
Blacklight: Retribution PS4 Beta Progress Will Carry to Launch

Zombie Studios has announced that any progress made in the beta for Blacklight: Retribution on PS4 will be carried over to launch.

Taking to the PS Blog, associate producer Kael Hammond explained that both character progress and anything bought with in-game or real-world money would be retained by players when the game officially launches.

Lior3792d ago

Played a couple of hours on pc a few months ago, omg it's so trash on ps4. The lag, worst autoaim I have seen in a game. It basically just locks it to the opponent when you aim and takes out any skill. Framerate drops are horrid as well. I'm not hating it's just the truth

Eonjay3792d ago

Hopefully that is why it was called a beta.

Cha0tik3792d ago

It was bad when it first released on PC too. They need time to develop the game into what it is on PC.

iamnsuperman3792d ago

The lag and frame rate drops need to be sorted. I tried playing it on the PS4 and I had to stop. It was like playing an old Call of Duty game with people jumping all. It very the map because of lag

Ju3792d ago (Edited 3792d ago )

Yet I think it is the most fun to jump in and play. Sure, it needs work. But it's a free game and I'm having a blast with it. Sure gives CoD a run for the money (lol).

L-DOT-_REAPER_3792d ago

i agree and plus its still in the BETA of course its gonna be rough, but im having a ton of fun with it

XtraTrstrL3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

The screen tearing is really what annoys me. The sensitivity and aiming in general also just seems that it isn't optimized for a controller in general. It's just the regular sensitivity settings for PC keyboard/mouse it seems, and you just have to sit there and adjust and adjust, you'll get it slightly better, but you can tell that it's not really done in a proper way for a controller's analog sticks like how COD is.

The game crashes a lot on me, and it also does this annoying thing where there's a sound that will start repeating and once it starts, you have to exit a match to get it to stop. I know it's a beta, but damn son.

The monitization is bad too, you can't really unlock anything permanently without paying, then when you unlock for a day, 3 days or a week, it seems it's not game time, it's just time in general. So if you waste tons of in-game money to unlock something for a week, then go away on vacation or something, when you come back, it's locked again, pretty stupid. It should be game time.

Ju3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

Yeah, the crashes are annoying and the bugs. I think this is a typical PC game ported to a console, though. It doesn't go through the typical Sony approval process; those are the new rules for indy pubs on PSN. Makes live easier on them (e.g. they can update more frequently) but well, isn't quite up to the standard of other games. They will be getting there, but it's also their responsibility to fix it. And they do.

And the performance issues I blame on UE3, tbh. These guys are basically the ones porting the engine to the PS4 which then, I guess, hasn't been optimized for multi core, yet, I guess. I think, though, performance and framerate improved since the last update. Some levels have issues, some don't.

At the end, I think this game is well worth it. Why are you surprised you have to actually spend money to get something in return? You don't have to. The basic loadout is fully playable - and competitive.

XtraTrstrL3791d ago

Well, it becomes pay-2-win to an extent. Some of the add-ons and other guns give a great advantage. So, people paying will be able to always have some really top advantages.

The game is fun, don't get me wrong, especially when you are good at it and get kills, which is one of the reasons I still play, ofcourse that helps eleviate some of the frustrating issues.

I just hope that all this bypassing Sony approval process doesn't lead to some horribly optimized games that can cause hardware issues with your system.

But yeah, for being free, it is a fun game, and I'm using it as an alternative to COD, BF and KZ, because I refuse to buy another repetitive COD. Also, I played BF for awhile, and it's always felt like I forced myself to play BF, cuz it was never as fun as COD, I just respect DICE for their efforts and how much love they put into the engine and development of their games on every platform. BF4 was a disappointment in that aspect though, mainly because of EA's rushing DICE to get it out though. Killzone, I tried multiplayer on part 3 and wasn't impressed. So, I'm waiting for Destiny for a good FPS.

plumber153791d ago

just like bf4 on ps4 there is no skill in aiming it locks from pretty much any distance i am not sure if xbox one is the same . and if you turn off aim assist you get destroyed from range .

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3791d ago
dartmyth3792d ago

the game just sucks like dust 514 does know sony wants to support indi devs but support ones that dont make crap shooters that are worse than what a bored 14 year old could make with unity in a week.

Kryptix3791d ago

Blacklight is actually smooth on PC. Just give them some time to transition the game into the console that's why it's called a beta. If they can't do that when it finally becomes official then people can bash like any other game with broken aspects.

Majin-vegeta3792d ago

Only complaint i have so far is the aim assist.Get rid of it completely there's no need for it especially with the DS4.

@Dart it's a beta the PC version is leagues above what we have on PS4 right now.

Ju3792d ago

Why? Play Killzone if you want that sort of game. Or BF4. All great on their own. This is a twitchy shooter, and actually, I like it more than CoD.

desertpunk863792d ago

game is like cod fast paced fps that requires little to no skill it will give a couple of hours of joy but will not make you spend any money.

sarcastoid3792d ago

I've had fun with it considering it's 100% free but yeah, they have some work to do. And already facing an uphill battle with FTP model anyway.

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Blacklight Retribution PS4 Operation to Continue, PC Version Shuts Down

Blacklight Retribution PS4 operations will continue without official support but the game's PC version has been shut down.

Read Full Story >>
IamTylerDurden11916d ago

Obviously PC wasn't cuttin it, PS4 is a Juggernaut, makes sense.

letsa_go1916d ago (Edited 1916d ago )

That sucks

Majors1916d ago

Shut the servers down but let people host their own and keep these games active for those who want to play. Its bullshit when they kill a game completely when they could easy patch it for hosting / creating online content


Blacklight Retribution Servers & Official Support Ending in March, All Items Made Free

Hardsuit Labs has mentioned that the Blacklight Retribution servers are shutting down on March 11 for PC, though PS4 version will continue as is. All items in the PC store are now free.

LuzCB19871918d ago

Another one bites the dust.

Father__Merrin1917d ago

Remember playing this when I first got a ps4. Never good news to see games shut down I guess one day online only games can bite the dust

Sgt_Slaughter1917d ago (Edited 1917d ago )

This is why buying into these sort of games are a bad idea.

BlacKJesu51917d ago

That's like saying buying cod at 60 is bad..cause you know a new version is coming and you won't play last years

Sgt_Slaughter1917d ago

Not even slightly the same. I can still play Modern Warfare 2 because, guess what, it still works online AND it has offline modes. This applies to I think every Call of Duty game.

With Blacklight, everything you've ever purchased is gone forever after the servers are gone, and you can never play the game again.

BlacKJesu51916d ago

Is there no other f2p games.....Apex legends just came out..play the new version

masterfox1917d ago

See this is why online mp only games effing sucks and definitely will never support them. ;)

Giblet_Head1917d ago

Depending how much of a cult following it has, it could be revived by some mod team in the distant future. Similar cases have happened with games like 2142 and Star Wars Galaxies.

excaliburps1917d ago

Yes, I see this happening if the fanbase is there, too.

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MMOs - Blacklight Retribution Review

Blacklight Retribution review with screenshots and videos.