
Postcard Review: Conker's Bad Fur Day

"What a bizarre game.

Conker’s Bad Fur Day was an action-platformer developed by Rare, who were in somewhat of a golden age with their N64 lineup. Between Goldeneye, Diddy Kong Racing and Banjo-Kazooie, Rare had proven themselves to be the metaphorical Paul McCartney alongside Nintendo’s John Lennon." -Stephen Hilger

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Venoxn4g3788d ago

my best ever game I've played

maniacmayhem3788d ago

I seriously loved this game. The whole Poo level was pure genius. This game was such a departure from what we were used to from Nintendo.

SpiralTear3788d ago

Still one of the funniest games I've ever played. I still know all the lyrics to "The Great Mighty Poo Song."

No shame.

WeAreLegion3788d ago

Still a 10/10. Easily. If this released today, it might do better than the original did. It was bad timing, sadly.

Max-Zorin3788d ago

Game was so graphic that they had to remind you it's not for kids when you turn the game on. I still have it after all these years.

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Let's Be Honest, You're Probably Too Young To Understand This Mighty Poo Drink

Celebrate two decades of Conker's Bad Fur day with a crappy energy drink.

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Petebloodyonion538d ago

Let's sing together...
I am the great mighty poo and I'm gonna throw.....

Number1TailzFan538d ago

Wonder why they do these things, like with Banjo but never make a new game. With Banjo there's no excuse really, we all know how pathetic the law is in the UK though and flakes get offended by anything today, wonder if that's why there's no new Conker.

A new Diddy Kong Racing would be nice too, nearly everyone just copies Mario Kart.. meh.

gold_drake536d ago

im not sure what the UK law has to do with MS not being able to make new games of those franchises.

they've been left for dead. its that simple

Number1TailzFan536d ago

Oh right MS owns the rights to Rare now, but Rare was originally a UK developer. That's why i mentioned the pathetic UK law.


N64 Games That Actually Aged Well

Star Wars Rogue Squadron. That’s the list. You can all go home. I’m just kidding, of course. The N64 had a lot of unforgettable titles throughout its run.

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Jiub950d ago

Quest 64, while simple and short, would certainly fit on this list. So would a few others.

JEECE950d ago

Lol Mario Kart 64. That's the perfect example of nostalgia blinding people from seeing how badly a game has aged. Great at the time, but the controls are abysmal now. People ripped on Double Dash at the time, but it aged much better. Unfortunately for people my age N64 is so attached to their childhood that any criticism of any game is taken like an insult to their family honor or something.

franwex950d ago

I guess to each their own. But I still think Mario Kart 64 is good all these years later.

NotoriousWhiz950d ago (Edited 950d ago )

I still enjoy playing N64 games, the only ones that truly haven't aged well are the FPS games : Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. Although the Turok games have aged well as it uses a better control scheme (move with C buttons, aim with control stick)

metalgod88950d ago

Wave Race 64 is absolutely fantastic. Racing games are my jam, but I remember this game being really tough because the rough weather and strong waves were pushing my jet ski around slamming me into obstacles haha. I wish I had an N64 so I could replay it.

YoungKingDoran950d ago

Duke Nukem 64 and Doom 64. Also the recently english translation of Shiren 2 looks and plays great

Venoxn4g949d ago (Edited 949d ago )

Conker & Star fox 64


Conker's Bad Fur Day Would Be Incredible for Switch Online, But Probably Won't Happen

With the announcement of the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack, Conker's Bad Fur Day being addition to the service seems like a no-brainer.

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Vits976d ago

If that happened we would probably be able to hear people complaining about the controls for a mile. Bad Fur Day is a incredible interesting piece of software and with some very unique ideas for the time. But is also likely the Rare titles that aged the worst from the N64 era.

strayanalog976d ago

The control complaints are a good possibility, but in my recent playthrough it played just fine. I would actually argue that Donkey Kong 64 aged worse than Conker.

Snookies12976d ago

I played it for the first time about 6-7 years ago. Sure, I had some issue with the controls, but that's the case with a lot of N64 games. Once you get the hang of it, it's really not all that bad.

Fantastic game though, absolutely brilliant. It was just unfortunately one of those ones that slipped through the cracks for me as I was growing up. Glad I eventually got around to it though!

Teflon02976d ago

Tbh, conkers controls weren't bad. It's just N64 controls in general. No worse. But then again, I'm a inverted aim guy

Knightofelemia976d ago

Nintendo and Microsoft are sharing the same bed now Banjo Kazooie is upcoming to the Switch online so anything could happen. I would like Conker to come to the Switch I have never tried the game out. Maybe if enough fans petition or harp both Nintendo and Microsoft Conker might just appear on the Switch online. But I am not holding my breath Nintendo's whole updating the Switch online games roster is some what once in a blue moon field look at the SNES and NES roster.

Teflon02976d ago

Do they have any M rated games on it? Haven't looked in a while and can't remember. Because they may not want to but M rated games, especially one that wouldn't be acceptable in the current day on the list because they expect kids to be using it too. Though I actually would love them too. Conker is hands down one of my all time favs and the N64 version was the best imo

Knightofelemia976d ago (Edited 976d ago )

Nintendo has laxed their censoring of games over the years not as much of a fight since the SNES days. If a Japanese games see a North American release I will buy it on the Switch over PS4 because of Sony censoring games. All Nintendo or Microsoft needs is a kick in the ass from fans of Conker and he might appear on the Switch.

nmbr1esq976d ago (Edited 976d ago )

M$, needs to remake and remaster this game now!

NotanotherReboot976d ago

Game is too problematic for 2021 or remake it to be more inclusive

Killer73nova976d ago

I think GTA is far more problematic then this title