
Dead Rising 3 gets third DLC pack tomorrow

The third expansion for Dead Rising 3 on Xbox One is due out tomorrow on Xbox Live. Although Microsoft has confirmed the release, details of the DLC itself remain unknown

GusBricker3752d ago

Nice! I'll have this, Thief and Lords of Shadow 2 all available tomorrow. Not to mention, Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare, too, if I pick that up.

Crazay3752d ago

I have a Thief and Garden Warfare download codes...and I also have Season Pass for DR3. Oh my god how am I going to keep up?

insomnium23752d ago

Is this DLC going to be fr*ahahahaaaa* damn it I almost made it to the end.

SteamPowered3752d ago

Holy crap. They sure dont want too much lead time before these releases. Seems like I am hearing about them the day before they drop.

matrixman923752d ago (Edited 3752d ago )

wtf...the last one like just came out. With this I am expecting it to be extremely short again. Oh well, already bought the season pass

Also, this article states that Fallen Angel will be the last dlc pack. That one is already out. The last one will revolve around a police officer

Eldyraen3752d ago

I assumed all 4 of these would be short affairs after the first released. They show a little more of what happened to the city but lack the presentation of the core story.

I enjoy them but there is a reason they score as low as they do. The dlc itself is a great idea but feels like they didn't put as much effort as they should had. I am still happy with my purchase but just not as well implemented as it could had been (more Pycho/Story flair and would had fit better).

mikimiki3752d ago

Suggests theres a new image showing one of the new vehicles .. doesn't show it hmmm

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What Happened To The Dead Rising Series?

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darthv721399d ago

Interesting timing. This retrospective was released just a few days ago: https://youtu.be/Et-cKSrWuc...

Darksonic221399d ago

Ah no, I just felt like writing it as I started playing the game again and wanted to offer up my opinions 😁

InklingGirl1399d ago

I was thinking the same thing when I saw the title.

1398d ago
MadLad1399d ago

Complacency and new teams who didn't understand what made the series special.

Darksonic221399d ago

Seems like there was just a ton of infighting aswell and so many more issues. Honestly sadly Dead Rising 5 before it was cancelled sounded nothing like dead rising, nothing learnt from. Dr4 at all.

ColdSin1399d ago

DR4 should have not been made anyways. DR3 closed everything nicely.

darthv721399d ago

Check out the vid i posted above.

MadLad1399d ago

They're a solid channel. I always click on their vids, unless it's a series/game I simply have no interest in.

RamRod881399d ago

They took away the depth and charm of the game that made it fun and interesting, and made it into a generic zombie killing game.

DeadManMMX1399d ago

This was the series the got me to buy an Xbox 360. The first one was so good. It still had horror elements. As it went on it became kind of a parody. Never forget getting Zombie Genecider achievement and then restarting the game to get the Mega Buster. That thing was monstrous against enemies.

Gamerking821399d ago

But you never know it might be RISING again someday .

moriarty18891399d ago

haha yes it may....good one.

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