
Review: Hands On! Tangrams (Pure Nintendo)

Pure Nintendo: "Hands On! Tangrams is yet another recent DSiWare download that first saw life years earlier as a physical release. I knew this would be a good game even before I redeemed the review code, as I’d actually purchased it at retail prior. Playing it again gave me the opportunity to see if my favorable memories still held up. I’m pleased to say that’s the case – this is a quality game, well worth considering."

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WorthPlaying: Hands On! Tangrams Review

WorthPlaying writes: "It's true that puzzle games on the DS are a dime a dozen, and most of them are boring, derivative shades of great puzzlers that show up on other platforms. It's a shame, too, considering that the touch-screen interface of Nintendo's handheld really lends itself well to logic-testing titles. Once in a while, though, a game comes along that is both unique and entertaining, something fresh and fun. Hands On! Tangrams fulfills the first part of this formula, showcasing something new and different. Unfortunately, the fun doesn't last long, and this game is over before it truly gets going."

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GameZone: Hands On! Tangrams Review

GameZone writes: "The classic puzzle game known as "tangrams" finds its roots in ancient China. The player must use seven geometric tiles to form the final product, which is shown as a silhouette. This silhouette might resemble anything from a dragon to a tiger; it may take some imagination to see these figures within each angular mass. Fortunately, this DS incarnation properly conveys the identity of each silhouette, which effectively predisposes the player to "see" the subject within the silhouette. Rorschach would be proud."

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