
Review: Strength of the Sword 3 | OnlySP

OnlySP: Full disclosure: I haven’t played Strength of the Sword 1 or 2. Chances are you probably haven’t either since they don’t exist. The folks at Ivent Games are just a little kooky about their marketing as well as their art design.

Since those games don’t exist I had no clue what I was getting into. Half expecting a decent hack n slash game I sat down to cut through some foes and was promptly and embarrassingly smacked down time after time. After time. As it turns out this is a challenge-based arena style combat game and the developers mean business. They really put the player through the paces.


Strength of the Sword 3 Review - PlayStationer

"Looking at Strength of the Sword 3 objectively, it’s a beautifully impressive achievement. It is ripe with great ideas and promise, but does, however, fall a little short of its full potential."

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Strength of the Sword 3: PS3 Game Review-A Darker Image

It's YOU vs THE GAME! No holds barred! No quarter given!

And in this game, as in real life, one thing is certain - YOU. WILL. FALL....AGAIN and AGAIN!
But the measure of a person's Strength is not how many times he falls, but how many times can he Get Back Up?

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Strength of the Sword 3 Review - Glitch Cat

Glitch Cat - Strength of the Sword 3 is a difficult game to play. This is true, but it is one which I developed a liking towards the more I played it (after I rage quit the first night and slept on it). Once I really understood that I can’t button-mash – and actually didn’t do it anymore – I saw a game which has very well-executed battle mechanics. Don’t let the reputation for it being difficult steer you away from this experience. The difficulty is what makes such a brief game have a fun factor for an extended period of time.

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