
Power Rangers Megaforce Review [Capsule Computers]

Dustin Spencer from Capsule Computers writes: "After a ton of cash grabs in the industry since (and yeah, some were decent enough over the years), Saban are back running the show and Namco have delivered a fresh start for the franchise in video game form. Power Rangers Megaforce takes the latest season of the hit and inserts the player into the experience as they take down the latest evil that is attacking the planet. A photo morphing ability, classic beat-em up gameplay, and original voice acting? It was too good to be true. I wanted to love it from the start, but shortly in, I discovered why licensed games are still a market that fans should approach with caution."

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We Need A True Modern Power Rangers Game

With all of its retained and regained popularity, why haven’t we seen a modern triple A style game based on the franchise yet? The 25th anniversary provides a great opportunity for an announcement of one, and developers have plenty of options to choose from, but first to understand the possible future of Power Rangers games, we have to take a look into the past.

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gangsta_red2108d ago

Gah..wait...what...THANK YOU!

I mean seriously, the game writes itself. You have more than enough material to draw from.

I picture a beat 'em up / rpg type game where you can power up and upgrade your Ranger. Add different weapons and moves also.

Unlock different Rangers from the many series to use in gameplay.

Have levels where you play as Words fighting huge beasts.

It's right there for the taken...are you going to take it....are you man enough to take it?

Godmars2902107d ago

Then, either after winning the lottery or - somehow - getting some Star Citizen level funding on Kickstarter along with SABAN's blessing, you better get to making it. Cause given current gaming trends you're not going to get anything like that on a console.

milohighclub2107d ago (Edited 2107d ago )

I've been thinking the same thing for a while now.. Got a few ideas for an origins story, a civil war story on zordons home planet.

But there's plenty more you could do with it.
Imagine open world rpg, teleporting is fast travel, side missions at Ernies, different story arc from the morphing series, morph at anytime, putty patrol attacks whenever, call zords, giant monsters destroying the city with debris falling everywhere. Side missions could include martial arts tournaments, science fairs. Most importantly, bulk and skull.
Would need to be mighty morphing series but a bit darker. Not too dark but appeal more to adults than children.


ChristCenteredGamer Power Rangers Megaforce review

The visuals are downright disappointing. There is not much of a difference between the 2D and 3D enabled mode. Then again this title is probably best suited for those who shouldn't have the 3D activated anyway.

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Power Rangers Megaforce Review - Glitch Cat

Glitch Cat - When it comes down to it, Power Rangers Megaforce is a game that’s formulated on good ideas but is poorly executed. Perhaps a month or two in Quality Assurance would have made this game a more pleasurable experience, but as it stands it’s pretty much a broken product. Young kids who are sworn fans would definitively forgive its shortcomings, but everyone else would see this game for what it is: a quick cash in.

Sorry Rangers, you deserve better.

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Vednor3827d ago

Good quality writing mate.

wonderfulmonkeyman3827d ago

It's a shame; the TV series has survived as long as it has for a good reason, but the games haven't had many good ones.
The last one I remember as being any good was that one fighting game that mostly featured various Zords. Ninja Zord was a challenge to play as.

Allsystemgamer3827d ago

They could do a co op POWER RANGERS game with different eras of the show. Arkham inspired combat and make it a little more mature for the audience that grew up with it. It could have some potential rather than this crap. I'm a 91 kid. Loved this when I was younger.

Deltaguy3827d ago

still better then knack...lol

Sketchy_Galore3827d ago

Does that kind of trolling really still work after the reviews for Ryse? and Lococycle? aaaaand The fighter within? and the system itself?

blackblades3827d ago

Last good power ranger game was back on genesis MMPO the movie, and the fighting game. Tbh I like power rangers it went down hill when saban got the rights back and moved to from disney to nicktoons playing samurai. Digimon, beyblade other shows were good on disney xd now they all are on nick and they suck now whats up with that.

Majin-vegeta3827d ago

Seems everything us 90's kids loved back in the day suck.nowadays :/.