
Cleopatra: Riddle of the Tomb Review at CheatCC - Riddle me this

CheatCC writes: "Strikingly similar to the Myst series' gameplay, Riddle of the Tomb will have gamers scouring ancient Alexandria for clues and implements in order to solve the mystery of Cleopatra's destiny and the disappearance of your mentor and lost love."


IGN: Cleopatra: Riddle of the Tomb Review

High quality visuals, appropriate atmosphere, and puzzles that go beyond finding keys (even to open doors!) all combine to make a good adventure game. Obviously the genre isn't for everyone, and for this one you'll probably want to have at least some curiosity about the post-Alexander Ancient Egypt as well, since the tasks are not usually just shoe-horned into the context. Cleopatra: Riddle of the Tomb can't just be chopped in half like the Gordian knot, but these puzzles are pretty satisfying to unravel.

Presentation - 7.0
Graphics - 8.0
Sound - 7.5
Gameplay - 7.5
Lasting Appeal - 6.5
Overall -


GameSpot: Riddle of the Tomb Review

In some ways, Cleopatra: Riddle of the Tomb proves that you don't need to reinvent the wheel. Traditional adventure games may seem awfully creaky at this late date, but there is something to be said for a new release that sticks so close to the old formula yet still manages to tell a tale that most adventurers will want to finish.

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