each Their Own!

That being said, I am pretty comfortable playing with the DS4, but wouldn't mind a good controller for ps4 with offset sticks. This controller shown looks like crap, though, so the search continues.

thehitman3750d ago

@ Morgan

Well Said lol. I dont know how anyone can use an asymmetrical controller. It also makes playing fighting games much more difficult as the d-pad is harder to use in that position. I had a gamecube so I have experience with both types of designs and the dualshock is easily the most balanced gaming controller for all games, especially with the new improvements from the DS3. In the end though its all preference and opinion but I think that this hori controller is horrible.

MadLad3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

Many people take to that "retarded" layout of the sticks.
Can you leave the bias at the door? I know you feel safe to not be chastised too bad for it here at N4G but, really, you guys are just tired at this point.

That said, that thing is one ugly mother . . .

Gazondaily3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

"Why? In all seriousness, why? Are your arms abnormally formed to the point you find arranging your palms facing a discomfort?"

Who are YOU to tell me what MY preferences are? I prefer them because with an asymmetrical design my hands are further apart and thumbs feel like they have have more freedom.

Playing a FPS for instance; the way I hold it, more on the edges because of the design, I can navigate more precisely with the edges of my thumbs. Horizontal movement feels more precise and diagonally, I can tilt back with my the top-left edge of my left thumb for instance.

The DS4's analog sticks leave a lot to be desired for my by the way. I find it slips a lot when trying to make more precise movements as my experience playing BF4 has revealed. Also, you rely on use the 'face' of your thumbs more with the DS4 (well I do) considering the positioning. It just doesn't feel as precise.

"Excuse me but I think you are a marketing victim and Microsoft put one over on you and quite a few other people"

Are you serious?? YOU are one to talk. No one's put anything over me. Unlike a lot of people on here, I can actually formulate my own opinions.

And I actually prefer the PS4 controller overall (are you happy now) but to me, for FPS', the X1 controller is far better (not just because of placement of the analog stick but also other factors such as the quality of the sticks etc).

I gave the win to the DS4 at Gamescom AND at Eurogamer.

Here's the proof:


Anyone else want to question my preference? Marketing victim? Try again

Lol and in that video, someone is calling me a Sony fanboy.


TekoIie3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

"Why? In all seriousness, why? Are your arms abnormally formed to the point you find arranging your palms facing a discomfort?"

Are your arms so abnormally formed that you cannot seamlessly switch between the two? Are you really making comments like that over peoples preference?

I need a wrist rest on the PC to play comfortably with Mouse and KB, so are my arms abnormally formed compared to those who don't need it?

I think you should grow up and stop being a slave to the console war buddy :/

SITH3750d ago

The fact this thing was even made speaks volumes about the design. I still have not seen a playstation controller design for an Xbox 36o, or one.

MiloGarret3750d ago Show
morganfell3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )


I think you have some personal issues. You are the one who is the slave in the console war and your emotional rather than logical, measured response reveals this quite clearly.

I asked some very straightforward questions and it is you that seem to have taken personal offense. Look how many people actually failed to answer some simple inquiries concerning body mechanics and instead decided jumping up and down was the best possible response...which was the tact you chose. If you can't use logic...oh well. Milo's remarks are the poster child for adolescent, angst driven responses.

And the reality is this offset stick business has been used as a marketing tool. If you choose not to see that, well, there is proof. It doesn't mean it doesn't work for YOU, but then again you offered up no explanation, no response based on reason and anything you have to say on now is simply worthless.

And for the blind, nowhere did I say I could not switch between the two I merely stated my preference and a simple fact of the science of mechanics, and asked some mostly unanswered questions.

Of course Septic's initial and excellent point regarding no trackpad has been completely avoided by the rabid, emotion driven responders.

Gazondaily3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

"Of course Septic's initial and excellent point regarding no trackpad has been completely avoided by the rabid, emotion driven responders."

Mate, your response was hardly productive, basically berating others for their preference and then assuming Microsoft fooled us into forming our preferences. You, and a lot of Sony faithful (avoiding the use of term no matter how much I want to use it) need to get your 'attitude' sorted. Seriously. ALWAYS on the offensive. Worse than PC fanboys I swear.

So please don't pretend that you're taking the high road, talking as if symmetrical controls are superior as established fact when it all boils down to preference.

"And the reality is this offset stick business has been used as a marketing tool. If you choose not to see that, well, there is proof."

Show us then instead of making sweeping statements.

"And the trackpad? Well, they can't compete with that smart tech"

Lol please. That trackpad is hardly what I call smart tech.

morganfell3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

Berating others? I asked questions right off the bat that most did not bother addressing in the least.

Was it because I stated they may have been a victim of marketing? I have to disagree with your erred deduction. That isn't personal, and it is certainly nothing compared to what has been leveled at me in this thread. Did you call any of those persons out for such remarks? No, of course you fail to mention any of that whatsoever when making accusations of fanboyism. You by pass questions of simple science and defend emotional responses. See the irony?

But then again that wouldn't allow you to justify your point so it is apparently machts nichts as far as you are concerned.

And hordes of PS4 owners with disagree with you regarding the trackpad being smart tech.

Gazondaily3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

"Was it because I stated they may have been a victim of marketing?"

No you stated that I was a victim of marketing. It was directed at ME. So if someone accuses of something like that, expect me to comeback at you, especially if your comments are completely baseless.

"That isn't personal, and it is certainly nothing compared to what has been leveled at me in this thread. "

It is personal. You replied to me remember? And I don't care what others levelled at you. For the most part, I actually I agree with them anyway.

"Did you call any of those persons out for such remarks?"

Why? That's your job not mine. You think I'm a moderator on here?

"No, of course you fail to mention any of that whatsoever when making accusations of fanboyism. "

Of course I do. Accusations of fanboyism aren't dependent on their sentiments.

"You by pass questions of simple science and defend emotional responses. See the irony?"

What irony? Simple science? I answered my question correctly. If only massive corporations like Nintendo and Microsoft shared your wisdom when spending millions designing their controllers, which most people like anyway eh?

"And hordes of PS4 owners with disagree with you regarding the trackpad being smart tech."

Let them. I'm always on the defence against the Sony horde on here anyway for the years I've been on here. That isn't an indictment on my views whatsoever.

The arrogance of Sony 'fans' really winds me up, especially on here.


Why do you lot do this? Seriously? Why can't you lot accept the fact that you have your preferences and others have their own? Why validate your opinions by being condescending against fans of other platforms?

morganfell3750d ago

So stating someone is a victim is an insult? You must be an enjoyable person to walk around with...on eggshells. Excuse me, but you have something on your shoulder.

Oh wait, your name is septic...

It isn't your job, and no one would hire you as a mod. Do not be concerned as I would never make that estimation where you are concerned.

Despite you accusations toward me, you are certainly the one pretending to take the high road, not I. You want to parade around in glorified robes of objectivity then lets see your words bear that out. I have never done so and those familiar with my post history know that I have gone out of my way numerous times to state in black and white I am a Sony fanboy. I have never, ever denied that. Its what makes the actions of those who pretend otherwise as regards their system such a farce.

Mass production of any object is absolutely no indication or proof whatsoever of it's soundness. That is sheep mentality. Popularity in no way indicates correctness, talent, viability, or anything of the like. By that logic Miley Cyrus is a talented artist.

Have fun playing. You keep your offset sticks and I will keep the best controller ever designed to date - not just my opinion mind you - that has symmetrical sticks and a slick piece of tech in the trackpad to go with the built in speaker.

Gazondaily3750d ago

LMAO! Pure comedy gold I swear.

"Have fun playing. You keep your offset sticks and I will keep the best controller ever designed to date - not just my opinion mind you - that has symmetrical sticks and a slick piece of tech in the trackpad to go with the built in speaker."

Lol no. I'll enjoy both controllers , gliding around my living room with my fancy "robes of objectivity"

"You must be an enjoyable person to walk around with...on eggshells."

I'm the most chilled person you'll meet lol. No eggshells needed.

"I have never done so and those familiar with my post history know that I have gone out of my way numerous times to state in black and white I am a Sony fanboy."

And that's why I can't take your opinions seriously.

Hicken3750d ago

At least you didn't come with that "asymmetrical is more ergonomic" BS.

Still, what you say really seems to boil down to preference, which isn't really empirical data.

But more people prefer PlayStation than Xbox, and most of them DON'T get controllers like the one here. Moreover, while there's the claim that the Xbox controller is better for FPS(debatable, as I seem to do quite well without one, and not so well WITH one), there's also the claim that the DualShock is superior at everything else.

DragonKnight3750d ago

Septic, you take things way too personally.

OT: This controller will probably be useless for many, many games. Sony built in the trackpad for a reason, so this controller will not be able to make use of a lot of in-game features.

Also, I love how people forget that the only reason MS made the Xbox controller have an asymmetrical design was because they had to. It's almost literally the only difference between it and the DS controller from a design intent purpose. There are other aesthetic and minor differences of course, but had they made their analog sticks the same as the DS design, then lawsuits would occur.

People buy into marketing too much sometimes.

sinspirit3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )


Preference is one thing. But, trying to say there is more precision is another. Especially the fact that the DS is technically way more precise in pressure sensitivity and analog sensitivity than the 360 controller.

Well, the Dualshock has soft grip and less tension on the analogs, so moving them is no problem unless you're really rough on them. So, I don't see how they could possibly slip.

I can use the same argument.. You rely only on the tip of your thumb on the end of a stick, moving it in every direction is harder for you. Using the face of the thumb means more grip. I don't know if you think you always have to have your thumb pressed against the stick in the same way or what. I don't even use the face of my thumb. I use the lower part of my thumb and the joint in my thumb most of the time but as I swivel my thumb closer to the tip of my thumb it brings the stick closer without ever having to change my hands orientation on the controller to adjust for bringing my thumb closer or further away, because it doesn't prod at the stick. Meanwhile, when people that prod at the stick using the tip of their thumb like you tend to have to use your entire thumb extensively and sometimes move your hand around a little too.

I don't see why it's comfortable for your right hand but uncomfortable for your left. Aiming requires more precision than movement.

Gazondaily3750d ago

"Also, I love how people forget that the only reason MS made the Xbox controller have an asymmetrical design was because they had to"

Really? Then why were Sony so close to having an asymmetrical design for the DS4?


"We did test having the analog sticks on top, since the Xbox has the left side on top [above the D-pad]. Especially from the shooter teams — we got feedback that that’s what they wanted. They knew that consumers liked the 360 for shooters."

TekoIie3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )


"I think you have some personal issues. You are the one who is the slave in the console war and your emotional rather than logical, measured response reveals this quite clearly."

Well this appears baseless. Attaching an emotion to writing isnt always the smartest thing to do since you will 9 times out of 10 project a false tone to the writing. Just some advice for you.

Understanding that someone can have a preference for one game-pad over the other is logical. The controllers have so few differences in how they operate to the point where its easily possible.

"I asked some very straightforward questions and it is you that seem to have taken personal offense. Look how many people actually failed to answer some simple inquiries concerning body mechanics and instead decided jumping up and down was the best possible response...which was the tact you chose. If you can't use logic...oh well. Milo's remarks are the poster child for adolescent, angst driven responses."

Because you argued AGAINST PREFERENCE when the reasoning for its existence in this subject should be obvious.

Someone may prefer the design of the Xbone controller over the DS4 because of the analog placement. Someone might prefer the DS4 for its touchpad.

The differences outside of what I just raised are so minimal that preference becomes a logical possibility (as I said earlier).

Look at what you said for just a second:

"My hands rest comfortably in a symmetrical manner on my thighs when I am gaming with a DS and the science of that is simply not possible to beat with fashion statement."

So is it not possible that someone could find the DS uncomfortable? Is it "not possible" for there to be a viewpoint that differs from your own?

DragonKnight3750d ago

@Septic: Close, but didn't happen so your point isn't at all relevant. Especially when you consider that I was talking about what Microsoft would do with their controller, not Sony.

Honestly, the amount of SonyToo™ comments grows increasingly sad.

maniacmayhem3750d ago

"Why? In all seriousness, why? Are your arms abnormally formed to the point you find arranging your palms facing a discomfort?"

LMAO, this comment is truly hilarious.

You guys act like holding the 360 controller is like playing a game of Twister with 2 hours in with 6 other people.

How absolutely mind boggling these comments are that force the term "asymmetrical layout". Nature, Allah, Bhudda or whoever you believe in who has created you has given you the talent to work both your arms independently.

And besides, the Left stick is mainly in 95% of games used for character movement which IS aligned with the buttons on the 360 controller. The right stick is mainly used for camera control where you move it every so often to get a good view of gameplay. So how is it all you sony guys are getting these "cramps" using the 360 controller??

Something tells me your not, I get this feeling there is this little bias nagging in these posts. I can switch from the PS3 controller to Xbox seamlessly and without fail.

Maybe it's personal physical issues you guys might have that is preventing you from performing actions when one hand is 1.5 inches away from where it normally is.

darthv723750d ago

I like both layouts of the ds and xb controllers to be perfectly honest. it all depends on the type of game but some just feel more comfortable when playing with a particular stick layout.

Nothing wrong with choice.

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 3750d ago
PERK7NS3750d ago

Might buy one of theese and change output settings to 720p.

SirBradders3750d ago

As horrible you lr comment is, it made me laugh alot.

G20WLY3750d ago

You can pretend you're playing Infamous, The Order, Uncharted, etc. on XBone... :)

nerdkiller3750d ago

this is like the black and white cooking on seinfeld that made him throwup later

Volkama3750d ago

I tried loads of different controllers for the PS3 because the DS3 was horrid, but the 3rd party ones were even worse.

The DS4 is not horrid, so you can bet your arse the 3rd party ones are worse.

Too much emphasis gets placed on the symmetry of the sticks. That isn't key to comfort at all (as evidenced by the fact that both the One and PS4 controllers are good).

InTheLab3750d ago

I disagree. The X1 controller ruined the layout of the bumpers. It just feels awkward and unnecessary.

Volkama3750d ago

Fair enough In The Lab, everyone has their preferences. I was referring to the stick layout more so than the pads in general though.

Personally I find the 360 and One controller pretty interchangeable.

G20WLY3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

I don't either - I never did understand the whole asymmetrical layout thing. :/

But, to each their own, and I think this is a great idea. Tonnes of people have spent over a decade on Xbox controllers and so, for them to change to a symmetrical layout would feel as strange as me changing to an asymmetrical one - which I could never do!

I have seen comments where people have said they want PS4, but can't change pad layout now. This is ideal for them!

Tell your friends, people! :)

Volkama3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

If you actually try an asymmetrical pad I'm willing to bet you'll adjust pretty much instantly. I haven't heard a 360>PS4 convert complain about the symetrical sticks after using them either.

It's only important that the sticks are positioned to be comfortable, and that's possible with either layout.

The DS3 was less comfortable than the 360 for a lot of people, and they attribute it to the symmetry because that's a visually obvious difference. It wasn't the reason at all, the sticks just weren't placed well. The d-pad and buttons had pride of place on DS3.

G20WLY3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

Until now, I hadn't realised you could add a description next to your picture. ;P

You don't like Xbox pads?

cyber_daemonx3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

I actually prefer the symmetrical stick layout of the DS4. It's nice though for people who prefer an asymmetrical design though.

It's not exactly aesthetically pleasing though lol.

DigitalRaptor3750d ago


Says it all. Our bodies are born and grow symmetrical for a reason. ;)

BattleTorn3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

I hate this argument.

Because the way we use the thumbsticks is not symmetrically.

When you swing a bat or golf club - do you place your hands directly on top each other (with fingers woven together) because "our bodies are symmetrical"??

Or do you off centre them? Placing one ahead of the other?


Are both your feet planted both facing forward when you throw a ball?

I'm a strong PS4 supporter, but our usage of the thumbsticks is about as symmetrical as our usage of our limbs in sports. Both sides are used for different roles.

cyber_daemonx3750d ago

@BattleTorn. Is it not down to personal preference? Some people prefer symmetrical stick placement, some asymmetric.

I can do both, but prefer symmetrical.

At least there is a choice now, is that not good ?

MightyNoX3750d ago

This is why I laugh when people say they hate the dual shock (3 or 4) as the ONLY reason they refuse to buy a PS (3 or 4). There alternative 3rd party solutions that offer the same experience.

BillJr1063750d ago

I disagree, third party controllers are never add solid and well built as their first party brothers

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Kerppamaister1306d ago

Sony, your turn to get on board.