
Decoding the Uncharted 4 Teaser

So where will Every lead us? Based on the trailer, I suspect a more religious location this time around. "For God and Liberty," isn't the only biblical language in the trailer. There are also two references to hell, and the Latin phrase Hodie Mecum Eris in Paradiso, or "Today you will be with me in Paradise." It's probably the only time you'll see Jesus Christ quoted in a triple-A trailer.

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DeletedAcc3776d ago

UNCHARTED 4 feels so different with the teaser. Im curious, if ND could do it again. Surpass their latest game.
This time it will be almost impossible (TLOU)

but in ND we trust

sobotz3776d ago

I thinks it's gonna be totally different formula than the previous 3. Probably it's a pirate game, playing as Francis Drake.

goldwyncq3776d ago

I'm pretty sure AK-47s didn't exist back in the pirate era.

sobotz3776d ago

Why must there be an AK-47? We still can use a pistol, rifle, and maybe sword for melee fight. and there's already a lot of rumor on this uncharted's pirate-theme too


goldwyncq3776d ago

One of the mo cap actors posted a photo on instagram of a corpse with an AK-47.

Sitdown3776d ago

Why did the person change the title? And did I missed the part in the article where Jesus was quoted?

OrangePowerz3776d ago

A lot of phrases have been used by pirates so it doesn't mean it will be more about religion. It could be have more religious content, but it might not because the phrases have been used outside of the bible.

SoulWarrior3776d ago

Don't know why there is still speculation that the voice is Sir Francis Drake, he was an Englishmen and the guy from the teaser clearly sounds like some kind of American accent.

iTehDroiD3776d ago (Edited 3776d ago )

Stashwick (mo cap actor in Uncharted 4)recently posted this photo on instagramm:

You can clearly see an ak-47 there so we can be sure we will see Nathan Drake again. But it's still possible that we get to see/play some flashbacks from Francis Drake as a Pirate.

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What Inspired: The Uncharted Series

FreeckyCake writes: After the success of the Jak and Daxter series on the PlayStation 2, Naughty Dog decided it was time for the series to take a rest. However, that wasn't the end for Naughty Dog's career. It was merely the beginning of something big. Something that would surpass their past projects

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Top 10 PS4 Games of 2018

If you love gaming and own a PS4, 2018 has been a great year. Lots of really fun games have been released. Here are the Top 10 PS4 Games

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CarlDechance2050d ago


1. God of War
2. Spider-man
3. Persona 5
4. Witcher 3
5. Horizon Zero Dawn
6. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
7. Uncharted 4
8. Bloodborne
9. NieR: Automata
10. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

CarlDechance2050d ago (Edited 2050d ago )

Wait.....why does the title say "of 2018"?

2049d ago
jedymark2048d ago

I really like to read this blog. It had been perfectly authored and easy to comprehend


There Are Four Ready Player One PlayStation Cameos

Four PlayStation exclusive characters make their way into a movie packed with geek references. Here are the Ready Player One PlayStation cameos.

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-Foxtrot2246d ago

I can understand Kratos, Nathan Drake and Sackboy but Knack?

Aloy, Ellie, Sly Cooper, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Sweet Tooth, Spike, Cole MacGrath, Sir Daniel Fortesque...just some a little more known and better recieved in my opinion.

I thought Sir Daniel might have been a good one with the first game being remasted this year.

Araragifeels 2246d ago

Well Knack is one of the new children Mascot of PlayStation and PlayStation really push Knack to be a huge thing. They should just give up, Knack can be considered as flop Mascot and should not waist money on this franchise.

Rangerman12082246d ago

I think Aloy would have been a far better option conaidering the huge success of Horizon Zero Dawn.

ClanPsi12245d ago

I love the Knack character. It's a shame that the game kinda sucks... :(

Lexreborn22245d ago

My sons Love Knack they play it more then anything else to my surprise. So, as for it being something that an adult who doesn’t have memories of it choice then you realize it’s irrelevant. Because Knack is making memories for children right now, and seeing how this is a movie that will have children and teenagers in it.

They chose well, Kratos and Nathan for the last two gens of ps2 and 3. Sack boy for ps3 into ps4 and knack for ps4 current.

It fits

NotanotherReboot2244d ago

I would recommend introducing them to Ratchet and Clank (PS4). Loved thsoe games on the PS2 as a kid

Lexreborn22244d ago

Funny think is I did, they have a ps3 in their room that has all the ratchet and clank games. But, they only like the newest one and knack. Not really sure why

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firelogic2245d ago

Which Kratos? GoW1-3 or the upcoming one? I NEED ANSWERS!

Rangerman12082243d ago

I think it's the upcoming one, considering the amount of marketing they are giving to the new GoW game.