
Theif Review | EGM "A criminal offense"

Even if future patches smooth out some of the glitches and technical wrinkles (I can confirm that the Day One update doesn’t—not by a long shot), there’s just not enough promise here to make waiting around worthwhile. As both a diehard fan of stealth games and someone who recently played through the original Thief games for the first time, it breaks my heart to say that this reboot does far more harm than if we’d gotten no new Thief at all. In a way, it all feels a little Frankenstein-ian, not just because Eidos Montreal seemingly stitched the game together from so many disparate parts, but also because both works shares the same lesson: Be careful about bringing something long dead back to life, lest you create an abomination.

hulk_bash19873732d ago

Wow the game looked promising, but it looks like technical issues are really bad. I may just have to cancel my pre-order and wait till they patch it.

oIITSBIIo3732d ago

stupid review the game is not that bad .

MadLad3732d ago

A game that doesn't live up to previous games in the series and, in the opinion of the writer, may even hurt the series, tied-in with technical issues, could very well allow for a score such as this.
With the recent release of RealMyst: Masterpiece Edition it, I felt, deserved a six on its technical issues alone. That game, in my opinion, is the definitive release of a game that I feel is one of the best of the genre.

CertifiedGamer3731d ago

I am glad that this review gave an honest opinion of the game and it's technical issues. Games like Battlefield 4 got a review from famous websites that never mentioned the bugs on day 1. The game is still infested with bugs.

frostypants3732d ago (Edited 3732d ago )

Who are you to tell the reviewer what to think?

oIITSBIIo3732d ago (Edited 3732d ago )

And who are you to tell me what to think or say ?

Tdmd3732d ago (Edited 3732d ago )

I'm seeing a lot of 5s and 6s for this game here on n4g, so I think this score might not be too unfair.

starchild3732d ago

There are also quite a few 8s and 9s.

Here are a few examples...



So, yeah, the opinions on this are all over the place. It's always best to use your own judgement. I mean, how many of you guys' favorite movies received low scores on metacritic? How many movies that received high scores are movies you don't even like? Games are no different. It's a very personal sort of thing.

Tdmd3732d ago (Edited 3732d ago )

So far, here on N4G, I've counted 12 reviews scoring this anywhere from 3s to 6s, and 10 reviewers saying it's something around 7, (with a very few of those giving it 8s and beyond). I guess some reviewers are more tolerant than others. I'm can't afford to be: games are expensive and I have a big wishlist, so I must be selective with my money. All in all, what that tells me is that, at it's best, thief is an ok/mediocre game. At it worst, it is an downright unplayable mess.

Wanna know how it is different with movies? I don't usually pay 60 bucks, plus shipping and taxes fee to gamble with a bad movie. And here where I live, there's no rental place for the games I want to try. So, yeah. When 12 out of 22 reviewers says a game sucks, I tend to take they word for it. At least, 'till a huge price drop happens. It's not like I don't have anything else to play anyway... Dark Souls 2 is right around the corner, so I can wait for that price drop! :D

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3731d ago
ritsuka6663732d ago

I knew this game was going to be a disappointment.

anwe3732d ago

I expected the worst as well. They lost me when they kicked Stephen Russell to the curb. It speaks volumes of their decision making process when they make a reboot and ditch the voice that defined Garrett.


WOW. did not see that coming.

us_army3732d ago

Look at the source people- stick to sites with credibility- the metacritic is sitting around 70, which is not a bad score by any means.

imtheman20133732d ago (Edited 3732d ago )

Seriously. From what I've seen -- video previews, live streams, and written previews -- the game deserves at least a 7 based on production values alone. Whether or not the gameplay holds up is to be seen. With all of these mixed reviews, I'd advise people to play it for themselves to judge it.

pkb793732d ago

you cannot quantify the quality of a game based on the amount it cost to make. If this was the case Star Wars the old republic would be the best game ever made and John Carter would have been on of the best movies ever made. Clearly in both cases that it untrue.

imtheman20133732d ago (Edited 3732d ago )


I'm not. I simply stated that it appears it's production values seem to be of high quality, which is an important factor when it comes to reviewing games. I also explained that we would still have to wait and see if the gameplay holds up. Which if it doesn't, would obviously drop the score considerably.

Many factors go into reviewing games, and I think that when the general consensus is mixed on a particular game, people should try the game before judging it.

wannabe gamer3732d ago

Sorry but i dont consider AI that stares at you from 10 feet away and then doesnt notice you to be a high production value. if you are talking about graphics alone as the production value then thats the wrong way to do things

Salooh3732d ago (Edited 3732d ago )

This game is obviously a normal game. It doesn't deserve praise or low score like this one..

It's 7/10 for a last gen game. For this gen it's 5/10.

To me normal games are 5/10 in this gen lol. Because they don't do anything new in graphics or gameplay or even story. I buy them if there is nothing else to play to waste time until the good/great games release.

frostypants3732d ago (Edited 3732d ago )

A 70 isn't good either. Games tend to be scored like tests, because most people were raised to think that way and judge things accordingly when they are evaluating. Anything under a 70 in virtually any test in any walk of life is pretty horrible.

This game is by all accounts (so far) well short of the benchmark for the series, at best.

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Thief - Taken From Us Too Soon

The Thief game series has had many ups-and-downs, and 2014's reboot showed a great deal of promise nearly a decade ago.

Notellin290d ago

This would be such a great franchise to reboot. A darker game than Dishonored, but focused around stealth and large scale heists from an oppressive monarchy.

That's probably my dream game. I love immersive sims and stealth!

Noskypeno290d ago

People say they hate forced stealth sections in games. But a game focused on stealth with good mechanics and level design feels refreshing from the guns blazing games which I also enjoy. I really enjoyed playing Splinter cell, a game that not many try to mimic today. Not too many games let you shoot lights out, or throw cans or bottles to distract guards. Sure there are games with stealth options like the new Wolfenstein but it doesn't feel necessary to play it that way. Hitman might be the only game that has that feeling, except for that Korean game that may or may not ever come out.

isarai290d ago

You should try the Sniper Elite games, so good, especially with coop

Notellin289d ago

Same here. I'm glad there are some other people who enjoy these types of games!

@isarai I tried Sniper Elite 5 and ended up really enjoying that one. Went back and played 4 as well!.

ModsDoBetter290d ago (Edited 290d ago )

The last one was a trainwreck and has been in the bargain bin since just after launch. If they bring it back, they need a massive change in direction.

Inverno290d ago

only direction they should take is putting it in reverse and going back to what the originals did. I couldn't finish this game, and I made a choice to never play it again. I watched a video about the og Thief and Deus Ex games and the current AAA standard will forever hold back these games. These 2 games alone had already solved so many problems with modern gaming that I don't think they'll get a chance at something great unless they're made by a dev that actually give a damn.

monkey602290d ago

Jesus the last installment sells at about 2 euro and even that is over paying for it. Absolutely diabolical game

SimpleSlave290d ago

Ups and Down? More like Up, UP, Pot Hole, Free Fall into the Abyss...

Rutaprkl290d ago

Thief Deadly Shadows remaster would be awesome.


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