
LostWinds (WiiWare) review

Let's face it, the Wii has already had its fair share of below-average platformers, so it comes as no surprise that, despite the enormous amount of hype surrounding Frontier Development's LostWinds title, Wii owners have approached the game with a certain degree of skepticism. We all know that the Wii Remote is one of the most innovative video game controllers ever created, but so far we haven't seen a lot of originality when it comes to the controller's use in the platforming genre. Sure, Super Mario Galaxy was an outstanding platformer and made solid use of the Wii Remote, but there's still a nagging feeling that so much more could be done with this unique controller. So is LostWinds the game to change all that?

In LostWinds you take control of a young boy named Toku, who's suddenly instilled with the power of the wind and the indelible task of restoring peace to the land. Toku must use this wind power in order to perform a number of tasks ranging from floating into the air to drawing fire from torches and water from streams. The game is labeled a platformer, but you'll find that there are plenty of puzzle elements, not to mention some serious rpg overtones, strung throughout the game as well. It's this unique combination of game play elements that somehow work together in perfect harmony to give the game its addictive game play qualities.

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Top 20 WiiWare Games (10-1)

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "The official end of the WiiWare service may not be until early 2019 but we wanted to give everybody as much of a chance as possible to remember all of the great games that Nintendo’s first every download service brought us. Last week we counted down the first 10 games in our look at the Top 20 WiiWare games ever made, and if you haven’t had the chance yet you can check out those picks right here but now we switch our focus over to the very best that WiiWare has to offer so if you still have a Wii (or a Wii U) kicking around make sure to download these games before they are lost forever."

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Retro Review: LostWinds

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "As I continue my quest to complete my backlog (last week I was in the trenches of World War II) I find myself returning to a console that is near and dear to my heart, the Wii, and it’s virtual games service WiiWare. And by back I mean way back as I decided to finally give a go at the WiiWare launch title LostWinds a go. "

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Freebie Friday iOS Games for December 20th, 2013

Triverse writes, "Not very many returning games on the list this week which means there is nearly a full new set of games to peruse. iOS gamers enjoy the perks of getting games, that once cost money, for free while Android users are limited to still having to pay something for sales (we will have a fresh list tomorrow for both iOS and Android). For now, enjoy these great titles on your iOS device as we head into the Christmas season."

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