
EDGE (Wii U) Review | Dunham Gaming

Two Tribes – the developer of Toki Toki – seems to be busy porting their classic mobile games over to the Wii U. One of those is EDGE, which happens to be a 2008 game which appeared on iOS, Android and PC platforms, and 5 years later, it finally reached onto the Nintendo’s latest system in 1080p HD graphics. With a sub-$5 price tag and off-screen support, it may look like a game with a good value for money, is it not?

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for we are many3824d ago

Really a good game, simple fun idea and it plays very well on Wii U, this system has a very good selection of downloadable titles in its first year.


EDGE is a VR Game That Prepares Teachers For A School Shootout

Enhanced Dynamic Geo-Social Environment or EDGE is the U.S. Army and Homeland Security Department's $5.6 million VR simulation program, that has played a prominent role in the training of fire departments and police agencies and how they should respond to school shootings.

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360ICE2341d ago

Good old US. Always treating the symptoms -- never the disease.

“With teachers, they did not self-select into a role where they expect to have bullets flying near them. Unfortunately, it’s becoming a reality,” Griffith said. “And so we want to give them that chance to understand what options are available to them and what might work well for them.”

How about, instead of this, start requiring training in storing and using guns to require a gun license. And if you fail to safely store the gun, and it ends up in the wrong hands, you go to jail for negligence.


As a firearm owner, I can agree with this.

InMyOpinion2341d ago (Edited 2341d ago )

Death Breath ftw!

mafiahajeri2341d ago (Edited 2341d ago )

I completely agree, but then there's the black market which is a thriving business in the US...

There's an old Arabic saying that roughly translates to "preparing the medicine before the strike"

The context being: You know you're gonna get striked, so you set up some BS counter measures so you don't get blamed later, thats the medicine part. Why not prevent the strike before it happens? Isn't that the whole point?

There's also a fine line between being brave and being stupid, the wrong move in inexperienced hands could make the situation x10 worse. Ask any cop.

I got into a fist fight the other day on the side of the street, it was stupid of me to go down and face two guys by myself. But turns out they were pussies and the driver got an ass whipping hell never forget.

I was lucky though, he had his window down the whole time I was tuning up his face, and he was trying to reach for his knife the whole time. I was satisfied with the beating and left. People got out of their cars trying to cool down the situation and the guy immediately drove off.

I tried opening his door, which he locked upon seeing me approach his window, but it escaped me at the time that I could have opened his door from the inside. These are the kind of stupid no brainer things you don't realize only after the situation ends, and then it's too late.

Point being trying to be a hero is dumb when the odds are stacked against you, and in the case of school shootings the odds will always be against you.

In my case I wouldn't have brought my fists to a knife fight if I had known beforehand that he had a knife. I would have came down with a weapon to, or drove off.

These people are asking teachers to spontaniously react to a student whipping out a GUN, sounds like a recipe for disaster...

mafiahajeri2341d ago

Everyone has a plan until they get shot in the mouth...

If you've been in a situation that requires quick thinking before you know you can never be fully prepared. It's easy to say I'll do this and that but this isn't a game it's real life.

Casualties are bound to occur if you don't prevent these incidents before they occur.

A vr experience that teaches staff to spot weapons and security at school doors would have made more sense.


Nintendo Switch graces the cover of Edge magazine

The Nintendo Switch is on the cover of the upcoming March issue of Edge magazine, under the header "Has Nintendo Go It Right This Time?"

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Neonridr2678d ago

I think they have definitely done enough right here for this system to be set up for success. Time will tell if Nintendo will be able to iron out some of the wrinkles people have about the machine..

colonel1792678d ago

Hopefully they do more right and have more consoles for pre-order!!

Realplaya2678d ago

I think in the investors meeting they indicated they would increase preorders to meet the high demand.

Uken122678d ago

Right!? I was like, if they show that Super Bowl Commercial to a bunch of people while it all the preorders are already sold. People will be irritated that they can't get one.

Moonman2678d ago (Edited 2678d ago )

Nice cover! I need this issue for archive history. Looks like a winner to me. On a side note, whoever is working Nintendo Switch marketing is so on point. March Issue 303? Launching 3.3.17? Can it be more on point??? LOL

Einhander19712678d ago

What a great front cover will buy for collection, switch looks great !! roll on March when mine
Gets delivered :)

Fist4achin2678d ago (Edited 2678d ago )

But does it give them the Edge?! Yes, no,...Crickets...

Sorry, long day of work.

Manashake2678d ago

I want it, but 400,- to play Zelda alone is holding me back.

deafdani2678d ago (Edited 2678d ago )

360, not 400.

300 = Switch.
60 = Game.

That said, yes, it's generally not a good idea to buy a system if you only want to play one game. Wait a year or two while the Switch builds up its library... just like any other console.

meganick2678d ago

But you're leaving out tax.

SR3882678d ago

I'm spending like £550 lol and I've also got BOTW for my WiiU aswell :)

deafdani2678d ago

meganick: true. In my case, it was $20 tax for Switch, but I actually saved money on games because I preordered them with a free trial of Amazon Prime, which gives out a discount of around 12 bucks per preordered game.


jholden32492678d ago

Should take a look at Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (April 28th I believe?). 48 tracks, brand new battle mode and areas, compatible with new motion of Switch (if you like to get down with a set of wheels, and they're a lot smaller this time around). Definite must have for any Switch owner.

Also Splatoon 2 (summer)... take my word for it, even people who hate competitive shooters love this game, Arms is a new IP and apparently has very deep mechanics for a boxer/fighter (it's like Punchout but Splatoon style, watch some gameplay). Xenoblade 2 is slated for this year, and you DEFINITELY need to check that one out. The Xenoblade games are some of the finest JRPGs of the modern era. And of course Mario Odyssey is coming this year (yay for open, non-linear Mario!). And there's a new Fire Emblem game announced (Not Fire Emblem Warriors- that's also coming and should be great fun for fans, but a REAL game is coming too). Skyrim is dropping this fall also, which you may already own (I do, twice over in fact) but if you're like me you'll probably want to get it just to have it on that sexy portable screen. The fact all these games are playable anywhere is incredible (to me anyways, I love handheld systems)

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EDGE, RUSH & Toki Tori 1 – Prices Permantly Reduced on Wii U eShop

Two Tribes have announced that their current line up of Wii U Classics have been permantly reduced in price on the Wii U eShop. The current line-up include three of the best games currently available on the eShop, EDGE, RUSH and the original Toki Tori game.

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