
Thief: Already Beaten By Dishonored | VideoGamer

VideoGamer: "After four hours play, it's becoming apparent that Thief may be too little, far too late."

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Kal8533789d ago

Well that's disappointing.

Volkama3789d ago

I'm not personally disappointed but then I have a deep-rooted aversion to stealth in games so it was never going to be my thing :)

My interest in the game is to test truesound and mantle, so I'll probably get it anyway.

NewMonday3789d ago (Edited 3789d ago )

IMOO Thief is is more interesting for me than Dishonored. the world design is more engrossing from what I see of the game.

Edios are one of the best game developers right now, impressive work on Tomb Raider and DeusEx, so they have a good track record.

Pintheshadows3789d ago (Edited 3789d ago )


I have never had that dream. I only dream about saving flood victims with John McClane. And yes, my dream is better than Die Hard 5.

Sad to hear this though. Although I am still going to give it a go. Thief is a series close to my heart so hopefully I'll get some enjoyment out of it.

starchild3789d ago

Other previews were quite positive. Everything I have seen leads me to believe that I will likely enjoy Thief a lot.

Abdou0233789d ago

Dishonored was a very decent game, i'm sure fans of the genre will also like Thief.

Meltic3789d ago

will not buy this for ps4. Developers said that the PC version looked better. Why ?. Its next gen time now. Give us a good game...

Volkama3789d ago

Erm maybe because a PS4 can push 1.8 teraflops, wheras a PC can push out close to 20 if someone is inclined to spend the money.

Judge the game on it's own merits.

MestreRothN4G3789d ago (Edited 3789d ago )


LOGICWINS3789d ago

WHAT!?!? He said something negative (yet factual) about the PS4?! Disagree.

NewMonday3789d ago

I myself will get it for my PC just for the cheats alone, breaking games is a hobby of mine ever since the old gameshark/action replay days

Convas3789d ago

And here, we see exhibit A, a poor deluded soul who bought into the hype and truly believes that a 1.8TF PS4 can beat out a solid PC.

This isn't a serious comment is it? Please tell me you're being facetious.

raWfodog3789d ago

The best PS4 games will be the ones that are developed exclusively for the system. If the game is also being developed for the PC, then its basically a no-brainer that the PC version will be the 'better' version.

ThePope3789d ago

I'm going to predict the Metacritic is going to be 76. Which isn't bad. But I was really hoping for a 85-90.

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Thief - Taken From Us Too Soon

The Thief game series has had many ups-and-downs, and 2014's reboot showed a great deal of promise nearly a decade ago.

Notellin316d ago

This would be such a great franchise to reboot. A darker game than Dishonored, but focused around stealth and large scale heists from an oppressive monarchy.

That's probably my dream game. I love immersive sims and stealth!

Noskypeno316d ago

People say they hate forced stealth sections in games. But a game focused on stealth with good mechanics and level design feels refreshing from the guns blazing games which I also enjoy. I really enjoyed playing Splinter cell, a game that not many try to mimic today. Not too many games let you shoot lights out, or throw cans or bottles to distract guards. Sure there are games with stealth options like the new Wolfenstein but it doesn't feel necessary to play it that way. Hitman might be the only game that has that feeling, except for that Korean game that may or may not ever come out.

isarai316d ago

You should try the Sniper Elite games, so good, especially with coop

Notellin315d ago

Same here. I'm glad there are some other people who enjoy these types of games!

@isarai I tried Sniper Elite 5 and ended up really enjoying that one. Went back and played 4 as well!.

ModsDoBetter316d ago (Edited 316d ago )

The last one was a trainwreck and has been in the bargain bin since just after launch. If they bring it back, they need a massive change in direction.

Inverno316d ago

only direction they should take is putting it in reverse and going back to what the originals did. I couldn't finish this game, and I made a choice to never play it again. I watched a video about the og Thief and Deus Ex games and the current AAA standard will forever hold back these games. These 2 games alone had already solved so many problems with modern gaming that I don't think they'll get a chance at something great unless they're made by a dev that actually give a damn.

monkey602316d ago

Jesus the last installment sells at about 2 euro and even that is over paying for it. Absolutely diabolical game

SimpleSlave316d ago

Ups and Down? More like Up, UP, Pot Hole, Free Fall into the Abyss...

Rutaprkl316d ago

Thief Deadly Shadows remaster would be awesome.


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