
The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon Preview at CheatCC

CheatCC writes: "The story concerns the Dark Master and his plans to take over the Kingdom and rule it with an evil iron fist. Spyro has to look inside himself and become the hero he is capable of being. But this time he's got a little help from an old enemy."

Ovidius5875d ago

"it's going to be available on the X360, PS3, PS2, Wii, and the DS" Didn't spyro used to be one of the PS icons? What happened? And what's with the PSP being left out? :(. Oh well. Spyro has seemed to have lost its touch. I miss the PS1 Spryo.

I didn't know CheatCC was still around either, nice to know. I remember when I had to pay to use CheatCC when I was a bit more stupid of other gaming websites. I'll probably rent this first, it doesn't look that bad though. Yay for the more child-like version of lair!


10 Big Time Actors You Didn't Know Were in Video Games

You definitely know these 10 actors, but you probably don't know that they've shared their talents with the gaming world.

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CYALTR1919d ago

Twinfinate...I'll take the click bait hit!!

Rami Malek / Until Dawn / Bohemian Rhapsody)
Maherhala Ali / Madden NFL 18 / The Green Book
Ema Stone / Sleeping Dogs
Gary Oldman / Legand of Spyros series
Liam Neeson / Fallout 3
Sean Bean / Elder Scrolls IV / Lord of the Rings, etc.
Idris Elsa / COD Modern Warfard / Luther
J.K. Simmons / Portal 2 / Farmers Insurance comercials
Michael Mando / Far Cry 3 / Better Call Saul
Haly Joel Osment / Kingdom Hearts / 6th Sense

Lon3wolf1918d ago

Lol, how could anyone not know Rami was in UD, all characters looked like their actors.


10 Hollywood Actors You (Probably) Didn’t Know Voiced Video Game Characters

10 Hollywood Actors You (Probably) Didn’t Know Voiced Video Game Characters.

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blackblades2997d ago

Plenty of them that does VO for video games and animated films like batman movies.

GigawattConduit2997d ago

Huh, didn't know Steve Carrell did video games. That feels just so weird. Already knew Magneto was in Fable 3, but it took me a while to place him.

SpinalRemains1382997d ago

Don't step on Christopher Walken's lawn.


Valentine Games: Games to Play with Your Special Someone

"Valentine’s Day is just a week away, and it’s time for us gamers to gear up for the holiday. There are not necessarily a lot of “Valentine Games” out there on the market, but any kind of game can technically become a Valentine Game if you and your partner want it to be. Some games can more easily fit into this significant-other dual-gameplay more than others, so I am here to help point out which video games I think would make great Valentine Games for you and your loved one to play over the Valentine’s Day weekend." - @GamerFitnation

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Venomousfatman3407d ago

Gotta love playing games with someone special. It makes the entire experience all the more fun.

slappy5083407d ago

I play all my games with my left hand

Redinfamy3406d ago

HaHa at least you are an honest gamer