
PS4 Exclusive Ready To Run Dev On PS4 Architecture/GDDR5 RAM, Resolution, Xbox One Version And More

Gamepur: "The wait is finally over guys, here is our full interview with Beatshapers, developer behind upcoming Playstation 4 exclusive game "Ready To Run". We recently got in touch with Alexey Menshikov, founder and CEO, Beatshapers to talk about their upcoming Playstation 4 exclusive game "Ready To Run".

We talked with Alexey on numerous topics related to "Ready To Run", such as from where the inspiration for Ready To Run came from, customization options that will be available for players, Xbox One version coming in future, resolution at which the game runs on Playstation 4 and many more things."

Gunstar753775d ago Show
OC_MurphysLaw3775d ago

Yeah no kidding. "Revealing Interview with Ready to Run Developer" would have been perfectly fine since it seems this interviewer tried to cover a number of items.

Rockefellow3775d ago

The wait is over for what? A poorly-written interview that reiterates information we're all aware of? Oh, the anticipation....

I feel badly for Alexey. He's a wonderful guy, but I believe his native language bars him from determining which Western sites are worth his time.

Rearden3775d ago

That title gave me a headache.

Zealqueen3775d ago

such high level of discouragement?? I agree with Dlacy13g and also feel that this is a good piece of information for those who are interested in ready to run and were looking forward to its release.

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PS4 Racer Ready to Run Hits a Speed Bump

Push Square: "Ukrainian developer Beatshapers had already been working on Ready to Run for a while when we spoke to the studio in February, but it doesn't sound like the remote control racer will be ready for release any time soon. With its ongoing virtual reality experiments, along with continued work on streaming shooter #killallzombies, the firm has delayed the PlayStation 4 title into the second half of 2015."

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Developer Spotlight: Beatshapers

Game-Modo’s Travis Blair reached out to Beatshapers, a developer behind several PlayStation games found on various platforms, to learn about a company that seems to really enjoy gaming.

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Ready to Run Interview: 'We Haven’t Experienced Any Performance Issues' With Slower PS4 Clock Speed

"You may or may not be aware of Beatshapers, the Ukraine-based development studio that helped bring Jetpack Joyride and many other ports to the PlayStation Network along with developing Z-Run and the BreakQuest series."

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Hatsune-Miku3728d ago

Ps4 is the most powerful console on earth and with its unique 8gbs gddr5 ram developers will do amazing things

UltimateMaster3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )

Well, you know. You can always get 12Gb of GDDR5 on NVIDIAs latest card if you have 3000$ to spare (other PC parts not included)

OR You could go with AMDs 16Gb GDDR5 Hawaii card for just 4000$.

Exactly, go laugh alone.

Matt6663728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )

unless you compare it to pc's but fanboys won't understand this because there blind to the truth


by the way I own a ps4, Xbox 1 and a gaming pc so I not trying to be a fanboy I just making a statement

ABizzel13728d ago

Normally I would agree, but the fact that he/she said console you're in the wrong here.

Besides the point of consoles is to have an affordable gaming rig that's easy to set and and play for everyone. THe vast majority of console gamers aren't shelling out $500 - $600 for just the GPU, when they can buy an entire console for the same price or less.

That's why consoles and PC's should never be compared. PC hardware is a vision of what consoles will become over the next generation.

mark3214uk3728d ago

why do pc fanboys view these posts?

WeAreLegion3728d ago

Every human being on earth understands, hopefully, that a PC can be more powerful than a PS4.

A PS4's architecture cannot change. A PC can. I have one coming in next week from iBuyPower that I spent $1300 on. Down from $1900, too! They have great deals.

The point is... Yes, fanboys understand that. Everyone understands that. He said "PS4 is the most powerful console on earth". That is correct.

DrRobotnik3728d ago

...PC is not a console. People don't compare the angry birds cell phone version to the Console version because they are totally different platforms. When I see people mention PC in console debates, I think deep down they are a little jealous , other wise it would not matter knowing they have a prettier(not always better) gaming experience. Let it go.

Eonjay3728d ago

The PS4 is the most powerful console. If we are going to compare everything to a PC than Xbox One and Wii U are DOA. Everyone doesn't want to spend $700 to $1500 on a gaming rig.

RebelWAC3728d ago

Way to state the obvious my friend..

theXtReMe13728d ago

"why do pc fanboys view these posts?"

To justify the thousands they spend to play the exact same games we do with a few extra frames and graphic effects. Its ridiculous how they seem to scour the forums for any console post to pledge their PC superiority. I imagine some of them spend more time doing so in these forums, than actually playing games.

I have PC friends and they see the benefit of both consoles and PCs, but some PC people think they need to justify their existence by constantly upgrading their rigs to be the best, so they can brag about it to anyone who will or wont listen. Its kind of scary that any one person would base their existence off of the framerate their PC can churn out. Its really no different than drug addiction, the difference being, generally drug addicts dont spend their time in forums bragging about it... They just do it and move on to the next high. :)

Irishguy953728d ago

Just got a PC for 570 quid. Wipes the floor with the two consoles. In around 3-4 years I will put in another 8GB's of RAM and a new GPU. And be set for next gen too. Ah, thank god you don't have to pay 50 quid a year to play online on PC. Otherwise PC would end up more expensive than consoles are.

Clunkyd3728d ago

The thing I don't understand about PC fanboys is why do they keep reminding us that PC gaming is better. Are they jealous that consoles get more attention, are they insecure?

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3728d ago
Matt6663728d ago

Let me ask all the people who commented to this post how many of you where xbox 360 fans against the ps3 then jumped ship to the ps4

Naga3728d ago

What does that have to do with the article?

Mikefizzled3728d ago

Hes not comparing to the Xbox I think hes comparing to PCs in general which usually have around 1.5x the clock speed if not more.

corroios3728d ago

This generation is all about GPU and not CPU...


Lol, keep telling yourself that... CPU's are the Back Bone of Gaming, without a good CPU, your $1000 GPU wont reach it's potential.

Fishy Fingers3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )

The consoles don't have a $1000 GPU though do they.

The difference between the console CPUs are minor. Reduce your (PC) CPU clock speed slightly and you see next to no difference when gaming.

MasterCornholio3728d ago

Wow Gutz i didnt know the PS4 had a 1000€ GPU in it.

dantesparda3728d ago

Then why did Nintendo, Sony and MS all go with a more powerful GPU but a weaker CPU then? And even on PC, alot of the times the faster CPU doesnt get you better framerates unless the game is CPU bound

Fishy Fingers3728d ago

One way to make a traditional interview more interesting.

Got to make something out of nothing.

Fishy Fingers3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )

You illiterate?

I'd just rather have news submitted appropriately. Rather than have a clickbait title that causes a comment section centred around a single sentence of the entire interview. Do you think the dev is happy to give up their time for their feedback to be twisted?