
The Elder Scrolls Online's Grouping Problem

IGN: I was ready to die. Not one but two dwarven spiders blocked my way in the dark tunnel, and I knew that running would just allow them to spit their poison at my back. It was all up to me now, and thus I resolved to at least give them a good thwacking with my two-handed mace before I fell. I swung; my vision blurred red as they each hit me at once.

cleft53762d ago (Edited 3762d ago )

ESO does have a lot of potential, I know the game is very generic, but the voice acting is great and the Elder Scrolls wrapper is very nice. The problem with ESO is the subscription model. I would like to play the game and I have no problem with paying $60 for it, but I am not paying a monthly fee for what they showed. I think a lot of people feel that way, which is a shame because there is a lot of potential here, as was noted in the article, and I can only hope that Bethesda Online takes a realistic look at the situation before they become the next Old Republic MMO.

SteamPowered3762d ago

That's pretty much the reason why I'm staying away. Plus my skyrim mods keep the game fresh, so I'm content to sit this one out.

Percy3762d ago

On the other hand i am only playing because there is a subscription. Like SWTOR i will quit as soon as the game goes F2P.

thekhurg3762d ago

Agreed. The moment the cheap ass gamers get their way and have games go F2P they go downhill rapidly in quality.

It's not my fault that people are too broke to sub to a MMO. Move on with your lives and quit bitching every chance you get. You just want something for free, nothing more, nothing less.

Perjoss3762d ago

Don't worry, I predict this is just a phase, or at least I really hope it is, I miss the days of walking into a store and paying full price for a quality title that does not have any micro transactions and is also complete.

It doesn't really matter anyway, for every company that goes to the dark side there are 2 or 3 indy teams that pop up and they normally are not afraid of experimenting, pushing innovation and creating new IPs from scratch.

joab7773762d ago (Edited 3762d ago )

I agree with everything u said. I feel the same way. My worry is that if they dont start w/ a sub model to generate revenue, they will b forced to microtransactions the hell out of it. They invested a ton of money. I would honestly prefer the sub model with limited Micros for at least a yr. Otherwise I am afraid of what it may turn in to.


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