
Wild Tomba! 2 Screenshots Released to Celebrate PSN Launch

In celebration of Tomba! 2’s release, a fresh batch of screenshots have been released today, showcasing the updated visuals of the PSN port.

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Revolt133755d ago

sooooo happy to be able to play it again! :D

Ron_Danger3755d ago

Just a heads up to anyone looking to buy Tomba 2 on the PS Store: It's the Japanese version. Not sure if it's an error on Sony's part, but the version in the US store has all Japanese text. You can even see the Japanese symbols in the first picture in the article here.

Still a great sequel and game.

SamPao3755d ago

This game is legendary, good that Us guys and girls can finaly get it too!

cervantes993755d ago

I think the wrong version is on PSN at the moment. It is the Japanese version. It does not indicate the Japanese version when you buy it and the title for the game is the Western version but when you download it you get the Japanese version.

Disappointed for sure - but I am sure this will get fixed and I can download the US version soon.


PS1 Game prices are out of control – but for some, it’s the perfect time to buy

Take a look at some PS1 game prices that have really taken off over the past 2 years. Some are trending much higher, but a few have dipped recently and it might be your last shot to get them into your collection affordably.

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Tomba! 2 English Version Now Available On The North American PlayStation Store

GS:" A little while ago something rather unusual happened on the North American PlayStation Store. The PlayStation One platform game Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Returns has been made available for purchase in North America but it was later discovered that only the Japanese version has been made available. As the game comes with role playing game elements, this made the game pretty much unplayable for those experiencing it for the first time. Last week it's finally been confirmed that the English version of the game was going to be made available in North America soon and now we can confirmed that Tomba! 2: The Evils Swine Returns is indeed available for purchase on the PlayStation Store."

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shaenoide3133d ago

is the first available too?

TWB3133d ago

Yeah, its been available for a couple of years already and in english.

Zichu3133d ago

The first has been available for a while I think. I know it's available on the UK PSN store. Tombi/Tomba is one of my favourite games and I still own a copy of the game on PS1, but it's scratched quite a lot. It works fairly well.

TWB3133d ago

To this day Im pissed that I let the first Tombi to slip by so easily. It was like in 2005 or so when they weren't yet expensive cult classics, I saw the game for 50€ in my local used games store.

I recognized the game (because I had the second game) but decided to pass on it because the case and manual looked somewhat damaged, the disc was in kinda bad shape and I didnt find the backside that interesting (+ it was too pricey).

Later I heard that the same store had sold the game in 2012 for 200€ when they had removed the scratches and swapped the disc case.

-Gespenst-3133d ago

Not as good as the first game (one of my favourite games of all time), but definitely worth playing. It plays the same as the first one, only the characters are 3D, rather than sprites. It's not as good as the first one in the music department or the general art direction department. Also, the world isn't as memorable or interesting.

God I wish Tokuro Fujiwara would make a third Tomba game though.

addictedtochaos3133d ago

Finally, never got to play this back in the day.


PSOne Classic Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return Out Today In North America

MonkeyPaw Games has announced that the English-language version of the PSOne Classic Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return is out today in North America digitally via the PlayStation Network.

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yewles13134d ago

Finally, the english version.

RosweeSon3134d ago

Can we have Tekken 3 in U.K please (and anywhere else it's not out yet) maybe even some old classic Tony as number 5 was such a letdown

TWB3134d ago (Edited 3134d ago )

My favourite game of all time.

I wonder if they got the music playback working properly in the english version? I think that was the reason why they originaly went with the japanese version.

For those that dont know, the music usually plays like normal but when it ends and is supposed to loop, it skips to another worlds track and is stuttering like crazy (but the gameplay works like normal). *this is if you use the disc with PS3. I think other emulators also behave like this with this game.

The music is IMO fantastic so it would be great if they got it working perfectly in the classic version.

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