
Our most-anticipated games in 2014

Games in Asia: "Gamers say this at the start of every new year, but 2014 is looking damn exciting. There are a ton of new games already announced, but here are the ones that really have us on the edge of our seats waiting to play."

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vergilxx33779d ago

Hell yeah im waiting for Final Fantasy X for vita

NukaCola3779d ago

I wish Kingdom Hearts comes to Vita as well.

kayoss3779d ago

It's sad when us fans of the final fantasy series is more excited about a final fantasy game that was released over more then 12 years ago then the upcoming final fantasy 13-3.

killbillvolume123779d ago

Well said well fucking said. I am also loving ff7 and 8 on steam as well ;D

GenericNameHere3779d ago

I'm excited for both Lightning Returns and FFX/X-2 HD.

I've already invested around 190 hours combined for both FFXIII and FFXIII-2. 110 hours to platinum FFXIII, and around 80 hours to platinum FFXIII-2. I found both games great, and the combat fast and sleek. Switching paradigms can be very hectic and challenging, yet fun. Since I've already spent almost 200 hours on the Lightning saga, might as well get Lightning Returns and finish the trilogy.

As for X/X-2, I just can't wait to revisit them with contents that never came to the US. I can't wait to play FFX again, even though I just beat the game for the first time last year. I've had X-2 before, but haven't finished it. I was like at a desert or something, and just stopped. I'll try to finally finish it next year though.

As for why more people are excited for FFX/X-2 HD, remember that DQVIII are releasing on iOS devices. Yes, really. I'll say it again. Dragon Quest VIII... On iOS. This is Square Enix we're talking about. I'm extremely happy that the world of Spira in HD is on PS3 instead of iOS. I'm guessing Sony will never get a mainline DQ game ever again, but Nintendo also won't ever get a mainline FF game again.

Bebedora3779d ago

I did FFX really good. Bought FFX-2 and found the sexism in it just stupid and disturbing. So after 15 hrs of play I couldn't touch it. My loss I guess. But I still want to know what made you want to invest so many hours in FFXIII. What was it? I am just wondering b/c I am curious. I might give it a try.

GenericNameHere3779d ago

Well, Final Fantasy XIII, God of War III, AND Pokémon Soul Silver (my cousin got Heart Gold) all did come out around the same time, which was early March 2010. I cycled through those games. If I remember correctly, I got the platinums for both GOWIII and FFXIII the next month. GOW plat on April 4, and FF plat around the 20th.

As you can see, I was basically done with FF in less than 2 months, so while FFXIII was already being called the worst FF ever by a lot of fans, it was still the "early" kind of hate. I just blocked out the negativity surrounding the game, and went through it by my own pace. What made me play the game was... It wasn't that bad. Well, you can look at my post history, and you can see I've also been guilting of bad-mouthing the game, but in all honesty, I kinda liked it. Graphics were good (it and GOWIII around the same time, oh my beautiful PS3 haha!), I could actually tell the difference between Fal'Cie, L'Cie, Pulse, etc (something the "haters" said they didn't understand), the gameplay was exciting, there were some really intense and awesome CG cutscenes, there were awesome bosses, etc. The OST? Phenomenal! I guess I could go in-depth about what I liked about these, but in general, I just personally like them.

The main story probably took me around 45 hours to complete. I don't remember how long it took me to finish the stories in other FF games, but I do remember FFIV's, and that game was only 20 hours long. The extra 65 hours? GRINDING!! The platinum was a chore. Go look up the trophy list. They're all straight-forward, but good luck spending dozens of hours finishing them. At least FFXIII-2 didn't have a trophy for getting all items.

Btw, do you like elevator music? If so, click on this video and listen to it
I fancy myself as a person who like classical music, and this is just one of the many songs in the FFXIII OST I can listen to anytime. It's called Yaschas Massif. You don't get to hear until you get to Gran Pulse, but when I did, I was like "whoa! This music is dang good!". It's a shame FFXIII-2's OST (or at least the one that came with the CE) wasn't as good.

vergilxx33779d ago

Yeah It's funny isn't it?
I guess ff games back then had it's magic


Square Enix hopes to continue the Bravely Default series, but will take a few years

Bravely Default 3 could come to fruition as series producer Tomoya Asano has indicated in a new interview that the series will continue.

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Metabeard969d ago

Bravely Default 2 was a step backwards compared to the first two games. Story was not nearly as good, quality of life features reduced to bare bones nothing. The grinding required is about 10 times worse then previous games. I have no idea who was behind the ideas but they basically went. What made the first games so great. Okay remove that.


Bravely Default 2 is Coming to Steam Next Week

Bravely Default 2 is coming to PC through Steam next week.

Outlawzz979d ago

Already got this on switch but can we get the first two on there, haven't played those


Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster Joins Game Pass Tomorrow

The official Xbox Game Pass Twitter account announced that starting tomorrow Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster will be available on game pass.

Gaming4Life19811085d ago

I literally have this game on everything lol.

Abnor_Mal1085d ago

The game that got me into the Final Fantasy series, I actually stopped playing FF7 halfway through disc one back in 1997.

Teflon021085d ago

Personally the battle in this one legit make me fall asleep because they're so "do it the right way or no way". As a kid I loved it but as I'm older and play so much JRPGs. Definitely needed to be the ATB and not this one. But the story was something I loved

Kavorklestein1085d ago (Edited 1085d ago )

The game is actually live now.
I already unlocked an achievement on it and can I say: The grainy ass PS2 graphics still ended up looking great in HD. Of course, not leaps and bounds better, with old textures in some spots and old game design etc but it holds up beautifully and I'm excited for my 2nd ever playthrough. It has not lost it's charm for me personally.
And the Music! So good.

I wanna get better at blitz ball this time around tho

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