
New Screenshot from open-world fantasy RPG Balrum reveals Dungeon

Balcony Team’s open-world fantasy RPG for the PC gets a new image today; the ingame screenshot shows off a new environment – a dungeon for players to explore.

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Whatsupdog3825d ago

Yep, but the scope is so much more. Adding this to my list of games to watch.

MestreRothN4G3825d ago

The scope is always "more".

But the final product...

Rzep3825d ago

Intrigued, though I hope I can zoom in cause this looks a bit far from the character.

MrTrololo3825d ago

Meh is it necessary to have so many diablo clone ?


5 cRPG's You Should Check Out

When you think cRPG's you probably think of the classics like Baulder's Gate or Icewind Dale. Perhaps you think of newer cRPG's like Pillars of Eternity or Divinity: Original Sin.

However there are a whole world of classic style RPG's out there that you may have not heard of. Here are 5 you should check out.

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Review: Balrum | Starburst Magazine

For many of you the story behind Balrum will sound all too familiar – An indie team set out to build an RPG, promising ye olde RPG experience all but forgotten today. However, unlike the dime a dozen RPG Maker clones so often seen on Steam Greenlight, the game isn’t merely cashing in on nostalgia; instead it’s a true love letter to the open world RPGs of yesteryear.

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Open World Fantasy RPG Balrum Gets Steam Release Date

Dan Miller writes: "Graphically there doesn’t seem too much to shout about with the fantasy world portrayed from a zoomed out isometric viewpoint and some functional animations. However scratch beneath the surface and that large open world looks well stocked with varied locations, independent NPCs, turn based combat, branching plot, side quests, farming, alchemy, hunting and even the option to tame animals to be your loyal pets."

ThunderPulse3095d ago

I hope they make this for PS4 also.