
Alien: Isolation - New Screenshots Unveiled

DSOGaming writes: "Some new screenshots from Alien: Isolation have surfaced, showcasing the game's environments as well as the alien creature itself."

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Kavorklestein3785d ago

Yes. Looks jaw-dropping-ly beautiful, and to be honest, if the game actually looks this good, and runs this well, it will have by far the best graphics I've seen on a console. Just the Up close shots of the Alien lets me see more detail than we typically get to see in the movies, and by far more detail than we've ever seen in ANY of the alien games. and the edges of everything is Smooth, and hardly any polygons can even be seen.
Super stoked to hear more about this and I hope it's as great a game as it visuals leads us to hope for.

djplonker3785d ago (Edited 3785d ago )

Did anyone else think this was a risky move so soon after the last aliens game?

When I first seen the title of this game all I could think about was that mess...

CapsLocke3785d ago

Stop confusing "Aliens" with "Alien". Try to do some research sometime. I bet you didn't even played ACM.

djplonker3785d ago (Edited 3785d ago )

Actually I used to rent games that were terrible (before blockbuster died) like this one and duke nukem so I could form my own opinion!

so by your logic alien and aliens are two completly different franchises and not just another name for a new movie set in the same "world"?


and I was right....

redknight803785d ago

I, at first, thought that also; but I think it being on PS4 and X1 signifies a difference over that mess and most true gamers will see this is indeed different. Stressing "next gen" will separate it a bit over for the casuals too, I think...since the material is just so ripe for a great game...someone is bound to make a good one :)

djplonker3785d ago

Yeah I have been dying for a proper horror game and if done properly this could be it!

Lucky I didnt play silent hill 2 on ps2 so when I got the hd collection awhile back that was enough horror to last me a few years and through all the fake horror games like: resident evil and dead space.

redknight803785d ago

I was talking with someone else on this site and we kind of agreed that a game like this and with Outlast dropping for free soon (on PS4), it could very well be the kick in the butt to producers that us gamers will support this genre; if it is done well. I could be just dreaming, of course...but I too would love some great proper horror games that will scare the crap out of me.

redknight803785d ago

*And by "kick in the butt", I mean to say that producers will see that moody horror games like these two don't always need that added action fluff to make a proper horror game that will scare the crap out of us gamers. I don't need some big set pieces, I love me some moody, cramped, quiet horror games.

GadgetGooch3785d ago

Tbh when I first seen this game all anxiety I got from Aliens:CM washed away...this looks like a stellar title and the way the gameplay looks is awesome....Creative Labs are doing a great job and I just hope it sells well as I know this game is going to be the shiznit.....

skydragoonity3785d ago

Of cus if its a good game It will sell well..

Double_O_Revan3785d ago

Don't want to get my hopes up to high, but this game is looking impressive. I want to see more.

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The best Alien games to play while you wait for Alien: Romulus

If you've got an Alien itch you can't quite scratch until Alien: Rolumus releases, GameSpew has rounded up the best Alien games to tide you over.

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banger8849d ago

Alien Trilogy is great as well and still holds up good even today.


Why Alien: Isolation 2 Should Be the Next Entry in the Franchise

Fans (myself included) are clamouring for a direct sequel to this fantastic game and hope for an Alien: Isolation 2. But will this great game ever get another instalment?

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Rebel_Scum225d ago

tbh it doesn’t need a sequel. Fantastic game but not something to make into a long running series.


PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for October: Gotham Knights, Disco Elysium, House of Ashes

Also included are Alien: Isolation, Dead Island Definitive Edition, Outlast 2, and more.

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crazyCoconuts233d ago

Good month imo. I'll play Gotham Knights and House of Ashes. I'm finishing up Disco E on Steam right now - that's a superb game.

cthulhucultist232d ago

House of Ashes was weird but one of the good weird ones! Really enjoyed it

233d ago
Lexreborn2232d ago

I really enjoyed Gotham knights playing with my friend

232d ago
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