
Don't Take Xbox Live For Granted

Devoun from Twinfintie writes: "Out of seemingly nowhere I began to think about the memories I had playing games on the Xbox 360, which was probably triggered by the arrival of next-gen consoles, along with their push for more social connectivity. The Xbox 360, more so Xbox Live, has become a standard in my day-to-day, but not too long ago it wasn’t. Not too long ago, I was running down the hall in my house yelling, “I HAVE XBOX LIVE IN MY ROOM,” after my lovely girlfriend – now wife – bought me a wireless adapter on a whim. Not too long ago, Xbox Live was the best way for my geographically challenged BFF and I to communicate. Albeit, I must admit that I, and the gaming community at large, take Xbox Live, PSN, and whatever Nintendo calls their network for granted."

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Duddy1013801d ago

Nice story, Its the little things that make it a good experience

christocolus3801d ago (Edited 3801d ago )

Yeah.nice one there..i sure had some great moments playing on live too. My brother and i played the hell out of crackdown but i guess we never climbed to the top of that building.

Will fire it up tonight. Im guessing there is an achievement tied to that too. Hope they make a really good version on xbox one.i also hope this new gen creates even better memories than those of the past....

cheers to every gamer out there....

TheRedButterfly3800d ago

There is. I've yet to get it myself, but that's because I haven't played more than a few hrs of the game.

Morbius4203801d ago

Don't forget to jump into the water!

truefan3801d ago

XBL is the AWESOME, it has actually changed the way I game. I'm about 90% online gaming now because of it, and you can meet some really cool people.

caseh3801d ago

You can also meet some of the most epic muppets in the world online.

It's that defining moment, when you whoop someone/get whooped on a game then you hear that 'ping'...You've received a message, will it be abuse or a good game message.

Either way, its all good as you either make a virtual friend or nemesis which gives the whole online experience a bit of character outside of playing with people you actually know.

Pogmathoin3801d ago (Edited 3801d ago )

Well said Deebo and Christocolus... More of a gamer, less of a fanboy, myself too.... Xbox live showed us a new way... PSN enhanced it in its own way, but I still prefer multiplat games multiplayer on X live....
Edit, sorry, that should have been below....

3801d ago
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PS5 Outsells Xbox One

Sony's latest video game console, the PlayStation 5,which is part of the ninth generation of video game consoles, has outsold the lifetime sales of the Xbox One, according to VGChartz estimates.

The PS5 had sold an estimated 58.01 million units worldwide through April 2024, while the Xbox One sold 57.96 million units lifetime.

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anast3h ago

The Xbox lady sees this and there goes Ninja Theory.

Cacabunga42m ago

Crazy momentum !!! Now some Astro bundles Sony please!

JackBNimble1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Xbox leadership sucks, which is killing xbox. By the way , console players need
a strong xbox competition to keep Sony honest.

This is what happens when you start putting exclusives on the competition's platform, and we know MS isn't done giving the ps5 xbox games. So why would anyone buy an xbox at this point?

Einhander197257m ago

Xbox exists to make things worse for PlayStation owners, PS1 and PS2 didn't need xbox to be two of the best consoles of all time.

Xbox is the reason Starfield and who knows what other games will be delayed or simply not released on PlayStation.

Microsoft wants to put PlayStation out of business. It's not xbox keeping PlayStation in check it's PlayStation keeping Microsoft in check.

shinoff218316m ago


The base is partly to blame as well. They grew to reliant on gamepass instead of purchases.

CrimsonWing693h ago

I mean, that’s like the equivalent of bragging about beating up a special needs kid.

MajorLazer3h ago

Series S/X may not even outsell the X1 🤣

Unknown_Gamer57941h ago(Edited 1h ago)

A special needs kid with rich parents.* That clearly only goes so far though.

JEECE28m ago(Edited 26m ago)

In the grand scheme of things, 58 million consoles is pretty respectable. That puts it ahead of a lot beloved consoles in the past (N64 in particular is one everyone always overestimates; it only sold about 33 million). Honestly when you think about the fact that Xbox One had atrocious marketing during its launch year (TVTVTV), there were very few compelling exclusive games on the console, it launched $100 more expensive than its primary competition (PS4), and it competed against two of the best selling systems of all time (PS4 and later on Switch), it's actually pretty impressive Xbox One almost got to 60 million.

shinoff218315m ago

58 million isn't bad at all. Just keep in mind there wasn't nearly as many gamers back then as the Xbox ones time.

Xeofate3h ago

Something Xbox Series X will never do.

MrNinosan2h ago

It won't, not even with S included in the mix.

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