
The Elder Scrolls Online: Class Breakdown

Bryan Dawson (Prima Games): The Elder Scrolls: Online is only a few months away. As we draw closer to the release, more and more details are beginning to trickle out. So far, five classes have been announced: Dragon Knight, Nightblade, Sorcerer, Templar and Warden. We don't have a complete breakdown of every class, but we know a decent amount about the Dragon Knight, Nightblade, Sorcerer and Templar.

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KrisButtar3789d ago (Edited 3789d ago )

The only thing I am wondering about the classes is they have said multiple times that "classes are only a starting point." Does that mean later on all abilities will become available so my character can use Spiked Armor and then use a Daedric Summoning skill? That's how they implied it with "classes are only a starting point" but don't know if possible. In other TES games we could always play and use any skills how we wanted.

thekhurg3789d ago

Sort of. This is still a MMO so there is still min/maxing potential. Because of the level cap, there is only so much you can do on a single character before you're out of options. What Zenimax Online is touting is the ability to be a "jack of all trades" - but you will be a master of none as a result.

KrisButtar3789d ago

The way they have been touting "jack of all trades" they have always kept the multiple skill tress to the same class but with them also saying "classes are only a starting point." It seems like that may not be the case. The 2 skill tress I'm most interested in are Daedric Summoning and Restoring Light and each in a different class, so I'm really hoping to have cross class skills for my character.

gamer20133788d ago (Edited 3788d ago )

Fucking stupid. what's the point in starting over and trying a new class if every class can be made the same in the end? Great way to kill the longevity of the game. It's the reason why the wife and I lost interest in Skyrim.

I remember Oblivion on the 360 I must have played that game several times over just to check out the different classes. I remember being genuinely excited at the beginning of each new play through because of it.


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