
Kojima Wants MGS5 to Make You “Feel the Future;” Thinks Resolution Controversy “Makes Little Sense”

Legendary Metal Gear Solid Creator Hideo Kojima had a few words to share on Twitter today about the genesis of his studio's FOX Engine and the experiments that led to the open world setting of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, its multiplatform nature and evolutionary approach to gaming.

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maniacmayhem3734d ago

"Resolution Controversy “Makes Little Sense”"

Makes little sense to me also but I do realize certain people on this site need it to sling mud back and forth.

GTgamer3734d ago

I'll take the clearest image quality possible to tbh that adds to the experience so 1080p fits me peferctly 4k will have to wait since Im no where close to buying high quality TV.

PoSTedUP3733d ago

yeah i guess people dont want to see the textures sharper and more clearer... hmm, beats me. its really not the most important thing but it makes sense imo. its great when its 1080p, anyhing else, well, its obvioulsly easy to look past it. a good game is a good game, wasnt TloU like 720p? but imagine if it as 1080 ; ). Exactly.

Black-Helghast3733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

I don't understand how anyone would disagree with you. It's not really something THAT important but when you play a game in 1080p and then play another in a lower resolution, you notice the difference.. a lot. I've seen CoD ghost (which is a game that isn't even pushing the ps4's power) in PS4 and Xbox one and trust me you notice the difference. Call me crazy but i'd take a higher resolution over a lower one anyday. :P

Kenshin_BATT0USAI3733d ago

Or a high quality gaming pc. 4k isn't happening this gen on consoles.

mewhy323733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

Resolution makes perfect sense. If you purchase a device that costs 400.00 and it runs this game at 1080p why would you not have the same expectation from a device that costs 500.00? If the xbone can't keep up with the PS4 then they need to lower the price to make the purchase of the xbone more sensible. If you're getting less power and inferior hardware then you shouldnt be expected to pay 100.00 more or even the same price as the PS4. You should be charged less. Maybe around 299.99. That would make perfect sense and all this resolution and framerate stuff would stop or at least slow down. You wouldn't expect a 300.00 xbone to be able to keep up with a 400.00 PS4. Problem solved. Drop the Kinect and lower the price to 300.00. Paying more for less is just stupid.

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Bolts-N-Rays11093734d ago (Edited 3734d ago )

Yup. I said it earlier today in a post. I don't care about resolution or frame rate. Just give me a good, fun game. That's all I care about, since I play video games to have a good, fun time!!

EDIT: I guess some people don't play video games to have a good, fun time and would rather count pixels and what not. How fun...

dcj05243734d ago

So 160p at 12fps is for ya right?

Bolts-N-Rays11093734d ago (Edited 3734d ago )


If I find it fun, I'll play it, though I would expect that game to be free. Way to try and take it the extreme, buddy.

Also, you missed my point. Clearly, we have some standards now for when we buy these games and consoles. I'm referring to the 1080p vs 720p and 6pfps vs 30fps arguments that run rampant on this and many other sites. And I do realize when 60fps is needed and what not. It's the people who complain that The Order is only 30fps or that XB1 games are, for the most part, 720p. I don't care as long as they are fun games.

Kingthrash3603733d ago

it made enough sense when he stated "mgs looks prettier on ps4" tho...smh...but hey you gotta sale your product.

Jeedai Infidel3734d ago (Edited 3734d ago )

It's sad, really, that some gamers may miss out on exceptional games because they may be told by others that "Game X" on "System A" doesn't have as much resolution as "Game Y" on "System B". It leaves uninformed gamers feeling as though they are being cheated, more so if they are the same game on different platforms. I feel that modern gamers are too saturated with reliance on high specs as an indicator of how fun a game is going to be, it's almost as if comparing specs is more fun than actually playing games to some people. I don't get the attraction to it and I can see this hurting developers as a result.

LOGICWINS3734d ago

"It's sad, really, that some gamers may miss out on exceptional games because they may be told by others that "Game X" on "System A" doesn't have as much resolution as "Game Y" on "System B"."

I don't think people outside of rabid console warriors (a stark minority despite what we see on N4G) think like that. It's an Internet thing.

Jeedai Infidel3733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

LOGICWINS, I'm talking about the "uninformed" gamers that get their news through people like us. I have many friends and family members that would rather I do the leg work and relay news to them, so I try to point them towards games that they would have fun playing as opposed to games that they would like to look at, if you catch my meaning. I'm worried that more and more "console warriors" might steer those types of gamers away from something that they would otherwise have fun playing, because they were told it didn't look that good.

GrandTheftZamboni3733d ago

@Jeedai Infidel

"I don't get the attraction to it"

It's like choosing between big orange and small orange for the same price, NOT big lemon and small orange. We are talking about the same game (fruit) with better or worse graphics (size).

maniacmayhem3734d ago

I feel it's really the internet and the rabid fanboys who care about resolution and framerates and even then they really truly don't.
They just need to sling that at others as an insult or to knock another system.

But I agree that resolution and framerate should take a backseat to design, gameplay and fun.

I like to use the example of BF4 when it was first released. Great graphics, fast framerate but it all means very little when the game is plagued by bugs, glitches and a mp matching that hardly work.

"It's almost as if comparing specs is more fun than actually playing games to some people,"

Lol, I also feel the same way when I read some of the comments on this site.

MysticStrummer3734d ago

Makes perfect sense to me after last generation, when much was made of smaller differences by 360 fans. If it made sense to point out small differences then and declare 360 the multi plat victor, why wouldn't the cheaper yet more powerful PS4 get the same treatment now?

DigitalRaptor3734d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

Because they can give it, but they can't take it. That's why.

We're in a new generation. There was an immense amount of discussion about the power we were to expect from these next-gen consoles, before the games were even mentioned. Only now are we hearing the "oh well it's about the games that are fun, I don't care about graphics". You know, after the Xbox fans realise that their console is significantly underpowered.

There's no reason not to discuss resolution, frame rate, especially if it's an interesting and relevant topic -- which it is. We all talk about graphics and who has the best, and which console has better hardware. And hardware affects the games we play, in ways not restricted to visuals, but how an engine can perform along with those visuals.

And then we have those rapid fanboys who are still in denial and expect some kind of secret sauce or cloud functionality to make Xbox one outperform the PS4, so why can we not talk about how that is simply nonsense and an impossibility? To soothe people's fragile minds? I'm sorry but nope, we'll talk about it all we want. And they'll have to dealwithit.

maniacmayhem3733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )


I recall a different story.

I remember all the PS3 fanboys declaring their console the graphics winner as they always name dropped Naughty Dog, MGS4, God of War plus any other exclusive that came to mind. The same way they would always say it was the superior cell architecture or the very wrong notion that Blu-Ray was making the Ps3 games prettier.

And when side by side comparison articles were on this site the most minute details were clarified and you all deemed ps3 the winner, I remember some saying the ps3 version had blacker blacks, crisper dust particles and they could see jaggies on the 360 version. Laughable at best.

If a multiplat game didn't perform well on the PS3 well then it was ps3 fanboys saying "all about the games", "give the game to ND" or my favorite, "Lazy Devs".

You guys talk about resolutions and framerates more than the games for the ps4.

No one is in denial, how can anyone be in denial when every sony fanboy on this site constantly post reminders in every article that their console is superior to everyone else's.

That is until a PC "elitist" steps in, and then all of a sudden it's all about the games again.

MysticStrummer3733d ago

Nice revisionist history, maniac. The pure hearted gamer beset on every side by ravening fanboys. You should apply at FOX News.

Of course those PS3 exclusive games were held in high regard. They won awards for gameplay and graphics. Why wouldn't PS gamers blame devs for sub-par multi plats when better results could clearly be attained? Meanwhile, when a multi plat released there would be comparisons, pixels would be counted, and 360 usually declared the winner over some small detail, smaller differences than what we're seeing so far this generation. Following that there would be much rejoicing among the MS crowd, and declarations of console domination, all because of a slightly higher resolution or frame rate. Back then those things were worthy of bragging rights, but now let's all just get along…? Personally I'd rather see my PS brethren take the high road, but I can't really blame them when I remember how things were here back then. New MS fans here are reaping what their forefanboys sowed.

starchild3733d ago


You're the one guilty of revisionism. The picture you paint is far from the truth.

The truth is, Sony fanboys bashed the 360 for being weaker and when it turned out the 360 performed better on multiplatform games than the PS3 of course people were going to take notice of such a fact. But it was hardly the mass rejoicing you claim.

There was no "resolution-gate" crap. No mass fanboy rejoicing.

All generation-long Sony fanboys made excuses for the PS3's inferior multiplatform games and consistently downplayed any advantages the PC had in terms of resolution or frame-rate. Now they suddenly act as if those things are of supreme importance. The degree of hypocrisy and double standards is astounding.

There is a very big difference, too, between last generation and this generation. Last generation the PS3 was billed as the more powerful console, yet it generally performed worse on multiplatform games. Now THAT was a news story.

On the other hand, this generation the PS4 is more powerful and it performs better on multiplatform games. THAT is NOT a news story. That is simply to be expected. Yet Sony fanboys have tried to make each and every multiplatform game that looks or performs worse on the XB1 into a major scandal. And the whole gaming community has had to suffer through the repeated "resolution-gate" nonsense at the expense of other more worthwhile topics.

MysticStrummer3733d ago

@starchild - I remember how it was here in the early days of last generation. It was heavily pro 360 and anti PS3. There was mass rejoicing and dancing on PS3's virtual grave… for years. If you understood why it was a valid news story back then for the cheaper console to outperform the more expensive one, then you should understand it just as well now. The difference is that PS3 was more powerful and exclusives showed that, which won't happen with XB1 this time.

There's plenty of hypocrisy to go around, but the MS crowd definitely gets a good piece of that particular pie.

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Sarcasm3734d ago

Why is it so hard for developers to understand people want the best quality for their money as possible. Which means the highest resolution, highest quality textures, highest quality audio, highest quality story, highest quality everything that a studio can do. If it has all that, typically the game will be rewarded by gamers jumping in or the industry giving it accolades left and right.

Imagine if The Last of Us was in 540p with blurry textures everywhere with glitches, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't get all the praise it got.

starchild3733d ago

I would love it if everybody gamed on PC, but sadly a lot of people don't care about such things as resolution and frame-rate and they choose to game on consoles instead.

Dubaman3733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

"Imagine if The Last of Us was in 540p with blurry textures everywhere with glitches, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't get all the praise it got."

Wouldn't that be down to piss poor development, no play testing and no quality control?
Also, in The Last of Us, aren't your companions and NPC's invisible to the enemy so they dont get killed off script? That doesn't seem like a combat and A.I system that was developed to the highest quality. People need to stop focusing on how to make something look beautiful when they should be perfecting its soul. We need better animation, we need better A.I, we need better physics.
You want high definition, you want focus on textures and visual masturbation.

When did gaming become so vain?

Sarcasm3733d ago

I'm not saying it's just visuals, I'm saying it should be EVERYTHING. Yes better AI, better animations, better audio, better everything. Instead we're going a few steps backwards or really side-grading.

While I realize it's not feasible to have that 100% perfect game, to me it isn't too much to ask for a developer to give us what's worth our dollar.

Baccra173733d ago

Give me enough money and I'll tell you anything you want me to too.

This would have more weight if we didn't know:

A. This game was coming to multiple consoles, one of which is known to be the less powerful and capable when compared to it's rival.

B. MS hasn't been caught paying people off left and right.

mcarsehat3733d ago

The people commenting on each side make little sense...

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SwiftArsonist3734d ago

Anything thats a little positive for Sony this people will post and make it a hot article. Stealth marketing at its finest.

ABizzel13734d ago


It has nothing to do with being positive for Sony, but everything to do with gaming. The entire resolution / framerate issue is a PC gamers go to for deciding what graphics card to buy.

To put it in the simplest of terms. If a PC gamer walked into a store and saw a R9 280x GPU for $500, and right next it there's an R9 290x for $400 no one in their right might would pick up the 280x over the 290x for that price.

It's the same issue with the PS4 and XBO. It's not a deal breaker that the XBO is weaker, but being weaker and costing more is a problem. And and for most consumers nowadays it's the cheaper option that gets bought, and with the PS4 you're getting the cheaper and most powerful console available.

MS needs to do something about this or they're going to get left behind in sales, which means they're going to get left behind in developer support, and the power difference is going to be even more noticeable.

SwiftArsonist3734d ago

no they will not fall behind. games dictate console wars. ms sells the most third party games and its a fact. last generation sony was the most powerful console yet games looked better on xbox.

is what to do with what u have. ms is little by little unlocking the potential of the console by making sdk's more easy to use.

rebellion games said that they had trouble creating 1080p games on x1 and n4g ran with it but didnt say anything about the sdk, about how they saying they got no more problems with x1.

is that type of shit that just sick. this site should be impartial but the admins control everything. look at all the anti xbox, anti titanfall articles, in a instant, hot status.

starchild3733d ago

Sony fans didn't care about resolution or frame-rate in the slightest for the past 3 generations, now all of a sudden we have absurd "resolution-gates" over it. Get real. I can't take any of it seriously after being told by console gamers the past three generations that graphics, resolution and frame-rate weren't really that important.

ABizzel13733d ago


"ms sells the most third party games and its a fact."

That's not a fact, and honestly both are neck and neck. The 360 had a full year of software sales ahead of the PS3, and since the 360 took off first as the console to buy, and that helped it take home the greater 3rd party software sales. This generation sales are already neck and neck with MS having more retail games out allowing it to keep pace with the PS4 regardless of having more sells.

"last generation sony was the most powerful console yet games looked better on xbox."

And we all know the horror stories of programming for the PS3, due to Cell, first parties were the ones who had to prove it, and later in the generation 3rd parties got on board and PS3 versions of games generally began performing and looking better. This generation again is different, because both platforms are nearly identical architecturally, but the PS4 is MUCH faster thanks to it's graphics RAM, and it has a more powerful GPU. MS improvements to devkit performance is great, but do you not think Sony's doing the same thing. The XBO will never be able to outperform the PS4 in the same game which means parity is the best they can hope for or end up in situations where the PS4 version has a higher resolution (not much of a problem IMO), higher framerate (30fps vs 60fps is a big deal), or both.

Again it's nothing against the XBO, and anyone who wants to buy an XBO still should, because you'll still get a good gaming experience.

Majin-vegeta3734d ago

*last generation sony was the most powerful console yet games looked better on xbox.

If were talking Multiplats some of them were.But when it came to exclusive Sony shatted all over xbox exclusive graphics.Hell Halo 4 barely looked as good as UC2 a game from 2009.

Nero13143734d ago

Be one with the METAL GEAR

MultiConsoleGamer3734d ago

It makes sense, it's a marketing tool.

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The Metal Gear series has sold over 59.8 million copies

300,000 Metal Gear games were sold during the first quarter of 2023, Konami has announced, bringing the total number to 59.8 million.

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FallenAngel1984356d ago

Still waiting on Konami to put the MGS Collection back on digital stores

Nyxus356d ago

I know right? And rerelease the games for current gen systems while they're at it.

just_looken355d ago

Do not worry they will give use those pichincko remakes for top dollar soon.

Metal gear solid 3 in the fox engine looked/ran amazing but was sealed away :(


Sarcasm356d ago

I know re-makes and stuff have been played to death this generation.

But damn I wouldn't mind an MGS4 remake

gold_drake355d ago

i played it quite recently and it holds up very well

CantThinkOfAUsername355d ago

It does, but a remake will be available on platforms other than PS3.

itsmebryan356d ago

I thought the series would have sold more over all these years and different releases.

Ready4nxtgen356d ago

Yeah I would have thought over 150 Mil. Something.missing here

Nyxus356d ago

Metal Gear isn't that big, and there hasn't been a new release in years. Also MGS2 and 3 are still missing from digital storefronts.

shinoff2183355d ago

5 mgs games in total if I'm not mistaken. 59 60 million seems about right. Mgs is dope to some of us but it would be hard for a lot of regulars to understand

ChasterMies355d ago

I would love to buy MGS4 but it’s still a PS3 exclusive.

JEECE355d ago

Although there are notable exceptions (GTA, certain first-party Nintendo games, Gran Turismo), as a rule games didn't sell as much in earlier generations as they have in the past few generations. So a lot of PS1-PS2 era titles that are viewed as seminal games didn't actually sell all that much by today's standards (yes, despite the large install bases of those systems lol). I remember a similar surprised reaction happening a few months ago when Square announced the total overall sales of Final Fantasy VII.

Deathdeliverer356d ago

Some of the best fun you can have online was the first metal gear online and to a lesser, but still fun to an extent, MGO2. The magazine, CQC, stealth, and tactical play Vs real players is just a blast. Not to mention playing Snake vs everyone? Amazing. The game will never be the same without Hideo, but Konami can definitely update what’s already there and take my money.

ceyoga355d ago

You wouldn't be talking about the OG MGO that was included with MGS3:S would you? It's rare running into another former player. Those were some of the best memories of any online game I had.

Deathdeliverer355d ago

Yes my man!! That seems like the BEST game that nobody played! Tranquilizer pistol, drag the body to a corner and lay a girly mag right by their head so they wake up and instantly get caught by the mag. You could get real toxic if you wanted at that point, but man that game was incredible! The only thing annoying was that damn Konami ID

P_Bomb356d ago

Did my part!

“You’re pretty good” 🫡

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Kojima looks back on Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes on its 9th anniversary

Hideo Kojima: "After the launch, many people seemed to expect GZ to be a full game."

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-Foxtrot414d ago

People would have gotten “your intention” if you stated it from the beginning but people didn’t want smaller episode like MGS games.

He should have just focused on MGSV and work Ground Zeroes into that game instead

I_am_Batman414d ago

I don't remember there being confusion over Ground Zeroes being a full game. But then again I was just starting to catch up on the MGS series as a whole at that point so I might've not paid enough attention or simply have forgotten that there was confusion about it. I bet the whole Moby Dick Studios thing didn't help the casual observer understand what the hell was going on though.

I only got both MGSV games when Phantom Pain was already out and I kinda agree that it probably would've sucked if I had to wait one and a half years to pay The Phantom Pain after Ground Zeroes.

jambola414d ago

I'm sorry what now?
Who expected that?
If it was meant to be episodic or an experiment for that, the price should / would have reflected that

MadLad414d ago (Edited 414d ago )

To be fair, there really wasn't enough content to actually justify even the smaller price tag. It was still half the cost of a full game, yet a 20th of the content.

I can't stand these paid glorified demos.

CrimsonWing69413d ago

Honestly, it was basically similar to the FF15 Duscae demo. My theory is he was taking too damn long to make a game and Konami was like, “Sell what you got!” It just has kind of a scummy corporate “let’s sell this demo for half the price of a full game,” feel to it.

That’s just my take on it. I love Kojima and I love the MGS series, but this and 5 were the biggest let downs, ever. Clearly unfinished work forced out because, in Konami’s defense, Kojima was going over budget and taking forever on the project.

MIDGETonSTILTS17414d ago

Lol, I loved Ground Zeroes, but releasing that level at $40 during a dryspell for games at the onset of the new gen was an obvious cash grab.

I handed over my money happily, but plenty of non-diehard fans were understandably letdown by the scale of what $40 bought them.

Chocoburger413d ago

The price was originally $40 for the physical PS4 and XBO versions, but due to controversy it dropped down to $30 before launch. And as much as I love GZ, and even bought it twice, I do agree that $30 was too much. It should have launched at $20.


staticall414d ago

I don't know how about anyone else. But i've bought it for $20 1 week after release (or $15, don't remember the exact exchange rate) and spent 24 hours beating every mission and getting all the steam achievements. I was 100% aware what the game was about beforehand though and i did enjoy every second of it. I knew it was a work in progress and it was probably the best and less restrictive game i've played in a long time (and controls were just perfect).

Even previous MGS games didn't gave me that much freedom as Ground Zeroes did.
Love stealth? Got you covered.
Want to speedrun? Here's the timer.
Wanna kill everyone? No problem, grab that AK then and let's party.
Wanna cause chaos? Just tell Pequod where to land.
Love to drive? Then go ahead.
Miss Raiden? Then play as him.

I wish they would continue MGSV, finish remaining chapters and add more missions as DLCs, there was SO many options... A poor man still can dream...

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Metal Gear Solid V Is The Greatest Stealth Game Ever Made

Hideo Kojima was dealing with a hostile publisher who was pulling his team’s game apart at the seams in order to launch in some form of finished state, and it’s still downright masterful. Everything about it is mechanically focused and aesthetically nuanced, and not a single thing feels out of place or without purpose. Big Boss moves about each environment with a pace that provides the perfect cadence to use all manner of gadgets in whatever ways you like.

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Mobis-New-Nest585d ago

You are incorrect and I will be taking this time to correct you. The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker Forsaken Fortress is stealth that no game has yet to match. Having Link, crawl, sneak and hide under a barrel is innovative stealth that Metal Gear Solid, Splinter Cell, Thief and Tenchu wish they had achieved. I rest my case.

ChubbyBlade585d ago

Cardboard box beats barrel

585d ago
got_dam585d ago

Lol I see what you did there.

fr0sty585d ago

So tired of opinion pieces... I come here for hot news, not hot takes.

-Foxtrot585d ago

Shit Metal Gear Solid game though

It's boring, empty, repetitive

Great mechanics and gameplay but it's just so dull....

586d ago
Chard586d ago

I played it long after the hype had settled, and I had a blast with it. Strip away the disappointment over what it could have been, and you're still left with a great game

porkChop586d ago

The gameplay loop was phenomenal, no question. From a gameplay standpoint it's an incredible stealth game.

porkChop586d ago

"Hideo Kojima was dealing with a hostile publisher who was pulling his team’s game apart at the seams in order to launch in some form of finished state, and it’s still downright masterful."

Let's not pretend Kojima was entirely innocent there. The game was 5+ years into development, way over budget, and wasn't even halfway done. That's why Chapter 2 is so unfinished and Chapter 3 was scrapped entirely. He was wasting time micromanaging and second-guessing everything his team was doing, and little to no progress was being made. The same thing happened with MGS: Rising. That's why the game got rebooted as MGR: Revengeance and was handed off to Platinum. That's the only way the game was going to get finished. And yet after wasting millions on a scrapped game, MGR only went on to sell a little over 1 million units. It was a failure no matter how you look at it.

That's why Kojima was "locked away" in his office for the final 6 months of development of MGSV. So the team could actually piece together and finish the game. Was Konami just supposed to let Kojima spend more than a decade with infinite funds to make one game? Kojima isn't Rockstar, his games don't sell 170+ million units. At some point the game has to come out.

I get that Konami are a garbage company but they aren't solely responsible for what happened with Kojima. As much as I love his games and will always be a fan, MGSV was almost entirely Kojima's fault and I'm tired of people pretending that it wasn't.

MIDGETonSTILTS17586d ago

Sounds like mismanagement by Konami.

generic-user-name586d ago

Can you prove any of what you're claiming? Because I've seen Kojima build a studio and release a AAA game in 3 years with Death Stranding. All I'm seeing here are the same conspiracy theories that people like to believe to confirm their biases towards certain people, same with Neil Druckmann. For instance, MGSV may have been in development for a while but you leave out that he was also having the FOX Engine developed alongside it, an engine so good that MGSV ran at 60fps on a PS4.

He's gone on record disputing that he ever goes over budget on very rarely has to delay his titles.

"He was wasting time micromanaging and second-guessing everything his team was doing, and little to no progress was being made."

Where did you get this from?

585d ago
Workshyskiver586d ago

Best gameplay of the series hand down, its not even close. Worst story in the series hand down, its not even close.

Ezio2048586d ago

But that ending though with amazing music. The Man who sold the world.

1Victor586d ago

I can’t say it’s the best or the worse to me I stopped playing metal gear at the end of 4 the official end of the snakes saga and the best in my book was 3 snake eater excellent gameplay and excellent story telling giving us the reason for big boss to go and create his own country before the metal gear saga on the 4-8 bits consoles.

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