
Next-gen Prince of Persia goes open-world

This time around, players won't start off as a prince, but instead as a drifter and adventurer, lost in the desert. "We're starting afresh, in the same universe, and we wanted to bring something new while keeping what worked before," creative director Jean-Christphe Chuyot explains, adding "He'll be confronted by a lot of fantasy settings."

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hardmetal5841d ago

it’s from the studio that created Sand of Time only ( The team behind Assassin’s Creed ). The two other two parts are created by a different team.

hardmetal5841d ago (Edited 5841d ago )

I meant "team" instead of "studio".

sonarus5841d ago

What is it with ubisoft montreal and open world games? Assasins creed, far cry 2, splinter cell conviction and now this.

Not every game works well with that open world formula

Amanosenpai5841d ago

IMO the "linear" free running an problem solving works great in PoPersia series.

If its an openworld like Assasins Creed this will just suck.

Statix5841d ago

To me, open-world, nonlinear games offer more a more explorative and engrossing experience, and sometimes more replay value. Linear games are fine the first play-through, but all things equal, they feel more artificial and less compelling to me.

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time would never have been hailed as one of the greatest games of all time if it was just a linear experience lacking a fully-realized, open overworld.

Amanosenpai5841d ago

Asassins Creed = Open world formula

Prince of Persia = "linear" formula

I just dont want a Prince of persia game that looks like Asassins Creed 2...

ps3 is my champion5841d ago (Edited 5841d ago )

Assassin's creed's open world failed miserably and the only people who can do it right are rockstar and to a lesser extent bethesda.

Zelda games are in a class of their own there's something special about the whole link thing.

ubisoft montreal is a pos team. Who want's to play boring games like AC, or ingame ad infested, sh*tty framerate games like rbsv2. Their code is far from elegant.

Let me say this, I am forever indebted to gamestop for letting me return those steampiles no questions asked.

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wolfehound225841d ago

Well should be interesting. They did do Assassin's Creed so they know how to do open world games. I just hope there are more varieties in missions than AC I got bored with that game.

kosha5841d ago

Yeah i still havent completed AC. Its allright for a bit as you admire the graphics but then you realize theres nothing to do and you get bored

KBDuB5841d ago

kosha - Nothing to Do!? Are you Kidding!? Nah, just joking.. but, it does get fun just killing random people and guards. Sorta like going on a rampage in GTA. =D

kosha5841d ago

When i do go on it i normally spend the majority of my time stabbing tramps. It doesnt matter if the quards come because ill just counter attack them all to death

kingme715841d ago

There were alot of things done right in AC. AC had some faults that were really around the design of gameplay that take nothing away from the engine. Hopefully, POP will be a great game.

kosha5841d ago

Assasins creed had alot of potential and it could of easily become a classic it just needed more vareity

Jinxstar5841d ago

I agree. All I think AC really needed was to lose the stupid Sci Fi twist and give you the cross bow that was in the trailer. Story was great and... I think it had vartiety, You could hunt flags, Eavedrop, Pick Pocket, blend, Eagle view thing, Climb, Fight.... I can see where you would think its repeatative but I enjoyed it. Adult themed and well written and set in a time that deseves more attention.

eddierivera5841d ago

Thats all else I had to say.

Neurotoxin5841d ago

So Basically its going to be Assassin`s Creed, but with Aladdin instead Of Altair pointless jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

I think Prince of Persia worked as a Linear Platformer, making it open world will just ruin it.

BeaArthur5841d ago

And you know this because you have played it?

Jinxstar5841d ago

Here is the thing I think he's getting at... Think God of War open world... it would be very very hard to do. I think a good Dev team can do anything but why change what works so well at a high risk of failure... Most fans of PoP prefer the linear story driven game with cool acrobatics as opposed to an assassins creed approach. I mean we have AC2 coming one day why not stick to your guns...

BeaArthur5841d ago

Jinxstar...you have to evolve to be able to keep things fresh. As much as I like the PoP series, how many games do you think they could do before it starts getting old? Take a game like Resident Evil 4, they completely changed the format and it was a lot better. My point was that he should wait and see what the game is like before passing judgement on it. I mean come on we haven't even seen any gameplay footage, we literally know nothing about the game.

Neurotoxin5841d ago

Yes i`ve played the new Prince of Persia game even though its not been finished...............

Rather than me writing another comment read the guys comment above, pretty much sums up my thoughts.

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The Steam Early Holiday - Sunday's Deals

Steam's series of one day only offers continues onto its fourth day. On offer today are:

World of Goo - 75% off
EVE Online: Apocrypha - 75% off
Lucidity - 75% off
Battlefield 2: Complete Collection - 50% off
Prince of Persia and everything else Prince of Persia - 50% off
Guild Wars Trilogy - 50% off
Trackmania United Forever - 50% off

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micro_invader5268d ago

Some awesome deals. Especially the huge THQ pack.

5268d ago
5268d ago
STK0265268d ago

The sales really started strong, but today and yesterday's sales were a bit lackluster, to me.

Hopefully they will go all out tomorrow, if only not to be overshadowed by D2D's crazy Monday sale or whatever they are calling it.

evrfighter5268d ago

cyber monday.

I've never seen any cyber monday deals that were as crazy as black friday deals thought.

led10905268d ago

i doubt Valve ever releases their steam sales numbers. How did you get info about the sales then?

STK0265268d ago

I was not referring to the sales themselves, but the deals. The two first days had better games in my opinion. I bought 5-6 games in the two first days, I thought about buying RE5 yesterday, but decided against it since I already own it on console aswell as Borderlands (actually own it on PC and PS3), as for today, I checked the list, closed Steam, told myself I'd come back tomorrow.

Of course, this is very subjective, since I already owned many of the games that were on sale, but it does seem like the bigger games were on sale on the first day, mainly L4D2 and DAO.

pcgia5268d ago

2.2 - I think he just meant in reference to the titles available. I skipped out on 2 because I thought I might have had a crack at some other ones I would be more likely to play, then the last two days didn't have much at all, that I was interested in personally.

pcgia5268d ago

oh, he replied while I was ;)

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5268d ago
Eamon5268d ago (Edited 5268d ago )

Can't wait to play it!

Steam deals FTW!

multipayer5268d ago (Edited 5268d ago )

I lolled at the demo on 360, but mouse control would probably make it seem like nice interactive tetris levels.

*looks at unassembled PC parts from black friday* >_<

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Madusha5325d ago

I had 'The original Prince of Persia' it was an awesome game, still want to play it today. Didn't know until now, Prince of Persia shares it's birthday with mine :D

One of the best game series's to come out in the history of gaming.


A decent Prince of Persia Retrospective (before the film traumatizes us all)

UGO writes,

"To capture the fluid motions that would distinguish Prince of Persia from the glut of adventure video games released in the late '80s Jordan Mechner studied video and still pictures of his younger brother, David. Those are some modest roots for a franchise that has sold in the millions and, in 2010, see the release of a blockbuster film.

But how Mechner's Prince of Persia could inspire a reimagination that would become one of 2008's most popular holiday releases is a winding tale best told in bits. To help explain, we've compiled a chronological retrospective. Now you can learn how a kid jumping around the front yard became a thousand-polygon model leaping across hundred foot chasms."

thedukeofkna5385d ago

I absolutely abhorred the new POP game. The taint of the whole series by far. such a waste of 30 dollars.