
Kazunori Yamauchi Has a Street Name After Him in Spain

azunori Yamauchi, the creator of popular racing video game series Gran Turismo, has been lucky enough to have a street named after him in the city of Ronda in Spain just ahead of the Ronda launch event for the upcoming GT6 release

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yewles13837d ago

He SO looks like he's blushing here...




Gran Turismo 7 Has a "Really High Number of Active Users", Says Kazunori Yamauchi

The biggest surge in player numbers came after the release of Gran Turismo 7 Spec II in November, the game’s largest and most significant content update since it was released in March of 2022.

“When we released the Spec II update, the number of active users jumped up to double of what it was before that,” Yamauchi-san revealed. “I’ve heard in the video game industry that is quite rare.”

Spec II introduced seven new cars, an all-new snowy rally track, new single-player content, a new rotating set of “Weekly Challenges”, new license tests, four-player split screen, Photomode and Scapes enhancements, and the introduction of the all-new AI system, Gran Turismo Sophy 2.0, as a special mode in the game.

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Crows90173d ago

That's Xbox language right there....quick...let's make a dozen articles about how the game is super duper successful

darthv72173d ago

It does seem rather odd choice of wording. Usually they tout specific numbers, or something to that effect.

Babadook7172d ago (Edited 172d ago )

I think the point he is making is that even though the game is old (likely sold very well) it's still making records for active users. I can see two reasons why; PSVR2 is now by far the best way to play the game as of this year, and Spec II just launched which brings a lot more stuff to do, expending peoples play time. I can see why he's interested in the reaction here. Deserved IMO.

Einhander1972173d ago

They don't reveal sales directly, but the series sold over 90m in March of 2022. It was estimated that the game had sold 5.5 million at that time, but the series has historically had long legs. When Spec II launched it was pulled back into the top 20 for example.

Crows90173d ago

Dont think you got my point.

If this was an xbox game it would receive so many articles about its success based purely on active user.

No insulting the game just pointing out the hypocrisy.

PhillyDonJawn173d ago (Edited 173d ago )

"But what are the sales!!!" Lol

VariantAEC171d ago

More than 5 million units. That was announced late last year or early this year (2023).

Stanjara173d ago

No surprise, ps5 selling and the game is most beautiful and approachable racing sim today.

Nacho_Z173d ago

I think people are probably enjoying Sophy, if they release their next game with it featuring as a core component they're on to a winner imo.

Offline racing against an AI that acts like an intelligent human is perfection for a lot of people.

Lightning77173d ago

Player counts are important for a game with LS elements. This much is known even Sony knows this. Of course it's important for a game like this.

Einhander1972173d ago

Yea, it's especially nice when your player counts are high because you were able to sell millions of copies of your game.

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Yamauchi: Gran Turismo 7’s Spec II Update ‘Doubled Active Users’

The latest free update for Sony’s idiosyncratic racing game has helped the Gran Turismo series continue its popularity, according to its lead, Kazunori Yamauchi.

eagle21186d ago (Edited 186d ago )

Love it, love it, love it. (Did I say I love it?) :)

Babadook7185d ago (Edited 185d ago )

Sophy is wonderful. I hope they can just turn it on for all races though.

Plague-Doctor27186d ago

This is somehow the game I have put the most time into on my ps5 so far. It also convinced me to add a psvr2 and wheel, which I am both happy I have and angry I bought at the same time lol

outsider1624185d ago

Same here. Just finished a race a few mins ago and came here lol. I came 6th and even then such a fantastic race. Except for 1 or 2 most racers were really clean and respectful.
Planning to get the wheel (sold it to a friend) again along with psvr2.

185d ago
185d ago
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The seven new cars in Gran Turismo 7's next 'big' update

Series Producer Kazunori Yamauchi has let slip that Gran Turismo 7's next update will arrive the week commencing 30th November 2023. Here are the seven cars, revealed, set to be included.

Abear21219d ago

Agreed but so hard to complain when every update is free! Also, what tracks? Basically every great track is already in there.

RaiderNation219d ago

I want more city/urban tracks. Seattle and Rome would both be great starts!

And it doesn't need to be free! I'd GLADLY pay for a DLC track pack!

EazyC219d ago

I would be highly surprised if this update doesn't have at least one track in it.

S2Killinit220d ago (Edited 220d ago )

I see at least one dodge challenger. One Renault. One Porsche 911 of some sort, And one possible Skyline

EazyC219d ago

This one is gonna be good, I think GT fans have been waiting for this one for months now... fully expect a new track in here, and hopefully some significant single player events/missions.

Some new configurations to Sport Mode would be awesome too. Give us a reason to use these amazing new cars!

The 190E Evo 2 is such a cool addition... with the Alfa and BMW E30 M3, we can now do full-blown 1992 DTM races.

And the LFA....for obvious reasons....awesome.

purple101218d ago

4 daily races (weekly races in fact) please. Or keep the 3. And have 1 rotating one daily.