
Call of Duty: Ghosts Onslaught DLC Pack Goes Ghost For Wii U Version

Another superior experience missed out for Wii U fans?

Call of Duty: Ghosts for Wii U has, for the most part, been well received across the board. But there's something Wii U owners are constantly being deprived of: add-on content and DLC (Downloadable Content) packs. Let’s look at what Activision has failed to deliver to Wii U owners of CoD:Ghosts thus far.

On August 18th, 2013, Nintendo News asked Activision if the Free Fall Dynamic Bonus Map would be released for the Wii U version of Call of Duty: Ghosts. Their response was “We design our content for ALL of our fans to enjoy – we hope everything will work out, no news just yet tho.” By placing emphasis on “all,” it appeared as if Wii U owners would be able to enjoy what was being offered on other platforms. Unfortunately, Wii U fans didn’t get that piece of content.

A few months later, on October 29th, the Call of Duty: Ghosts Clan System — a feature that provides in-game integration, offering a more meaningful experience and connection between players on different consoles such as Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and Windows PC — was also confirmed to be skipping past Wii U. Activision community manager Dan Amrich confirmed that the Wii U wasn’t “supported” in the Clan’s official documentation. Wii U fans didn’t get that piece of content either.

Today, the first DLC pack, titled Onslaught, was given a release date of February 27th for the PlayStation Network and PC. It was previously released for the Xbox 360/Xbox One last week, on January 28th. According to the official Call of Duty: Ghosts blog, there was no mention of Wii U receiving the new DLC.

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Chupa-Chupa3753d ago (Edited 3753d ago )

This is BS. I want Michael Myers on my Wii U!!! I'll sign a damn petition if i have to.

Beastforlifenoob3752d ago

It represents less then 1% of the games sale.
So Go out their and tell nintnedo fanboys to get over their ego and buy more third party to support the third party.

If you dont support 3rd party (then the dev wont support you!)

Justindark3752d ago

ever think this is the reason why nintendo fans dony buy 3rd party games? i mean why should they? when they are getting the downgraded one? maybe if 3rd party would give full content more ppl would buy there games. i hope call of duty dies soon so they can stop with that crappy game.

AJBACK2FRAG3752d ago

Nothing in the world is going to make me buy a game that I don't want. I have enjoyed COD for many years but Ghosts to me looked not quite great. I was originally going to purchase this game but thinking about the low, low number of players on Blops 2 made me reasses my purchase. You see I'm a flag stealer. No matter where I am or what I'm doing in game my one over riding thought is sneak and try to steal as many flag's as possible. The low numbers on Blops 2 made that feat impossible and very much lessened the experience for me personally. I'm not saying I'm some amazing flag stealer although I've hade my moments I'm just saying that it's where my fun lies. Instead of Ghosts I bought Assassins Creed Four Black Flag thank God! Now I never want to shoot at anybody again I just want to sword fight them!

Indo3752d ago

I hate internet sarcasms because I don't know if you are forreals or not.

Metallox3753d ago

"Call of Duty: Ghosts for Wii U has been very well received across the board". Are you serious? After all those patches that this version needed and the framerate drops I wouldn't say that. I can even tell you that fan critics say this, too.

DryBoneKoopa853753d ago

I played Call Of Duty Ghosts on my PS3 and will have to say this one sucks. The Wii U missing out on the DLC (IMO) is not a big deal. I still play and enjoy Black Ops 2 on my Wii U with my family and friends. Granted the lack of new maps sucks but at least its a solid game.

eaise3752d ago

This isn't even a surprise. As someone that will only play COD on Wii U I don't even bothering hoping for DLC anymore. Would I buy it if they released it on Wii U most certainly. But with all the promises they have broken I don't ever expect to see DLC from Activision. I may continue to buy future COD games if they look good but after being promised DLC twice and then not getting it I don't expect it anymore.

Chrischi19883752d ago

I agree, but they couldve at least give us more than one Extinctionmode level... that really sucks...

eaise3752d ago

Personally I wasn't a fan of Extinction mode. But for people that do I understand missing out on that new ice area is terrible because that new giant boss alien looks fun to fight. But I think I'll wait to buy COD till Treyarch releases their game, which I thought was gonna be this November until the recent introduction of Sledgehammer. mode. Because Treyarch has zombie mode which IMO is the best mode of the COD games. Maybe SledgeHammer can change my mind once they start showing off their game, but till then COD has lost its appeal to me, and I was one that preorder Ghosts

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Behind The Dangerous Stunts Of Nintendo’s Iconic Mario Commercials

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283d ago

Bowser Is Canonically 34 Years Old

In a YouTube video showing Nintendo Switch owners how to create a Nintendo Account, Nintendo of America revealed that Bowser is canonically 34 years old.

jznrpg344d ago

I saw Bowser when I was a kid and now I’m older than him , sigh.

Brazz344d ago

Wow, i'm as old as Bowser!!

Stanjara344d ago (Edited 344d ago )

He looks 55 to me.

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Nintendo Is A Bad Company, But We Can't Help Loving Them Anyway

TG: “Most of us also grew up with Nintendo, likely forming a nostalgic connection with games that have long been crowned as our personal favourites. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker was an experience that shaped my view on open world fantasy, and Super Mario 64 changed my life like it did for millions of others. These titles have earned their place in history, and remain loved to this day for so many worthwhile reasons. We replay them and beg for remasters all while delving into their worlds time and time again because they mean that much to us. It’s a shame then that the company behind them often kicks its own sweet darlings to the curb.”

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Magog353d ago

I never got the love for Nintendo games personally. The annoying vocalizations and ugly character designs do nothing for me.

Kosic351d ago

Don't forget the constant hand holding with tutorials. Learn this new ability by pressing Y, now prove that you can press Y 8 times before you can move on....

Tapani352d ago (Edited 352d ago )

Another very weird article.

Nintendo is a great company by almost all possible normal measures. The biggest one being: their own staff is happy, and they seem to be very happy, well compensated and retain rate is solid. They are also financially very stable, profitable, and cash rich, so shareholders love them.

Overall it is an extremely creative group of people, and their mission statement is fantastic as well "to put smiles on the faces of everyone we touch. We do so by creating new surprises for people across the world to enjoy together." The social impact is also massive, not to speak culturally. Additionally, they have a really strong core business, high customer retention rate and loyalty. Nintendo's reputation is extremely good, I think in the US alone they are 9th most reputable company, their customer service is better than the average company. Plus, the press gives them a pass, because they are Nintendo. But there's a reason why they do that, it's not "because they are Nintendo", there are more layers to the argument.

Then, then there's the random negative gamers online...and their "reputation" which is inside their heads. And their western ideas of how a Japanese company should behave or what they should do. But they have no right to ask a company to do anything for them, because they can vote with their wallets.

There's a small vocal community online who dislikes Nintendo for what they are, but then again, there's always a small vocal community that dislikes something.

Nintendo also disagrees with the Western world about IP, but most people call Westerners "hidoi!" when they emulate Tears of the Kingdom and do not experience it the way Nintendo wanted them (even if it is not the best visual way), because it is a matter of principle to them (Japanese are very much against anything close to plagiarism, and there are laws that are tight about creative works copying etc.)

The Western Braveheart "freedoom!" shouters need to understand that it is not an American company, nor they need to behave like one. They can have their own fights based on their principles (against emulation). And they very well may lose the battle with that and change, or find a new audience.

In the end, it is so very simple. Don't buy the products if you don't like a company, but there's no need to paint a picture that is unrealistic about Nintendo either.

MadLad352d ago

I hate virtually everything about their business practices, actually. Suing everybody for virtually anything, shooting down fan projects, games they never let devalue, their online infrastructure and how they handle BC.

They're lucky they make great games, because that's the only thing I feel they do right.

gold_drake352d ago

my issue with them, is the complete refusal to have decent tech for us.

and their odd censorship and lawsuits for modders.