
Nintendo’s Missed Virtual Console Opportunities

Nintendo has one of video games’ most impressive backlogs, but it is missing a lot of golden opportunities with its Virtual Console.

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BullyMangler3805d ago

nintendo will make Excitebike 64 online compatible for the wiiU gamepad soon . .

there is no missed opportunity . .nintendo already has us in the palm of their hand

Necro_5593805d ago

Maybe in your delusional world. The WiiU has been out for a year and it has one remake of a 10 year old game and one decent game we have been playing since 96'. It has less the 1/6 the power of the next gen and will most likely not see a single 3rd party game from any publisher other then Ubisof. And i bet that runs out fast. But have fun with your system that MAYBE gets 1 or 2 games a year. All of which are 25 year old IPs. Nintendo f*cked this generation up ALREADY. Its back to the Wii Xbox 360 PS3 difference. This time the Wii U wont have all the shovel ware to build the library. You delusional Nintendo fans are hilarious. Its like your in an altered dimension.

KakashiHotake3805d ago

That right there is one of the most fanboyish comments I've ever come across. People like you make gamers look dumb as hell.

mikeslemonade3805d ago

VC isn't selling point. Piracy sells. And it's much easier to pirate the Nintendo games than emulate PlayStation games. I can run Nintendo games but the PS games are just too advanced for my standard computer.

Just get it trough your thick Nintendo glasses, that the only reason the Wii was a such huge seller is motion controls and it came packaged with Wii Sports.

herbs3805d ago (Edited 3805d ago )

There's more to hardware specs than just numbers on a page but this is beyond your comprehension...
Same gap as last gen lol, google diminishing returns...
Franchises that have been around for nearly 30 years and continue to stay popular is a testament to how great and relevant they still are but still you can't fathom this...
Same decent game from 96? more like amazing as usual since 85...
Sounds like someone needs to get check themselves before they reck themselves...

mikeslemonade3805d ago

The gap looks the same if not better than last gen. Google launch 360 games with late-gen xbox, ps2, and gamecube games.

Even though gaming is closer to looking real life lots of stuff needs to be improved. Frames, resolution, physics, draw distance, textures etc.

WiiU games feel dated.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3805d ago
Concertoine3805d ago

they really should have an online component to games like melee, or mario kart 64 or mario party 1-3, it would really tug nostalgia strings and friends that have separated can relive their memories.

dalibor3805d ago

Agreed. That would be so awesome. Those games would be so much fun online. Maybe even Star Fox 64?

Concertoine3804d ago

Yeah, i dont get their beef with updating old games without a complete overhaul. Like street fighter 2 is a snes port for 8 bucks on wii u, but you can get it in hd with updated graphics on 360 with online multiplayer for 10... why would i spend 8 bucks on a ROM dump.

2pacalypsenow3805d ago

They need to add Gamecube games

ColinZeal3805d ago

Yup, if that thing would play GC games i'd instantly buy one to play Super Mario Sunshine.

TheFirstClassic3805d ago

You know how there's a sonic's ultimate sega genesis collection? They should come out with an ultimate n64 collection, with increased resolution and widescreen. Only problem is if they don't have rights to rareware's games, the collection wouldn't be near as good without it.

dalibor3805d ago

Hope Nintendo figures it out & gets it together. The Virtual Console games brings back memories, Nintendo has the chance to have one of the best catalogs of games ever compiled that is within reach at one location. More games are needed.

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Super Mario 64 DS: Remakes Done Right

Super Mario 64 DS was offered as a launch title for the Nintendo DS, a remake of the classic platform game with a few original tricks.

Chard14d ago

Not with those D-pad controls

CDbiggen14d ago

Needs more appreciation. I never had an N64 so this was what I played. Sure the Yoshi hat mechanic at first is a slog but you unlock Mario and the others for real and then it takes off. Personally I never had an issue with the controls. Can't forget the mini games and the 4 player rumble over download play.

kevco3314d ago

Indeed, as stated in the article there were tonnes of control options and very much a 'take whatever you like, leave the rest' attitude to most of the game's extras.

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mastershredder58d ago

Castlevania Symphony of the Night says, 'not so fast there, Ollie'.

GoodGuy0958d ago

Fusion did a great job at it. Really love that horror feel with metroid. I mean you are completely alone on alien planets filled with horrific monsters and toxic environments.