
Dark Souls II: ‘World Screenshots’ – Signs of Regression?

Namco Bandai released a new set of Dark Souls II screenshots a few days ago and surprisingly, the images expose a deteriorating scenario. The upcoming graphics are quite similar to the previous game but with clear signs of regression – lack of detail, poor definition and blurred shadows are some of the issues spotted.

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k3x3756d ago (Edited 3756d ago )

I thought that maybe I was a little spoiled as I've been playing DS in 1080p, at 60fps with other dsfix improvements, but then I checked gameplay videos from DS, then DS2 again and, well, the game does look worse than its predecessor.

What stands out the most are the terrible character animations, but there are other things too. The textures' resolution is reminiscent of the early 2000s. The character models and lighting all leave A LOT to be desired as well.

I'm basing this opinion on what I saw in their latest trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watc... . It just looks bad. I know graphics aren't everything, but to have a game look worse than its predecessor released for the same platforms is... unheard of.

I posted something similar on youtube only to promptly get flamed by fanbois. Funnily enough, I've also received a reply from Namco basically telling me to GTFO and play something else if I don't like what I see.

Senyra3756d ago

I actually didn't want to say DS2 will have WORSE graphics but... i think you're right. I'm not sure what engine they're using but the gfx seems worse than DS1 :0

Mega243756d ago

If they have developed the game for new gen would have been better, with even new features maybe, but low graphics or not, the fanbase is going to love it.

thorstein3756d ago

Since when have the Souls games been about graphics? Well, if that is the problem I better cancel my preorder/s

PurpHerbison3756d ago

thornstein, Demons Souls actually looked very very good for a console game when it came out. I was impressed. But nothing has changed since then.

frostypants3756d ago

@thorstein: Graphics aren't everything but they matter. Be honest. For them to actually get worse would be nearly unprecedented.

Bimkoblerutso3756d ago

They're obviously not ALL about graphics, but building atmosphere is a very, very large part of the game's greatness in my opinion.

And although I wouldn't say that the graphics look WORSE than the first Dark Souls, I have to say that they definitely look no better (and in fact seem to be using most of the same assets as the first one).

It is a little disappointing, but in the end I don't think it's going to matter. Dark Souls is still looking crazy awesome. Just watch the original gameplay video...

k3x3756d ago (Edited 3756d ago )

The graphics aren't everything, but like other people already explained, they're the most important factor as far as creating the atmosphere goes.

Look at the animations in both games. They just looks stiff in DS2, and since you're going to be looking at your character ALL THE TIME playing this game, I'd say that's a pretty damn big issue. With the abundance of awesome looking games, it's pretty hard to get into the game when your character moves like a stick figure.

The low res textures, everything somehow looks flat and cartoony. Both this and the animations is something you can look at and actually rate objectively. It either looks realistically (and that's what's expected in a game like this) or it does not. The animations are either more realistic than previously or they are not. There's no room for opinion or personal likes/dislikes here. So everyone disagreeing with me: do yourselves a favor, see it for yourself and stop being idiots about it.

I actually like the animations in DS1 and sometimes I'm still impressed by some locations and views. When I watch the trailer that, by its very definition, is supposed to entice me to buy the product, all it does is make me shake my head, smirk in disbelief and think, "How in the f*ck did you guys manage to make the sequel look WORSE?"

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3756d ago
MysticStrummer3756d ago

Maybe they downgraded a little to keep the entire game running smoothly, unlike some sections of Demon's and Dark Souls.

LightofDarkness3756d ago

I think you're right. Some FX look a bit nicer, but overall it looks a tad duller.

But really, who wants another Blight Town scenario? Let's be honest, both Souls games had frequent and debilitating framerate issues. If they can lock the framerate at 30FPS for consoles, they should strive to do that.

That said, I hope the PC version allows for higher resolution textures. No point shipping the compressed to hell versions that the consoles seem to be getting when there's no need.

frostypants3756d ago

I never had issues wih the occasional slowdown in Demons Souls or Dark Souls.

torchic3756d ago (Edited 3756d ago )

I heard it was the draw distances which hampered the framerate, especially in Blighttown since you can see all the way down the area. not sure how true that is.

Dark Souls has some pretty incredible draw distances, like you can go to a part of Darkroot Forest behind Artorias door and snipe Hydra from all the way up there. the framerate was pretty bad in there too.

there's literally no pop-in in that game.

MestreRothN4G3756d ago (Edited 3756d ago )

I approve any downgrade needed to keep steady frame rate.

I prefer a 600p game running at 30 fps than a 720p at 25-27.

PurpHerbison3756d ago

Dark Souls ran a lot worse than 25-27. But yes, all the changes seem necessary since the engine has trouble keeping 30FPS on console hardware.

Scrivlar3756d ago

I remember thinking they didn't look any better which was annoying, but I don't think they're worse, Hope not anyway.

JsonHenry3756d ago

I'm waiting on PC or next gen version. Whichever one comes first. But not for graphics. I just don't own any last gen consoles anymore.

Ashunderfire863756d ago

Look to be the same in terms of graphics. Did you guys see those dragons on the bridge, and the deadly horse rider for the first trailer? That actually look better than the first.


The Soul games always have great animations and graphics to the monsters with motion blur. I think the game is a beautiful looking game on PS3/360 and even better on PC.

I am going to get this game on PC along with Castlevania 2.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3756d ago
Wni03756d ago

How about some decent level design this time.

darren_poolies3756d ago

You're kidding right? Dark Souls has some of, if not the best, level design I have ever seen in a game.

DoctorJones3756d ago

Gotta agree with darren on this, the level design in Dark Souls was superb, it was meticulously designed. Every area had it's own character and was a big part in what made the game fun.

I'm not sure why you had a problem with it really.

Wni03756d ago

Having its own character is art direction, not fu*king level design. The game has a horrible camera/gameplay for verticality and yet the gsme constantly makes you explore and fight up and down tall castles and stairs. Also, the games basic bread and butter mission structure is trial and error. Yes it makes players think on their feet but at the cost of unfair deaths. There is no help from the developers, no real tips, so while I can see the attraction to doing things by yourself (half-life does this well,) its lazy design when there is no buildup unlike HL. In halflife players find out platforiming and physic based puzzles on their own, but Valve makes each puzzle helpful for future challenges. Having "invincible" creatures that simppy can't die untl you have specific items or weapons, AND not telling players really anything isn't great level design, its lazy. All DS is is essentially Player go to location B. Go to C. Go to D. And here are 5-6 monsters in your way. Wow best level design this side of nothing.

achmetha3756d ago

people see what they want to see.

i think it looks fine, but it's hard to tell with those camera angles. i'm excited regardless.

Ashunderfire863756d ago

Yeah if you look at my comment above I mention the graphics. Both you and I think it looks very good. I don't get it? Didn't anybody see the first 2 trailers? When those 2 trailers came out nobody complain about the graphics. That's just news to my ears that now people are complaining?

Jaunty3756d ago

Shitty clickbait article.

PurpHerbison3756d ago

This article is actually very good for those who are worried about the FPS for console versions. You can clearly see they are at least trying to address that issue by turning things down a little bit. It's great.

Jaunty3756d ago (Edited 3756d ago )

Are you freaking kidding me? You can't even call it an article, they're all presumptions based on a few screenshots. THE GAME IS NOT EVEN OUT YET.

"This article is actually very good for those who are worried about the FPS for console versions."

No it's not, it's a shitty clickbait article.

PurpHerbison3756d ago (Edited 3756d ago )

You say that cause you think it is trying to shine a negative light on your precious Dark Souls 2. No, there is MUCH positive to be found here. Any Souls player knows the FPS was terrible so any signs of it improving is absolutely welcomed. This includes slightly worse graphics.

Jaunty3756d ago (Edited 3756d ago )

I don't know if you're just blind or stupid so I will explain it to you for a second time. I don't say that the article is negative, I'm saying that it's a horribly written article based on nothing substantial. The writer has written only presumptions based on 3 new screenshots. How she talks about the graphics is childish and she clearly doesn't know her stuff because the full resolution screenshots does look better in comparison to Dark Souls. We don't even know if the screenshot are from consoles or pc. Which is a big deal because if they are from the pc version, all of her presumptions about the console version are false. Also she doesn't even mention the beta of Dark Souls II. I've played it on the PS3 and I can tell you, it does look better. HOWEVER, I still noticed framerate problems just like other beta testers out there. So everything that she mentions is currently just bullshit.

PurpHerbison3755d ago

"I don't know if you're just blind or stupid" Stopped right there, your wall of text can fall in limbo now.

Jaunty3755d ago

Then you're clearly stupid and not blind. Thank you for your white knight behaviour.

Oh and your opinion is shit.

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Grave3756d ago

Let me tell you how much an opinion from the peanut gallery is valued.

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anast67d ago

The game isn't good though.

Rols67d ago

DS2 was fine. While there was a bit of recycling assets or ideas for bosses, it was a bigger more open Dark Souls. The Fume knight boss is one of the hardest bosses in the series until Sekiro and Elden Ring were released.

CrimsonWing6967d ago

The problem with Dark Souls 2 was the same problem when a different director takes over for a sequel to an outstanding movie. It typically (there are exceptions) doesn’t have the feel and vision of the previous movie.

I wouldn’t say Dark Souls 2 is terrible. Had Dark Souls 1 never been a thing and we got this, I think it would have been praised more. The problem is it didn’t have the Miyazaki touch to it and felt pretty derivative. The soundtrack is a banger though.

Aussiesummer67d ago

And it will happen in the future when he doesn’t touch them as he is planning on.

MrBaskerville67d ago

I like DS 2, might even be my favorite of the 3. But it's a hard sell, there's so many obscure things you need to do to make it an enjoyable experience. So always find it hard to recommend, but it is worth the trouble.


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Father__Merrin71d ago

bastard sword and claymore do the job when grinded up


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phoenixwing155d ago

I beat them all with my fists and no hits were taken. What do you mean you don't believe me? I used a guitar hero controller!!!

qalpha154d ago

I used the Jungle Beat Bongos from my Gamecube

The_Hooligan154d ago

I just made my character look like Chuck Norris.

qalpha154d ago

All the bosses are only from Dark Souls. No Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden Ring, or Demon Souls