
Turn 10 Preparing to “Push the Envelope of Physics in the Racing Genre” With the Next Forza Game

Forza Motorsport 5 has just been released, but apparently Microsoft and Turn 10 are already hiring to work on the physics engine of the next entry of the franchise, as disclosed by a career opportunity ad posted today.

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bahabeast3798d ago

Wow. They always claim how good the current game is but this has to be the fastest release of any racing game in history.

Abriael3798d ago

lol they aren't releasing it yet. It's probably in the planning phases as they hire for it, or little past it.

Can't expect them to have half the team sitting on their rears as they just make DLC cars for Forza 5 :D

Gazondaily3798d ago

I was actually thinking, what is there left to do in the racing genre; what is the next big step? And the physics element is the next step.

The physics when it comes to collisions etc really do not cut it. That's the next step.

Great visuals plus bumpers and bits about everywhere in a realistic fashion, exhausts scraping against the tarmac, wheels getting curbed, tires getting shredded, windshields smashing into pieces, engines exploding (especially if there is a rotary engine in the car) etc.

mcstorm3798d ago

@bahabeast Turn10 have said they are looking to release a new Forza MS every 2 years. Im looking forward to seeing what they do with the next one. I am really enjoying Forza MS 5 yes it lacks tracks the other ones had but the Drivertar has made the racing experience the best one I have every played as you never know what the AI is going to do and makes the game a challenge. Look forward to seeing a bigger and better Forza in 2016 but before then I want to see PGR or Horizon 2 as theses 2 games on the xbox one will be amazing.

Morpheuzpr3798d ago

Yeah, they always say the same, then the game releases and the "envelope" was empty.

user14394143798d ago

The only thing that Turn 10 are pushing is there luck by releasing half made games and charging the same price as the game for DLC. I will NEVER buy another Forza game after what happened with Forza 5.

abzdine3798d ago

i hope they use the powah of the clawwd this time.
*roll eyes*
fanboys believeing the ghost avatar called drivatar in f5 is a revolution.. smh...

Fishy Fingers3798d ago

Still running with the cloud jokes eh?


You mean it's all you guys had...

When you can show us the "power of the cloud" doing something truly amazing, then the cloud jokes will stop.

XiSasukeUchiha3798d ago

To:Dark Witness

Seeing is believing first of all, then people might stop joking with power of cloud

Ot: To push phsyics to extreme interesting let F6 be good


@ XiSasukeUchiha

My feelings exactly.

MysticStrummer3798d ago

"Still running with the cloud jokes eh?"

Why wouldn't the cloud jokes continue? There are current games and still upcoming games that claim to use the "power of the cloud", yet the results so far are underwhelming to put it mildly. Even the best (alleged) use of the cloud, Forza's AI, is nothing that wasn't possible before the advent of the mighty cloud. It's a good idea, but "the power of the cloud" had nothing to do with it, despite all the PR to the contrary.

Blame the PR machine for cloud jokes, not the people making fun of it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3798d ago
Dehnus3798d ago

Have you played it? Including that they can become jerks just like yourself? If not then stop being a fanboy yourself.

I haven't but I've read reports that it is quite a nice application of using the cloud (Which Sony can do just as well btw) in offloading AI.

So rather they to cry foul, I rather just shut up and give them the benefit of the doubt. Same way as I find the criticism against Knack annoying. Many of the critics never played the game only to jump on the hate train.

abzdine3798d ago

i played Knack and i loved it, i played Forza and i didn't like it.
negative opinion ==> didn't play the game??? come on man...

WeAreLegion3798d ago

Driveatars learn almost as well as the AI in Motorstorm, but they need a cloud to do it.

TheKayle13798d ago (Edited 3798d ago )

yawn turn10 are one of the best racing games developer around there...

i hope u will wait less than the 5 years (LOL)..polyphony toke for develope gt5 ..or always less than the 3 years (ULTRALOL) they toke to upgrade the engine for gt6 with those minor differences....lol...troll will always troll and this was an example of answer u deserve

now they will take other 4 years to port gt6 for ps4 calling it as "new game"....and u will scream for the miracle...

still crazy how ppl like u have all that bubbles

abzdine3798d ago (Edited 3798d ago )

i would give you some bubbles if it's the only thing you're obsessed with but i unfortunately can't.

going back to the subject, Forza is so overhyped and it's only xbox fanboys who do that. i played F3 and F4 they play just like Ridge Racer.
Remind me how many cars and tracks there are in next gen Forza? No wonder why they spend just over a year to make one.
you guys keep buying it they keep doing the same.

and if i brought back the clawwd thing it's because turn 10 themselves have been bringing it at every single interview and in the end no track of cloud in the game. it's maybe sarcastic but it's a valid point.
remember the 1080p not possible without cloud?

solidboss073798d ago (Edited 3798d ago )

It was worth the wait for GT6. The ultimate driving game on PS3 or XB360, in terms of visuals, and of physics and a simulated driving experience. It is a pure distillation of automobile love.
And to think it has only been out for about 1 month, end of January sees big updates and inclusions of content, and then more releases through the life of the title.
If you want to compare last gen GT to F5 then I will accommodate you: GT6 does things which Forza 5 doesn't. I do expect the next Forza to be a huge improvement over their launch effort, but GT6 with just a little next gen polish will be better than F5, how could it not? It all ready has better lighting and adaptive tessellation, variable weather and time of day transition all on a modest piece of hardware. Arcade game DriveClub looks much better than Forza let alone a proper heavy hitting, PS4 Gran Turismo title

kayoss3798d ago

its funny that Turn10 can brace the "power of the cloud" which can make the xbox one 4x more powerful, but yet Forza 5 have only 200 cars and a handful of tracks. The spectators are all cut outs and there are no Day/night element to it. I bet everytime Turn10 mention the words "Power of the Cloud" you probably end up on your knees praising the good lord for this god send right?

Think about it, why does it take Polyphony 5 years to make gran turismo game and Turn10 take only 2 years. I'll give you a hint. Look at Call of duty series and how they were able to release a game every year.

Death3798d ago

If you are playing Forza and it's like Ridge Racer, you need to make a couple changes in the setting menu or atleast leave the defaults on. Honestly, to even make that comment tells me you never made a lap in Forza.

As for Poly making a better game because they come out every 5 years, I find it hard to believe porting last gen cars as "standard" cars and then including "premium" cars to represent the new game is not a great use of that time. It was bad to do it once, but on two releases in a row?

The cloud jokes stopped being funny a little before both consoles released. It's interesting to see some PS fans claim Xbox One titles would all be in 720 natively based on a couple launch titles just to see each new game announcement state the Xbox One version will release at 1080p natively. If you think "the cloudz" peaked at launch, you are either in denial or have no idea how games at launch don't represent a consoles potential over time.

It really makes you sound insecure with your purchase when you have to put down the competitions console to justify it. Play what you have and be happy for what it does for you.

ambientFLIER3798d ago

kyoss -

"Think about it, why does it take Polyphony 5 years to make gran turismo game and Turn10 take only 2 years. I'll give you a hint. Look at Call of duty series and how they were able to release a game every year."

Um...so you're saying that Turn 10 is one of three studios working on a Forza title at the same time, like Infinity Ward/Treyarch/Sledgehammer?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3798d ago
JasonKCK3798d ago

N4G the only place where you can troll and get more bubbles.

xxShadow-Shockxx3798d ago

i was watching driveclub gameplay from back in like november and they were doing the ghost ai drivers too so i don't see this so called cloud advantage that xbox has over ps4 especially now that sony is releasing playstation now with their cloud.

H0RSE3798d ago (Edited 3798d ago )


"When you can show us the "power of the cloud" doing something truly amazing, then the cloud jokes will stop."

- same goes for the "50% more powerful" claims from the Sony crowd. The difference being that the MS community typically doesn't continually bring it up and joke about it - they acknowledge that no examples have been shown to illustrate the extent of this claim, and move on.

Up till now, PS4 has shown nothing but (arguably) slightly better visuals over the X1, and it's best example of graphics prowess to date, (KZ) is arguably beaten by X1's graphics beast, Ryse. When there isn't a clear, definite winner in the visuals department for games, nothing "truly amazing" is taking place, especially nothing exclaiming to be "50% more powerful."

The fact is, there are gonna people that will continue to downplay anything involving MS cloud technology. Forza gets downplayed, Titanfal will get downplayed, Destiny will get downplayed, etc. Developers would need to create nothing short of a real world AI, like Cortana from Halo, for people to be wowed, and even still, some would probably downplay it...


"i was watching driveclub gameplay from back in like november and they were doing the ghost ai drivers too so i don't see this so called cloud advantage that xbox has over ps4 especially now that sony is releasing playstation now with their cloud."

- the "ghost AI" isn't an example of cloud tech. That feature has been around for many years. The cloud aspect of Forza are the drivatars, which calculates the behavior of real-world players, (when they accelerate/brake, how hard the turn, how aggressive they drive, etc.) and applies that to the AI used to populate the game. Instead of using pre-programmed AI, the result is AI opponents that are all unique, and represent the driving habits of their real world counterparts. It may not be "jaw-dropping" but the concept has a lot of potential.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3798d ago
snookiegamer3798d ago (Edited 3798d ago )

That's like a slap in the face to all the new Xbox One/Forza 5 owners. Turn 10 are a talented team, but MS have clearly released half a game, so they can nickle and dime us for the other half in microtransactions/DLC.

It shows contempt for MS own customers. MS should have followed Driveclub delay to finish the game. There's a reason why all Xbox one MS launch titles have a blatent pay 2 unlock structure. Check out a short game like Ryse with microtranstactions?? You can finish Ryse within 4-5 hrs!

So now we should expect the next Forza to be the Forza, 5 should have been?

Yeah Forza 5 looks beautiful at times, but it's less than half the game GT6 is. Shame on you MS!

TheKayle13798d ago (Edited 3798d ago )

man i remember u that the ps4 launch line up wasnt this great eh ..

the most rated game is Resogun that is an 5 levels indie game ..that could be also SUPER FUN..but remain always an 5 lvl indie game...
then you have knack ....that i prefeer to dont talk about..coz could be embarassing...and then finally something decent as killzone...that go around a 7 rate

i think they did right to put out a famous brand out there...
i dont see the problem ..gt6 is pretty much gt5 restyled........as forza 5 is a prologue for forza 6

the only games ps4 seem to see in 2014 are

the order 1886

meanwhile for xb1 they have

project spark
quantum break
Halo 5
Fable Legends
Sunset Overdrive
Kinect Sport rivals

i clearly cutted out all the other minor titles...
like for xb1 D4 or Plants vs. Zombies or below etc etc
and for ps4 stuff like Rime or Velocity 2 etc etc

xxShadow-Shockxx3798d ago

infamous, driveclub, final fantasy online, witness, mlb 14, order 1886, outlast, deep down, yakuza ishin, mobile suit gundam,

Xbox One: Spark, fable, halo 5, titanfall, kinect sports rivals

quantum and sunset are not announced for 2014

Volkama3798d ago

Huh? A job posting is a slap to the face for Forza 5 owners?

Naughty Dog hired Corinne Yu very recently, I suppose that was a slap to the face of everyone that thought they enjoyed The Last of Us.

Are you going to stand for that kind of contempt? Write them a letter or something.

snookiegamer3798d ago (Edited 3798d ago )


You completely misinterpreted my comment...

To be clear, It's a slap in the face because although Forza 5 is good, its rushed and unfinished, it's heavy on microtransactions, and I feel it's a bit cheeky to make promises about the next game so soon after 5's release. I'm indifferent about gaming, not biased either way. I will make my comments about all platforms good or bad. Check my history of comments, it says a lot about me. Hopefully, you'll see I'm not the fanboy type :)


That's a nice list, you'll enjoy your XB1 especially Titanfall, I wish it was on PS4 as it looks awesome. I like to divide opinions and understand not everyone will agree with me, that's okay too.

It's just a discussion about games for me, I like to talk about games with people like you. Nothing's ever personal. Have a cool day both of you :)

Vames3798d ago (Edited 3798d ago )

MS released a half game? You mean Sony released a half game. You guys are so up in arms about more being better to the point where no one sees GT games for what they are.

The majority of the cars were not rebuilt from the ground up for PS3 coming from PS2. That's why Sony tricked you guys with the Premium cars nonsense. You're playing a game where only a few cars have cockpit view, a few cars that can take visible damage, a few cars that were rebuilt and you say Microsoft sells half games that are unfinished? Lol get off that Sony cocaine man.

With Forza 5, all 200+ cars were built from the ground up for next gen. All 200+ cars can be driven from the cockpit, all 200+ cars look good. No cars in the game gives me an inferior experience.

And what is the problem with microtrans? It is not forced on you because everything can be had through regular gameplay. If you want something fast enough, the choice is yours. If you have patience, the choice is also yours.


We will see the same thing with GT7. Only a few cars rebuilt from the ground up for the full PS4 experience. The others will be ported over with slight improved graphics

Volkama3798d ago (Edited 3798d ago )

I haven't checked your comment history, but as you're not a fanboy I can reply since it's good to discuss things with people that are capable of doing so :) I replied because I don't think they're being cheeky, as this is a job listing and not some kind of PR announcement or boasting.

Forza 5 itself isn't a slap to anyone's face imo. Micro-transactions and DLC are, and I feel Turn 10 got screwed over by MS there.

The game itself is high quality. They could have taken Forza 4 and run it at a higher res. They probably would have had time to add 1 or 2 hundred cars to the roster as well as rain and such. That would have been the easy way.

They chose the hard way, and rebuilt everything. The tracks and assets are new. And the quality justifies that decision imo, but I can understand people holding it up against Forza 4 and seeing that they have less.

The biggest problem with that is that because they are also pushing MS's micro-transaction/DLC agenda that is perceived to be the reason for the cut content. And that must be gutting for Turn10, because what they accomplished for a launch game really is no small feat.

If you own an XBox One please take the time to browse Forza on the online store, look at the add-ons and review them. 1 star MS, don't do it again. Same goes for Ryse, Crimson Dragon, anything else that has these transactions. Rate the micro-transactions exclusively of the games to get the message across. Please. No purchase necessary.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3798d ago
OverPaperSkies3798d ago ShowReplies(2)
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One Forza Motorsport Feature Should Become a Sim Racing Standard

Developer Turn 10 Studios' changes to player progression in Forza Motorsport should become a standard for the simulation racing genre moving forward.

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GhostScholar230d ago

I don’t get why anyone would post anything Xbox positive on this site. Ballsy though.

anast230d ago

You actually get it though, right?

GhostScholar230d ago

I’m not really a sim racing fan so I really don’t know. I love the forza horizon series though so I’m sure I’ll still get hate for saying that lol

anast230d ago (Edited 230d ago )

@ Ghost

I enjoy the console war stuff as entertainment, but, like what you like and make no excuses. Horizon is Xbox's strongest series at the same time I am shocked that Motorsport bombed this hard.

Flawlessmic230d ago

Ohhhh helllll noooo!!!

It's the worst part of the bloody game, actually ruins it a lot!!

IRetrouk230d ago

I need whoever wrote this to choose a new hobby.

CrimsonWing69230d ago

I’ve heard nothing but bad about this game from consumers. It’s weird how the media outlets seem to live the sh*t out of it. I think they maybe don’t have their fingers on the pulse with this one.

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Forza Motorsport 8 could be the last entry in the long-running series

During Sunday's Xbox Showcase, Turn 10 Studios dropped a trailer for the next iteration of Forza Motorsport, which it teased back in January.

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XiNatsuDragnel359d ago

I think that's a good idea tbh give it a min.

Flawlessmic359d ago

Or they could do what gt does, content drops monthly with new cars, tracks, races, updates all for free and still working on the next gt at the same time.

Just saying.

XiNatsuDragnel359d ago

Rather new experiences and new IPs than always Forza imo.

Flawlessmic359d ago

Um did you read the article lol

There no gonna work on new games they are gonna make forza live service and just update the same game for who knows how long rather than giving a proper new version every couple of yrs.

KingKionic 358d ago

Turn10 have a plan to support Forza Motorsport for 10 years. Makes sense and them announcing
that the new career mode has service features built in directly to put tracks and cars in which line up with there vision.

Inverno358d ago

Yeah sure, so many devs keep promising these "service" like games that they can't commit to. Let's see how long they can hold peoples attention before they scrap this idea and just release another numbered game.

DaniMacYo358d ago

Live service LMAO. Like that’s ever been a great idea. Not a single game out there with a live service that’s lived up to it’s original promise. Live service is just an excuse for devs to drip feed content, scrap it after two years and say we are working on the next entry. But hey, it’s all free content so why you complaining lol.

moomoo319358d ago

Nah there are successful live service games that people enjoy. Deep rock galactic. FFIV. Rocket League. Etc.. its just when they take beloved single player games and convert them to nickle and dime bullshlaka fests.

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The State of Xbox’s First Party Studios – 2020 Edition

Player 2 takes a deep dive into Microsoft's first-party teams to see what is coming for 2020.

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GaboonViper1612d ago

Certainly in a much better place, I still personally don't think they compare to Sonys stable of teams but still a massive step in the right direction.

SyntheticForm1612d ago

Oh they're a ways away from reaching Sony's top tier, but they're building up their studios and that's of course a good thing.

Looking forward to the future with both PlayStation and Xbox.

RosweeSon1612d ago

Me too except with Nintendo and Sony I’ve not written Xbox off and I’ll always have time for great consoles and top games but they’ve relied on services subscriptions and Xbox 360 games (I had a 360 for 9 years I’m good for 360 games) I wanted new next gem experiences not BC added midway through a gen as crackdown3 was still MIA and turned out to be a pile of shite. I’m glad I’d jumped ship by then 4 months was enough to blast the exclusives sunset overdrive halo collection gears 4 Quantum break and Forza horizon 3 all pretty decent my favourite... rare replay (blast corps 😍🙌🏻 29299;😜✌🏻) but that’s how bad it’s been on Xbox this gen that some of their best exclusives? Are old N64 games... so hardly exclusive still cool tho but hardly worth buying an all powerful X to play N64 games. Not a single game has gone all out on X so it’s wasted power and pointless edition to their offering this gen. They re released an awful controller that got discontinued for a reason. Then released the best controller ever (should be for £130) except now there’s a 2.0 and now they’ve announced next generation plans to have a share button you can bet there’s a 3.0 being readied for next gen. £400 odd on 3 controllers 🧐🤦🏻‍♂️ 🥴😂😂
New studios always a good thing I’ll wait and see what they start producing first.. finished products not just early access beta video clips of games that could be decent.
That’s just me tho.

darthv721612d ago (Edited 1612d ago )

The state is way better heading into next gen unlike where they were this gen. Buying studios is only part. The next part is keeping their nose out of things while the teams work their magic. Another helpful tidbit is for MS to not be stingy with the checkbook when it comes to letting these teams work. They need budgets they can work with and deliver the quality goods.

Sony doesnt seem to impose any sort of financial restrictions on their teams, unless they dont see the project progressing in a timely fashion. Then they will shift resources and members about to work on things that are in better development cycles to help them meet their goals. MS needs to follow the same process.

1612d ago
The Wood1612d ago (Edited 1612d ago )

The management of studios and projects gets ignored by those who think the number of studios fixes all issues. Microsoft have always had studios. Their management of some of their studios and projects has to be called into question including their 3rd party ventures. Look at what they've released and cancelled this gen. They'll have even more studios to manage now so we'll see how they adapt. The acquisitions are positive. Lets see fruition before we laud or condemn.

Gazondaily1612d ago (Edited 1612d ago )

"Microsoft have always had studios."

What?? Have I entered into an alternative universe where MS werent being constantly raked through the coals for not having enough? They didnt mate and those few were working on their key titles.

"Lets see fruition before we laud or condemn."

Well we can go by some of the studios'past work. What's stopping us from praising the guys that made The Outer Worlds and Fallout New Vegas or Psychonauts or Hellblade?

I agree that the studios arent guaranteed to churn out quality games but it seems weird to tell everyone not to praise or condemn (why condemn lol) the studios when you have very recent examples of their work.

The Wood1612d ago (Edited 1612d ago )

No septic... They never had enough but the management of some of the few they did have was questionable. You're implying I should look at the track records of the studios but not the management?? Rare for example had hits then release SoT. Apparently crackdown was 'coming along fine' and look how that turned out. I don't know if ms were/are too hands on or too hands off. Adding numbers isn't some guarantee for real as sony have also felt that sting its just sony's ratio of successes vs failures is much better and maybe thats because they have more high calibre talent. Its about getting the right balance of talent and management that differs from studio to studio and project to project respectively.

rainslacker1612d ago (Edited 1612d ago )

EA owns 39 studios, and has God knows how many(or probably not God, but only EA), internal development teams under a conglomerate banner, not unlike how Sony has publication houses like Sony Japan which worked more like teams. Some of those studios pull a lot of the heavy lifting of the publisher....like DICE. There are some that only make one franchise....like the various EA sports studios.

How many on here would say that EA, despite having so many studios, is a consistent and high quality publisher of games? Honestly?

They certainly have their AAA games. They certainly have a decent amount of quality AAA games. They have plenty of mid-tier and indie games....some of them pretty good. But, does the quantity make the difference, or do we look at the quality? Do we even look at the overall quality of their releases, or the business practices surrounding EA and it's business acumen as a whole? But, when looked at objectively, taking the hate bias of EA out of the equation think about it honestly. How many of their games do we really care about as a whole, and how many do we focus on because they're big names we care about?

I don't believe MS is as bad as EA, which I know some may find hard to believe. But, my distaste for EA is due to what they try to do, not the product that they release....although product is a different issue.

EA has been delivering more or less consistently since I was a child. Almost 40 odd years. I may not like what they deliver because they aren't my kind of games. I may not like them because of how they conduct their business, or butcher productions to practice their business the way they see fit. But, at least I know where they stand, and what to expect from them.

MS, OTOH, has been all over the place since the first Xbox was discontinued. They've had their ups and downs. They've had stellar output, down to not even the bare minimum of output. They change their business paradigm with every new executive. They change their view of how to approach the industry with whatever goal MS proper wants to achieve. They sometimes have a clear and viable direction, sometimes it seems they are just riding a tide that won't ever hit land, or that tide will hit like a destructive tsunami.

MS is inconsistent, and it baffles me that people would put faith in them doing well for the future before they proved they will deliver.

Buying studios is step one of a multi-year process. It is not the shining beacon of light that means all is well. It is not an indicator that they have learned all the lessons that it takes to be what people expect from a console maker, just shows that maybe they recognize what people expect from them to be more successful. Whether they heed that understanding and execute it though remains to be seen.

With MS, prudence is always wise, because while all may seem brighter today, it doesn't mean tomorrow will be the same. In the mean time, people are giving MS more credit than they give EA for what EA does....all because of the number of studios they have....yet MS studios, as owned by MS long enough for MS to have made a difference in what those studios deliver....are given more credit towards MS, than the whole of EA which has a proven track record for delivering....again, when looked at objectively without the EA company bias.

I think MS studios in the past, in general deliver good games. Rarely do I say they're bad. MS problem has always been consistency in delivery, and they have yet to prove they've changed that to warrant such faith. Optimism yes, vehement adulation, not even close.

1612d ago
darthv721612d ago (Edited 1612d ago )

Hey wood... do you know the story behind sea of thieves? It turns out it was a game they wanted to make long before they got tasked with doing avatar stuff for kinect. The head of xbox (then) told them to shelve it and work on kinect but it was Spencer who said if you guys are ready... go for it. And they made the game they wanted to make. And keep adding to it because it is an always evolving game that they arent running out of ideas for.

You can call it what you want but this is an example of MS actually letting the dev decide what they want to make and how to handle it to get the most from the team behind it. As for CD3, that was overly ambitious and at its core it still came to fruition but a key element (that they had no control over) was the cloudgene tech was bought by another company so they had to scale back on that aspect. But they still delivered a really fun experience in the core game.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1612d ago
Zeref1612d ago (Edited 1612d ago )

You only need to look at Wasteland 3 to see the results of having access to MS funds.


darthv721612d ago

That is certainly much improved.

4kgk761612d ago (Edited 1612d ago )

Microsoft making baby step by buying studios is good but Sony Studios is still leagues a head of Microsoft going into next gen. all Sony have to do is show spider man 2 and the ps5 will sold millions of consoles. I’m interested in seeing both consoles direction but I’m more excited for PlayStation future over Xbox but things could change.

1612d ago Replies(2)
pornflakes1612d ago Show
Godmars2901612d ago

Not where they should be given how long they've been in the industry.

NeoGamer2321612d ago

All of the studios acquired that were not associated with MS first party games before were highly independent studios funding games on their own. The only independent studio I know of that has made more progress then any of these studios in the past and present is CD Projekt Red.

Gazondaily1612d ago

I agree but they still created some real changes in it that left their opponents reeling and catching up at some stages in key areas such as online where they paved the path for others to follow. The next frontier seems to be the digital space as the landscape changes again.

Next gen they seem primed to really offer a fight whereas last gen they were limping from the very beginning.

Godmars2901612d ago

The size of their user base says different. That they had to open access, have technically abandoned if not de-prioritized their own hardware, while repeatedly trying t present it as the most powerful, says different. Not that their fan camp listens.

You can talk up all they've done on the infrastructure side all you want, but as far as games are concerned, they are creatively crippled. Have yet to show they've yet to realize let alone move towards fixing the issue.

Gazondaily1612d ago

Creatively crippled is massively overstating it. They are set to have a lot of variety courtesy of their buying spree. Just look at the studios and the variety of creative titles they have released.

"Have yet to show they've yet to realize let alone move towards fixing the issue."

How can you say that they haven't shown a move towards fixing the issue when they have taken one of if not the biggest step in doing so by acquiring a large number of studios in a completely unprecedented way?

Godmars2901612d ago

For a console company that's four going on five - or is that 3-4? - consoles in, that the one time they lead the industry was the strongest talk of the industry being dead, that any good will they had from that gen was ruined by policies with their next system and needed major effort to repair, much like major effort was needed to fix mistakes with their prior console, their one-time leading system, I would say "crippled" is a perfectly apt term.

"How can you say that they haven't shown a move towards fixing the issue when they have taken one of if not the biggest step in doing so by acquiring a large number of studios in a completely unprecedented way?"

When they've bought studios multiple times before only to falter to make games, when what they have made or commissioned is largely online multi, often fails to deliver graphically no matter how much graphics are promoted, then they've yet to even realize that they have a problem.

rainslacker1612d ago (Edited 1612d ago )


I think you are being unfair to the fan base of the Xbox.

MS has listened to people this gen. However, I can assume that it wasn't the fan boys on forums that MS was listening to to get their game together. The fan boys are the ones that said everything was great, the one's that defended every action or made excuses as if the criticisms didn't matter. The fans were the one's going to MS channels to ask and say the things they wanted.

The fan boys were in forums like this one reacting to the actions of MS, not telling MS what they needed to do to gain some respect. The fans were the one's holding the course, but being realistic and saying what would make the system better.

MS of course introduced things that were never asked for, or at least never made waves. The fans adopted it...assumedly, and some of those things have been great. The fan boys are the ones that blew those things out of proportion and used them as ways to say that MS was now going to dominate, or was becoming a beast.

Don't bring down fans because of the actions of fan boys. Our view of their fandom is limited to what we see here, or other forums, but I do know quite a few reasonable Xbox fans who still don't like what MS has done this gen, and can recognize that MS isn't as deserving of all the adulation and faith that a relative few would put forth on forums such as this one.

Truth be told, if you attributed all the actions of MS this gen to the fan boys and their apologetic statements they've made for years, one would have to wonder who exactly MS was listening to, because I never really saw any of the people who now praise MS actions, ever once say that is what they wanted before MS came out and said they had it, or were going to have it. Think about it. How many times have you seen some of the most vocal Xbox "fans" say that MS needed more studios before they actually brought some? But as soon as they did....MS was on the right course, and MS was listening to it's fans, despite most of that saying they needed more studios and games being from the opposing side of the console war for years prior, with those same people always claiming MS was just fine. How many disagrees have we, or other fans on the opposing side accumulated over the years when we stated something as simple as "MS doesn't have enough studios"?

Gazondaily1612d ago

You need to substantiate your points if your comment is going to hold any weight. MS bought studios multiple times before? Who, when and how is it in any way comparable to the scale of what has happened?

As you can see, rainslacker disagrees with you and he's hardly the biggest fan of Xbox.


That's a very long and convoluted way of saying 'bbut fanboys' and the general finger waving nature of it does little to add to the conversation (as one-sided as it is).

rainslacker1612d ago (Edited 1612d ago )


I wasn't trying to add much to the discussion, you two were having, but addressing God directly with a side observation.

I don't disagree with God, I disagree with his attributing his comment as fans of Xbox, as opposed to just calling out the fan boys for what they are. I'm not supporting you or Xbox with what you call me disagreeing, and if anything, calling out the behavior of yourself and others that behave such as yourself, and saying that you aren't representative of the overall Xbox fan base, which can be much more reasoned than trying to claim everything MS does is a win, or how it's indicative of something they've asked for so MS is all about the consumer.

Hope that is simpler for you to understand. Sorry if I tried to over-qualify to get my point across, but I believe the more reasonable and logical Xbox fan base has gone too unnoticed this gen in favor of the one's that allow a hundred articles about how MS is now dominating, or will soon dominate because of whatever they do. I read Xbox forums, and I see people make more salient arguments than "OMG....MS is so awesome, and -insert reason #XXXXX- is why they're going to rule the universe one day."

I'd just like to see a bit more of that kind of reasonable and logical discussion on here, because there are about 5-6 "Xbox fans" that are easily classified as fan boys, that 100% control the nature of the Xbox discussion around here. I don't mind optimism, but blind faith has gotten old.

MS has done some stuff that means they "listened" to their fans. The fan boys aren't the reason they did that, and if the fan boys were listened to, then MS would be in a worse off situation than they were at the start of the gen.

Luckily, as God indirectly implied, the market speaks louder than fan boys(on either side) in random forums on the net.

Godmars2901611d ago

Given that what I said has little if anything to do with Xbox fans, bit confused at what you replied to. If anything, user base size is about owners. The general market.

"Not that their fan camp listens" was about the blind spot shared with MS. Largely for often getting what they want which is online co-op, 3rd party and occasionally a bit of exclusivity for bragging rights over their PS counterparts.

But my main point is that MS is the worst thing for the Xbox.

"You need to substantiate your points if your comment is going to hold any weight. MS bought studios multiple times before? Who, when and how is it in any way comparable to the scale of what has happened?"

You're asking for lists of bought, closed shuffled or left studios and games that never came out. Some of which were literally only "untitled game". Nevermind that you're asking this in defense of a list of coming Xbox games which include "untitled game".

Are you feeling any dejavu? Not even a little?

The 5 player co-op Fable which by all counts was finished only the always online policy tanking killed it overnight?

You're asking for something to work with--I need something to work with!

How many game support initiatives have they announced over the years?
Xbox 360 - 2-3?
XB1 - 2?

Gazondaily1611d ago (Edited 1611d ago )

You mention Milo and Fable? Two of Lionheads failed endeavours then Scalebound?

So basically..one studio??

Yeah when you go into the details, as expected, there is little to no substance in the points you made.


"I'd just like to see a bit more of that kind of reasonable and logical discussion on here,"

Are you capable of having that kind of discussion because what you have evidenced here? Ad hominem attacks loosely dressed up in poorly thought out and frankly pointless comments not adding to the kind of reasonable and logical discussion you allude to arent fooling anyone mate.

Godmars2901611d ago

You say "strawman" yet you're asking for evidence to counter the validity of something that has yet to happen. Namely MS following through on a new commitment to make games when they have made such commitments prior and failed to live up to them.

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