
Powerstar Golf Review | OperationSports

Zoe Mode's Powerstar Golf is unquestionably charming. From the lush visuals to the comforting background music, there isn't a moment where the game doesn't welcome you with open arms. And even though it's far from a true to life simulation of the sport, it brings the same kinds of triumphs and frustrations.

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5 of the best Golf games on Xbox One

Neil writes "Love it or hate it, you can’t ignore the fact that the wonderful world of golf is enjoyed by many. When the weather is cold and miserable though, or you just can’t get out of bed to make that stupidly early tee time, the draw of the Xbox One sitting under your television is perhaps just too much to ignore.

But that’s not to say you can’t still get your golfing fix as there are now a number of well rounded golfing titles available on our favourite games console.

So don your long socks, get your spikes on and prepare to settle down as we drive you through 5 of the best golfing titles on Xbox One. It’s not always a good walk ruined you know."

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SlyBoogie19932620d ago

Only played Powerstar Golf and Rory Mcllroy but I really want to check out Dangerous Golf

cfc832620d ago

Played the golf club and rory. The other comical type golf games aren't my thing.

2620d ago
Nintendo-or-Nothing2620d ago

A good golf game is a must for every system. I remember golf on the 3DO and on the 32x. After that it seems that it turned into a cartoon and not a big fan of tiger woods. Wii U golf is great but with terrable graphics.


There is currently 28 Free Games on Xbox One

Today XboxOneUK are going to look at some of the free games currently available to download on Xbox One right now. Being a member of Xbox Live Gold brings a whole host of benefits, from online gaming, massive discounts on games in the Xbox Store and of course the ever popular Games With Gold which currently sees those with Xbox Live Gold subscriptions receiving not one, not two, not three but FOUR games for free every month (two Xbox One titles and two Xbox 360 titles). It’s the free games available through Xbox Live that we’re going to focus on here. Obviously some month the Games with Gold are of an outstanding quality and other months they feel like a let down, but they’re still free so let’s not complain too much. However, what about those free games that aren’t part of the Games with Gold programm? What about those titles, the ones that sit patiently in the background, waiting to be noticed and downloaded? There are a whole host of them! A lot more than many people,

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Nolando2887d ago

I am playing DCU on and off, its pretty cool. I just dont have the time to download and try every FTP game that tries to nickel and dime me.

is there any games on this list people may recommend? Neverwinter has caught my eye every now and than but idk if its worth it...

DarkBlaze252887d ago

Neverwinter is a pretty fun game imho. Wouldn't hurt for you to give it a go.

creeping judas2887d ago

Neverwinter is definitely not a pay 2 win game. You can play it, without ever spending a dime. Does things like limited inventory space get a bit tiresome after a while? Yes it can, but can convert astral diamonds to Zen, if you don't mind a bit of a grind, and buy new bags to increase your storage capacity. The rest is pretty much cosmetic, if you want something flashier than your standard horse for a mount, you kind of need to spend RL money to get one. I have over 18days played on the X1, and have only spent $20.00 of RL money on the game.

Bobafret2887d ago

My backlog is getting huge, wish I had more time to game. By the way, it's "there are", not "there is".

Captain_J_Sheridan2887d ago

Wouldn't that title be "There are"?

Bobafret2887d ago

Not technically since I was using it in the middle of a sentence. Nice try though.

mkis0072886d ago

Well you were quoting so the Capital would have been okay in the middle of a sentence... :)

yomfweeee2886d ago (Edited 2886d ago )

Nm weeee

Trekster_Gamer2887d ago

Mass Effect 2 ID the top of my backwards compatible list.... I wish Bioware would make it available!

sammarshall1022886d ago

Mass Effect 2 is what I need too but I wouldn't be mad if they included it with Mass Effect 4 for free or all of the previous Mass Effect games like what Gears of War 4 is doing

ShadowKnight2886d ago (Edited 2886d ago )

pay wall in a lot of these games. But solid list.

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Top 10 Golf Games

Chris from SuperCheats has a fairly decent go at picking his Top 10 golf games of all time.

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