
The Elder Scrolls Online Preview (Strategy Informer)

From Strategyinformer.com: "The Elder Scrolls is a series that can easily be reduced into the context of a playground slanging match. For some, Bethesda's seminal franchise is a rich tapestry of RPG finery that some people 'just don't get' while for others it's a game that 'feels quiet, empty, and a bit dead really'.

For the record, I started with the second instalment in this series: Daggerfall. For me, the Elder Scrolls series has been a mixed bag, while I enjoyed the High Rock adventure as an interesting product of its pre-MMO age, in contrast I always felt that Morrowind and Oblivion respectively were missing something: namely a few people to jolly along with into a crypt. Ultimately it all felt a little too vast and lacked the focus that a studio such as Bioware might bring to a game".

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joab7773766d ago

Good article but again it highlights what I have been thinking for awhile. This will cater more to mmo players than single player Skyrim lovers. That being said, I think that they have done an amazing job. The source material isn't too big. Its perfect for an mmo. Did anyone expect to be able to explore ever area of Tamriel. Its perfect for expansions. Eventually, we will b able to.

Also, as an mmo it was impossible to open up the world and allow ppl to simply roam wherever they wanted. I guess maybe they could have implemented something akin to Kingdoms of Amateur in which enemy levels depended upon ur level when entering. But as an mmo, that is quite hard to do when an mmo depends upon community population.

They could have chosen to make a skyrim -like co op game I guess...and maybe they will...but I think this will b a great addition the the mmo world. And while everyone always talks about the open world...it isnt long before ppl use waypoints anyway. And imho, as an rpg fan, I have never been a huge fan of the world leveling w/ u. In Skyrim, u could literally do everything w/ 1 character, max all skills, and destroy everything. To me, there wasnt a great sense of achievement or satisfaction. Yeah, there were a few difficulty spikes but it made no sense.

Hopefully, ESO will create a better leveling system, and together with party play and ES lore, give us an amazing, rewarding experience that we can enjoy with others. I for one, am very excited.

VanguardOfCalamity3766d ago

look forward to questing with you :D


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