
Coaster Crazy Deluxe (Wii U) Review | Dunham Gaming

Frontier Developments has made a reputation for their theme park sims, after developing RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 and Thrillville. Many people have fond memories of building rides and attractions, and complete various challenges. However, they are now returning to these plots, as they release Coaster Crazy Deluxe for the Nintendo Wii U, where it gives users an ability to build their own roller coaster rides, no more, no less.

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Review: Coaster Crazy Deluxe (Pure Nintendo)

Pure Nintendo: "While I’ve mixed feelings on Coaster Crazy Deluxe, I think the creativity and slapstick humor of the game will hold some appeal, especially for kids. Furthermore it’s the sort of game that encourages careful thought and planning. For ten dollars there is a good amount of content here, probably best experienced in shorter sessions. If you’re a gamer with perseverance who finds the thought of constructing crazy rollercoasters the world over intriguing, this is a download to consider."

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Coaster Crazy Deluxe Review - Off the Rails | Laser Lemming

Laser Lemming Writes

"My first experience of Coaster Crazy Deluxe was playing a preview build of the games sandbox mode at the Nintendo booth at this year’s Eurogamer. Two things were clear to me after my brief hands on. Firstly, that I wanted to play more, and secondly, that I had well and truly pissed off the game’s attendant."

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Coaster Crazy Deluxe Review | AppSpy

You'd expect the creators of Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 to be able to cook up a decent coaster-based game for the iPhone. Well, that's exactly what Frontier Developments accomplished last year with Coaster Crazy, a free-to-play rollercoaster creation game based around tailoring individual coasters to their patron's needs.