
Episode 11 – The Half-Life of Retro Games - My Stupid Opinion

MyStupidOpinion.com writes:

This week’s episode was incredibly fun and a topic very close to many of us. Games. Garett, Jeremy, Kyla, Thomas and Vinnie crowd around an old CRT TV to have some laughs about retro gaming. The death of arcades, point-and-click adventures, breaking the 4th wall, DOS, and the sweet sting of nostalgia are some of the topics tossed around. I’m certain a few facts were missed but it’s all in good fun. Plenty of laughter contained, enjoy!

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Quake Demake Is only 13 Kilobytes in Size

triverse writes, "When you think of demakes you probably think of newer games on older hardware. Probably because that is how they occur more often. Another type of demake is made for the same platform just a different graphics style (many remakes offer this option at the flick of a button). What if I told you someone made Quake, but it is only 13 kilobytes in size. For comparison that is about one quarter the size of the original Super Mario Bros on the Nintendo Entertainment System. The kicker is, this version of Quake looks amazing, and everything explodes into gibs everywhere."


PlayStation Plus Hidden Gem: Rocket Knight

“As a reimagining of a classic 2D platformer, Rocket Knight remains one of my favourite modern examples of the genre so let's see why.” - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums.

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15 Great Games Where Every Minute of the Experience Feels Earned

GB: "We take a look at 15 amazing games that had the perfect length."

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16d ago
coolbeans15d ago

Pretty good list. Botany Manor would be the newest addition that encapsulates that title.