
Why Can’t Games Do Splatter, Paedophilia Or Fetus Cannibalism?

Indiestatik: My parents have a habit of asking me what I’ve been up to during the day over the dinner table. They should have learned not to by now.

“I wrote about a game that MIGHT have the first inclusion of fetus cannibalism in it,” I said, somewhat excitedly.

As always, this led to an argument about the “sick minds” that create these kinds of games and films, as well as how they’re apparently encouraging others to rape, murder and otherwise pillage. I try to explain to them that if Blood of the Ortolan did include fetus cannibalism, it wouldn’t be trying to glorify it or make mockery of it; the handling of this taboo would be to purposefully test a person’s barriers in a safe environment (i.e. a game). Blood of the Ortolan is about getting to know people while eating exotic foods with them on a boat. Having fetus cannibalism being representative of a rather testing delicacy (would you eat a baby?) makes sense to me in this context. I can appreciate the allegory and what developer Richard Hofmeier may be intending to do to the player.

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gaminglives3728d ago

This may be an eight-month-old article, but I gave it my approval as it was a damned interesting read and others should get the chance to see it.

Buzz7S3728d ago

Because the industry doesn't need Fox News taking a 3 second conversation or cutscene out of context and making it look like the objective of the game is to abort babies or any other sick and twisted shit.

Malice-Flare3728d ago

on Fetus Cannibalism, Silent Hill 3 says "Hi"...

HarryMasonHerpderp3728d ago

That series did a lot of "taboo" things in games.
Suicide, self harm, rape and like you said Fetus Cannibalism lol.

dennett3163728d ago

And then Konami decided the series suddenly needed to appeal to Western audiences more...despite the fact they appealed perfectly well to the West before they started messing with the formula and trying to make the series combat oriented.
Such a pity that so many Japanese devs have lost their way in an effort to "appeal to the West", when their quirkiness and charm was what made their games appeal to us in the first place.

Malice-Flare3728d ago


anything game after Silent Hill 4: The Room is an idiot Western Dev game...

i don't blame the Japanese Devs, i blame Konami, Tom whatsihisname and Devin whatshername...

Summons753728d ago

Hell, Demon Souls says hi too. The valley of Defilement has a messed up story involving fetuses.

kayoss3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )

People cant even handle Tomb Raider when they thought that Lara was going to be raped. Imagine the outrage for something more "Taboo".
Cant people understand the difference between reality and fiction in gaming. Why is it ok to see things like that in other media like books, movies, and tv shows. But its forbidden or frown upon in video games??

k3x3727d ago

Easy. Because games are for kids and you stop playing them once you grow up. At least that's what most people think anyway, because that's what (mostly) the mainstream media tell them.

Palitera3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )

1. I don't think games are receiving much special treatment on this matter. It just seems like a little game can do whatever he want, but blockbuster titles have to be more careful.

If a GTA game has "extreme scenes", the media explores it as if they'd explore a controversy in a Michael Bay movie. If you make a game about sex, it will probably receive articles like the moie Nymphomaniac, and so on.

Movies suffer from the same tabboos that games do.

They are still 'not allowed' to adore the "true devil overlord" (Hitler) or barely reference him as something not completely horrible and putrid, nor criticize the most awesome guy that ever existed (sorry, sorry, I meant God! Or Son of God! Or both, I'm so sorry) or focus on children killing etc.

Neither games or movies.


2. Good reference, Rinkunchal.

Another examples:

TABBOO SPOILERS BELOW (Heavy Rain, Outlast and Splatterhouse)

Also, Outlast has some hot necrophilia.
Heavy Rain had sexual torture.
Splatterhouse was totally gore based.


Think if these had receive extreme backslash for it. No, they didn't. But GTA V very lighter scenes have.

Finally, we have to differentiate journalism from "gaming journalism". The first one usually has an agenda and will say what pleases the people. The second one ONLY cares for hits, so they're not committed to the content at all and whatever it says, it doesn't matter at all, except on rare exceptions.

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dennett3163728d ago

The movie industry has the mainstream appeal to withstand those kinds of attacks for featuring that kind of material...I don't think the games industry does. That's not fair - of course it isn't - but I think it's entirely understandable. Pundits will stand up for artistic integrity of movies, not so much games.

Besides, with the "quality" of writing in many games nowadays, I really don't think there's anyone qualified enough to cover those subjects well.

linkenski3728d ago

I wouldn't say there's much of a "mainstream" appeal to movies that has fetus cannibalism. At this point, the movie industry is actually quite similar to gaming. The masses go to see the big bang of the summer while the more sophisticated films that might be less action-y and more artistic often end up being viewed by a lesser target-audience than the mainstream. Obviously the big superficial action-epic is gonna be much more in line with what kids and families can endure to watch together, not to mention that other stuff might be too boring for people going to cinemas for social hangouts.

knifefight3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )

Because dumb parents buy games for 8-year-olds without knowing a single thing about the content. And then when crap goes wrong, it's the game's fault. "That M 17+ game showed my 8-year-old disturbing images! How unexpected!"

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Top 10 Saddest Video Games

Alex DS. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "Sometimes we all need a good cry. And while a good book or touching movie can do the trick, there’s plenty of video games with emotional narratives and motifs out there that can help work through some complicated emotions or just experience a sad story."

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piroh980d ago

Top 10 saddest videogames without Final Fantasy X or MGS 3???

Fist4achin978d ago

I wasn't crying at the end of FFX. Something just got into my eye is all.

roadkillers978d ago

The end? Who cares about the end! Tidus was a baby. What about Jehct, my favorite one arm wielding spirit :'(

BrockEmSockEm978d ago

I wish I could play Valiant Hearts for the first time again.

HeliosHex978d ago

How is metal gear solid 3 snake eater not on this list? I was sad for days with that ending.

potedude978d ago

Edith Finch is a very sad game. Well worth a playthrough though.


Sometimes Games Aren’t Supposed to be Fun

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2pacalypsenow1575d ago

Games are entertainment, if they don’t entertain, then they’re useless.

strayanalog1575d ago

Yes, unless you're Sega, in which case you find good uses for it, like using that game as a way to handle stubborn stains, bald spots, and slicing and dicing your favorite foods.

1575d ago
Shiken1575d ago

Games are always meant to be fun. Some people just have fun doing things that others might not. It is almost like FUN IS A SUBJECTIVE CONCEPT.

Tross1574d ago

Well, “fun” is just one of many adjectives that fall under the larger umbrella of “engaging”. I’ve played games I wouldn’t define as fun but I was engaged by them anyways.

I think what we’re seeing is the evolution of gaming beyond the constraint of having to fit a narrow definition of what kinds of experiences to expect. I wouldn’t define every movie, tv show, book or comic as fun either, but there are plenty of those that are engaging.

Dragonopolis1573d ago (Edited 1573d ago )

I like going to the gym working out... it's fun.... but it is hard work but fun..... However I would not list it as entertainment and working out is not a game. Some games seem to have done just that made games a workout like going to the gym.... Its fun but its not entertainment and it is not a game. Workaholics love to work.... they think its fun... how ever I wouldn't categorize it as a game.

I believe it is a mistake....... video games should not be taking too seriously and should always be viewed as entertainment and as a game not a workout or boxing ring..... Too many people on the net stress over losing a match or losing a life in a single player game.... raging/venting on people in matches and most anger has nothing to do with gaming or the group when it comes out but seems to be a trigger because people lose sight of the the purpose of what it is they are doing ....

Playing a Game for Entertainment......

If you've come across gamers like this can't separate their personal life from their social and drag their issues into the game and the rest of the gaming community gets caught up in drama just isn't healthy socially.

I kick my boys of the net when I hear them getting angry playing games online.. I didn't care if my son was on some kind of ranked teamed and there was a tournament .... He learned real quick to temper his anger and realize he was better for it even if he was mad at his father for kicking him a few times in what he considered important "matches".... After talking and pointing out the fun factor had disappeared and also the whole point of why the console was bought in the first place. As my boys are in college I am happy to see them choosing to explore other forms of entertainment and not rely just on video games. .... they're still gaming away though...

For some reason video game world it became ok to continue to play even when your not having fun ..... if its not becoming fun or frustrating .....

Walk away...... just walk away.... its just a game... it will be there tomorrow or the next day