
Steam Marines (v 0.8.3a) Reviewed - Johnnoshark-Reviews

Sean Fox muses on a surprisingly charming indie steampunk tactical turn-based roguelike called "Steam Marines" from developer "Worthless Bums".

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An Open Letter to Valve: Never Make Half-Life 3

A decade has past since we've seen the last Half-Life game. In that time, the video game industry has gone through a lot of changes. On top of that, Half-Life 3 has reached mythical legend status. And based on how Valve has grown as a company, would it even be a good idea to even consider making it?

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derkasan2872d ago

It'd be nice to have a Half-Life 3, but I don't know if it'd be able to meet fan's expectations - those are some pretty big shoes to fill.

Erik73572871d ago (Edited 2871d ago )

Better than nothing? To be honest I don't think they care about fan expectations. Or if they do, it's the last major concern on their list...

Seeing what they are doing to counter strike and tf2 its obvious that money is a higher priority than fan expectations, why not the same for half life? Not saying they didn't care for tf2 or counter strike fans but if the hardcore fans had it their way with their expectations things would be different

thekhurg2872d ago

An open response to the creator of this article.

Up yours. I want half life 3...

thejigisup2872d ago

My only expectation is that the game falls in line with the level of quality i already expect from the half life series. They don't have to try to impress everyone, they don't have to raise any bars, just keep them high. The half life series is one of my favorite series i want to see it completed before im 90

thisgamer5032871d ago

I just want a nice way to close the story up. Not releasing HL3 ever would be BS

Kallisti2871d ago

"A decade has past since we've seen the last Half-Life game." Stopped reading right there, Half-Life 2: Episode Two released on October 10, 2007.

dead_pixels2871d ago

Episode 2 is an expansion, not a whole new game. So yes, it's been well over a decade since we've seen a proper new entry in the Half Life series, and it's been just shy of a decade since the last expansion.

Kallisti2871d ago

Considering you don't need Half-Life 2 to play either of the two episodes I wouldn't consider them expansions.

dead_pixels2871d ago

Standalone expansions are still expansions. Would you actually call Infamous: First Light or Forza 2's Fast & Furious standalone expansions new games in their respective series? No, of course not.

Benoski2871d ago (Edited 2871d ago )

Half-Life 3 has been hyped up so much that even seeing it would be a miracle. Valve know this and they know it's not going to live up to the hype.

Also, what does Valve have to gain money-wise? They're already making tons of profit from selling the games of other studios/publishers thanks to Steam and games like Team Fortress 2 and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive are still going strong today, despite the runaway success of Overwatch. Also, with VR on the way, they'll want to head in that direction next.

While it would be nice, it's time to face reality: Half-Life 3 is never going to happen.

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WWII MMO 'War Thunder' to Be Bundled With Alienware Steam Machine at Launch

Alienware's Steam Machine will apparently come bundled with War Thunder and DLC when it launches.

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MercilessDMercer3132d ago

I saw this on Occulus and that was awesome... Unsure how it'll look in 2D

COGconnected3132d ago

That is nice how its free-to-play.

Testfire3132d ago

War thunder is pretty awesome. I just started playing a couple days before Fallout 4 and I was hooked. Then Fallout 4 came out and I haven't played since, but I plan to go back soon.

Tobsesan3132d ago

Such a systemseller. May as well throw in a download link so people dont have to uninstall it.

BrianOBlivion3130d ago

How generous of them to include a ftp game that I have no interest in and will have to uninstall.


Alienware Steam Machine Launches With New 'Up Close' Video

The Alienware Steam Machine looks to take on the PS4 and Xbox One with a massive game library and a true console experience.

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MercilessDMercer3132d ago

I have to say that I don't really understand the steam machine market

COGconnected3132d ago

I am with you. It's just not for me, at all.

freshslicepizza3132d ago (Edited 3132d ago )

it is designed to be the catalyst between a console gamer and a pc gamer. a system designed out of the box to work with the game library with no need to tweak much like a game console. it is also designed to work without microsoft windows which can cost $100 or more to a pc.

they are also building these to compete with the new console on pricing. for $480 you get a gaming platform that will outperform the ps4 and xbox one while offering online multiplayer for free. this is the next phase from valve to have living room entertainment much like a console. they offered big picture view before and games that can be played with a regular controller.

this is also helping market pc's which often do not have much marketing behind it like we see on consoles.

DevilOgreFish3132d ago (Edited 3132d ago )

What you're buying into is the form factor. they also provide a warranty service for the whole thing. You could of course build your own console, using the SilverStone raven PC case. which is around $80 - http://www.newegg.com/Produ...

The case actually looks like a next gen system.

hiawa233132d ago

Okay, so the steam machines were designed for those who wanted pc gaming machines, pc performance in a console like package. Right?

BrianOBlivion3130d ago

What's not to understand? Some of us spend all f*cking day sitting at a computer and we'd rather lounge on a couch in front of a giant screen to play games.

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3132d ago
bluebenjamin3131d ago

More powerful than the consoles for 480$ and you can use it as a PC, backwards competable, daul os, gamecube emulator,N64 emulator ,Ps2 emulator 1000s of games BC auto remaster games yeah this s killing the consoles feature wise.If your thinking about taking a shot into PC gaming but you don't want to build your own than this might be it for you.