
Alien: Isolation Screenshots Shows Android Death

James Black writes: "Although many details are still rather scarce on what Isolation intends to be, this latest batch of screenshots shows some pretty awesome stuff that will hopefully be included in the full release. All in all, we can see a glimpse of the hacking system, along with some lovely environment shots that include an android that met an untimely fate."

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Pintheshadows3771d ago

Here is a philosophical question. Can an Android really die? I cried when Data was extinguished but was that death?

spicelicka3770d ago

Here is a simple answer, yes. When the word 'die' is used in context like this it doesn't usually imply death as human death. We say "my battery died" all the time, multiple times, to the same battery.

If you mean the emotional impact from a computer intelligence being destroyed, then it depends.

Pintheshadows3770d ago

And that is the most sophisticated comment on N4G today.

I agree. We can certainly refer to it as dying as a piece of technology (like a battery as you mentioned), but as a piece of technology can it die in the traditional sense.

Data may be intelligent, Bishop may be intelligent, they both exhibit aspects of humanity and life, but can they really die?

karamsoul3770d ago

Apparently I've stepped into P4G (Philosophy 4 Gamers) instead of N4G :D

Pintheshadows3770d ago

Makes a change to the normal N4G doesn't it?

Allsystemgamer3770d ago

Well the brain is an organic computer. We use electrical impulses in our bodies to keep it functioning.

We are organic computers

So yes.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3770d ago
spicelicka3770d ago

Yea it's good to see some sophistication instead of fanboys blabbering.

Hmm I'd say not really, the biggest characteristic of death is obviously you can't reverse it. Any piece of technology, not matter how lifelike, can always be brought back to 'life' if the core is salvaged. Even if it's completely obliterated, lets say it has a backup somewhere, it can be brought back to life.

Which begs the question, if let's say it an extremely complex AI wasn't backed up and was literally irreversibly destroyed. There would be no other coding like it depending on how it could personalize itself with all the data it was fed. Then that would be as close to a death as a human death. Reminds me of halo 4 and cortana, it was really cool that she 'died'. Even though she was just an AI, masterchief had an attachment to her as humans do, and you could say to him she dies regardless of any technicalities.

Interesting, very interesting.

Pintheshadows3770d ago

I like to go down the route of any free thinking artificial intelligence could be considered alive. I like to use the Doctor or 'EMH' from Voyager as an example. He grew his personality even though he was a hologram. If he was deleted permanently then could that be considered death? I am not on either side here as both sides are equally valid.

I personally love Allsystemsgamer's representation, something I have seen before, that humans are effectively organic computers.

I think this debate will be at the forefront of everything before long and in science fiction it is the most intriguing debate. The other one I like which I am addressing in a science fiction novel is would a clone have as much right to exist as the original.

jimjam34423770d ago

computer ai is really a reflection of ourselves as human beings, we designed the computer based on our own brain, maybe someday, if the brain can be salvaged, we too can be brought back to life.


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banger8853d ago

Alien Trilogy is great as well and still holds up good even today.


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Rebel_Scum230d ago

tbh it doesn’t need a sequel. Fantastic game but not something to make into a long running series.


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crazyCoconuts237d ago

Good month imo. I'll play Gotham Knights and House of Ashes. I'm finishing up Disco E on Steam right now - that's a superb game.

cthulhucultist237d ago

House of Ashes was weird but one of the good weird ones! Really enjoyed it

237d ago
Lexreborn2237d ago

I really enjoyed Gotham knights playing with my friend

237d ago
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