
Black 16GB OUYA The Best Looking, Performing Version Yet

Hardcore Gamer: The OUYA hasn’t seen many hardware revisions yet, but the company has been experimenting with things like fixing controller issues and increasing the storage options for owners. First, they remedied the problem with USB storage support for things like videos and photos, then added the ability to store games natively on USB sticks and hard drive. That can be finicky, however, and folks do tend to want to use those things as little as possible. The super-white holiday OUYA didn’t just change the color scheme radically, it also doubled the storage capability to 16GB. Some were upset about that extra storage space being reserved for a limited edition version of the system, so the company has decided to make a matte-black version of the system available with that same storage capacity for $130. You’ll also get a sleek controller with a nice black and orange home button.

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ChaosKnight3785d ago

Yeah but that's like being the best handling Geo Metro.

PeaSFor3785d ago

if only it was a geo storm, anyway..... its still a Ouya.

DanielGearSolid3785d ago

Meanwhile smartphones can run all their games

PSN-JeRzYzFyNeSt3785d ago

waste of money can't believe ppl supported this

ChickeyCantor3785d ago

There IS smartphone hardware in there. But it's focus on gaming on your TV.

ThatOneGuyThere3779d ago

i dont know how someone disagreed with this...

barb_wire3785d ago

My local Target has 5 of the 8GB models on their shelves.. yet they have no ps3, no 360, no wii u, no vita or next gen consoles.. yet they have 5 ouya's..

crazy world


i was at one in merritt island fl and they had 5 ps4 and 8 xbox1

Summons753785d ago

People buy this??? Last I checked the original ouya was a flop

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10 Weirdest Game Consoles of All Time

From systems that could keep your beer cool, to oddities trying to get in on the popularity of VHS and laserdisc, you’ve got some very, very weird video game consoles out there.

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darthv7269d ago

I had the LaserActive... it was a nice collectors piece but not very practical. Especially when it came to needing recapping. I think i paid all of about $50 for the floor model from an incredible Universe back in the day. I ended up selling it many years later for $300 at the time due to it needing a new laser and the aforementioned recapping.

An honorable mention not on the list would be the VM Labs Nuon. It basically looked like any regular DVD player but it had ports on it for controllers to play specific games. one of which is still exclusive to it with Tempest 3000. It also offered nuon enhanced DVD movies with extra content not accessible by regular players.

_Decadent_Descent69d ago

Wasn't there some KFC console, or am I mistaken?

CoNn3rB68d ago

It was announced but it never actually came out as far as I know


History Lesson: The consoles that ‘failed’

Virtual Boy, Sega Nomad, Ouya and the other troubled game systems that nobody bought.

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Wasabi1628d ago

How has this article missed out Sega's Dreamcast and Nintendo's Wii U, two consoles that were actually superb devices in their own right, but were seen as failed due to lacklustre sales at the time of release?

Knightofelemia1628d ago

Wonder how long before Stadia appears on the list surprised the Ngage is not on that list

william_cade1628d ago (Edited 1628d ago )

I enjoy these kinds of articles.

rlow11628d ago

Talk about a blast to the past.......I remember trying the virtual boy at Toy R Us and it was cool but I did feel slightly disoriented afterwards......good article.


OUYA marketplace revived from the dead by internet archivists

The Ouya, a failed Android gaming console from early in this generation, is getting a second lease on life thanks to Internet archivists and some new software.

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Double_O_Revan1660d ago

That's pretty cool they were able to bring it back. It sucks when something online only gets killed.

I got mine when it first launched, however it wasn't good for anything other than retro emulation. I couldn't sell the thing fast enough. Managed to get almost all my money back selling it on eBay.

Xaywhat1659d ago

Just let go homies. It was DOA

JEECE1659d ago

I guess the Stadia launch is bringing back memories of other failed consoles/services.