
Nintendo's next console will be the best one yet

A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away, gamers had an interactive game for their TVs called pong. The game was hailed by computer enthusiasts all over the United States. Soon after pong came what older gamers would remember as Atari which allowed gamers to play many different kinds of games on one console. But as great as these games were, video games were seen as nerdy and a "fad" that would die out within a year or so. In 1985 a Japanese company called Nintendo decided that it wanted to bring video games to the "casual gamer" and delivered to the world the NES.

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Capt CHAOS5858d ago

At the moment, technically it's inferior though the controller innovation has certainly made it attractive to a wider audience.

Wicked Sick5858d ago (Edited 5858d ago )

He means this next console will kick your ass and take your name.


Prototype5858d ago

What they mean to say is "Used to be the Best," seriously I lost faith in Nintendo after the 64, and ever since all they've done was re-invent the wheel with Mario, Zelda, and Metroid.

I had the Wii for 34 days and I don't see what the big hype is about it; so far I'm having some sort of play value with the 360 (and a major play value with my PS3), so in theory opening my horizons made me realize Nintendo lost their edge, and a big customer.

Hamadzedan5858d ago

it will be the best poul shiiit

PS360WII5858d ago

I keep hearing 'history repeats itself' so if that phrase is true then yes the next Nintendo console will be amazing. If Wii is the NES then whatever comes next will be the SNES. Rocking good time :)

LJWooly5858d ago

Then again, it's up to Nintendo which part of their history's going to repeat itself. Let's see them take some bloody risks this time, maybe even create a new IP, god forbid. If they can do that, then I can respect them again.

kewlkat0075858d ago

at one point Nintendo was the best at what they do because they had all the market-share, developers and of course the games.

ever since the SNES-Cd add-on debacle which gave birth to Sony playstation, some things have not been the same.

Yes, Sony made it easier to make games and cheaper on cds and such but Nintendo shyed away from "cutting edge technology" in their consoles. I'm guessing to keep things cheaper.

Plus their 3rd-party titles have not done that great, like it did on NES and SNES. Or lack there of on the Wii console. To be honest, the Gamecube was Nintendo's weakest console and the Wii's hardware is not that far from it.

Rough Total Sales numbers..

NES - 61 million
SENS - 49 million
N64 - 32 million
Gamecube - 21 million

With Nintendo's big Guns already out in like 1 year, what else will push the console sales?

Now you add MS, into the Mix which is doing well, for a second gen shot at the market. I don't know if Nintendo can someday be a "beast" in the hardware department again. Maybe they don't have to, but there will be plenty of gamers opting for hardcore games where sometimes Nintendo's console cannot handle.

so I wonder what they mean by "The best one yet".

ChickeyCantor5858d ago

" With Nintendo's big Guns already out in like 1 year, what else will push the console sales?"

who says they dont have more?

SaiyanFury5858d ago (Edited 5858d ago )


I couldn't agree more. This was the chief reason I never bothered getting a Wii. Certainly not for financial concerns as I have both a PS3 and a 360. The reason that I stopped buying Nintendo consoles was because of the lack of new and original IPs. I only bought my used GameCube for Tales of Symphonia although I have purchased a few other games for it, although none of them are the staple Nintendo series which include anything Mario, Zelda, Metroid (now a damned FPS), or any others. The best selling games coming for the Wii are the usual ones, the requisite Nintendo sequels, and while I'm sure they're all typical high Nintendo quality, they've been revamped so many times they just don't seem new to me anymore. If Miyamoto-san would shake off some of the cobwebs upstairs, I'm sure he has more than enough creative energies to come up with something new. And I mean a new game series, not new content and features for games like online play in Mario Kart Wii. The guy's obviously a proven creative genius, I just haven't seen anything new and inspiring since StarFox back on the SNES 15 years ago. That was the last time I had a new Nintendo console, and if I don't see anything new and inspiring it'll most likely remain the last new Nintendo console I'll ever own.


Nintendo didn't shy away from "cutting-edge" technology because it wanted to make things cheaper. From a fiscal perspective, writing games to a cheap, large capacity CD, which the original PlayStation supported is far cheaper than writing a game and stamping it into a large, clunky, expensive cartridge. The reason that Nintendo shied away from a disc based format for the Nintendo 64 was because they were still pissed at Sony, who was one of the co-developers of the CD format.

LJWooly5858d ago (Edited 5858d ago )

They're just doing what they do best, Saiyan, and that's playing it safe. I don't really like that, but the computer-illiterate, old people and 4-year-olds do, so it's okay :)

Nah, I'm just bashing. Seriously though, they need to stop milking the same old franchises, and try to revive that originality they used to have at the very beginning.

People don't seem to pay much attention to this now, but give it a few years, people are going to get tired of playing the same game over and over.

Although, we seem to live in a period where people don't feel the need to question or criticise, and follow like sheep, so Nintendo may never feel the need to inject a dose of innovation or originality into their games, or even create a new IP. We'll just have to see.

ChickeyCantor5858d ago (Edited 5858d ago )

" and that's playing it safe"

.......yeah i mean the risc of not selling at all wasnt there at all!

they took a big risc with lower Hardware specs and the new controller;(the wii-remote)

" People don't seem to pay much attention to this now, but give it a few years, people are going to get tired of playing the same game over and over.

people have been playing the same games for ages, if you become a fan of something you want more. its simple as that

SaiyanFury5858d ago

Amen, LJ you hit the nail on the head. Many people these days don't ask questions like "why is this nearly the same experience I've been having for the last 10 years on my Nintendo console". I wouldn't call what you're saying, bashing, just logical points. I like that in a conversation. Good job. :)

SaiyanFury5858d ago (Edited 5858d ago )

@ Sidar

We weren't talking about risks with hardware. Lord knows half the hardware things that Nintendo does is risky, but we were discussing risks in creating new and original games. Yes people like to play the same kinds of games for years, but what we are referring to are people that want NEW experiences. And it seems that a lot of people don't question Nintendo's software creating decisions. Of course I could be wrong. People could very well be asking and Nintendo may just not be listening. God knows they've shown that tendency in the past; showing indifference to public and rival opinion and just did their own thing anyway despite criticism. It's a funky industry we're talking about. Since there's no actual Nintendo developer to talk at this blog, we can only speculate about their intentions.

ChickeyCantor5858d ago

Nintendo is attaching the Wii mote to thier franchises...and that can actually BREAK their games.
So there is a risk involved

kewlkat0075858d ago

@sidar -2.3 - I had this convo before...refer to

Comment #10 You'll see where I'm coming from and why I say that.

@SaiyanFury2.4-"but Nintendo shyed away from "cutting edge technology" in their consoles"

-Noticed I was referring to their Consoles, I don't say the n64 specifically. If that was the case the GAMECUBE would of been a "BEAST" and it wasn't. Looking at the "Wii" again, is not that far from the Gamecube's hardware specs. Add the Wii-mote to the Gamecube and what do you have?

Whatever you wanna call it, I feel like Nintendo is not going for the hardcore market specifically. I think Nintendo is good at what they do and, the types of game you will see on the PS3/Xbox360 is not what they are aiming at.

My point is Nintendo's "Strategy" has changed. If not it would be aiming to have all types of games made on their hardware and looking at the Hardware some of the sh^t is not possible.

SaiyanFury5858d ago

@kewlkat 2.10

Yes I agree with all your points, I guess I was just wording them differently. I, actually was just looking up all of the best selling games on Nintendo consoles and I saw the same thing, that Nintendo's own games were the best selling on each. And I agree that unless some fresh, new blood is injected, I predict that it, as you did, will hit a wall in software, unless some third party developer comes along to help, but i don't see that happening as Nintendo doesn't have the friendliest of histories with third parties.

@Sidar 2.9

I still don't see any major risk in attaching the Wii-mote to their series'. Nintendo knows it's own games and wouldn't allow the release of games that didn't use the Wii-mote effectively. A bit of risk, I will give you that, but major risk, I just don't see it.

ItsDubC5858d ago


As I've said before, many ppl who label Nintendo as unoriginal for some reason fail to realize the irony in anxiously awaiting Final Fantasy THIRTEEN, Metal Gear Solid FOUR, Gran Turismo FIVE, Grand Theft Auto FOUR (which, incidentally, is the 9th game in the series), the 36928365th FPS, etc.

MADGameR5858d ago

I don't like Nintendo at all, until they rid the kid games, I won't be buying their consoles. PlayStation family is the best of gaming of all time.

ZeroXMD5858d ago

one title that everyone has been wanting, whether they think about it or not. Whether they will admit it or not:

Full 3d pokemon rpg

Not some crap stadium or stadium knock off, a full gameboy-esque pokemon RPG, spanning from blue/red/green/yellow thru DS ones, with all the pokemon, not different versions with different ones. I was hoping that last one on GC was going to be it....but NO!!, they had to be gay.

(even tho pokemon stole the recruiting monsters Idea from from Shin Megami Tensei)

but hey, at least that would be awesome until the next original IP or Zelda game

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 5858d ago
aiphanes5858d ago

They are still using old tech in the DS and the Wii...do you people even think they will go with like a Cell processor in the next Wii? I do not think so....the current wii does not even play back DVDs...

They gots to get their online system working before they can think about making another console.

Even the wiimote is not perfect.

BrotherNick5858d ago

The only people who care about online gaming are gamers like us...the avg person won't care...I just say make it 720p, make the next wiimote more accurate and I'm happy.

ChickeyCantor5858d ago

" the current wii does not even play back DVDs..."

So this means the Wii is underpowered?
All they need for this is some software, but why pay for the rights to make your Wii DVD compatible if its a freaking Gaming machine.

KeiZka5858d ago

Wiimote perfect as in Sixaxis? Oh well...

forum_crawler5858d ago (Edited 5858d ago )

"do you people even think they will go with like a Cell processor in the next Wii?"

Have you ever heard of something called Moore's Law? ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wik... ), well, as it turns out you can be certain that the Cell processor won't be so hot by the time the next iterations of the game consoles are due for release, so I wouldn't glorify it that much.

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jones smokey5858d ago

mayb the wii will have a more advanced console next time but ms and sony are going to advance theirs as well so the wii will find it hard, this gen it seems they are more casual gamers than hardcore ones that is why the wii keeps on selling, next gen ps4 will be mind blowing, and x box will be better than the last one but sony will have the edge, ...bye i am goin to go play GTA4 =O

BrotherNick5858d ago (Edited 5858d ago )

Too many assumptions there...make sure to be able to back up statements from now on.

Edit:"Nintendo has never been know to go all out of video game console tech" You are oddly misinformed...if you looked at the gamecubes specs, they were greater than the PS2 before the xbox came out, so in a way you're spouting nonsense.

marcellizot5858d ago (Edited 5858d ago )

This is not news, the piece is full of grammatical errors and it isn't very interesting to read as an opinion piece as it spends most of the time stating the obvious.

I don't want to be a mean sonofagun or anything, but really, this sort of thing shouldn't be getting approved (even if it is refreshing to see something that isn't about GTA).

I think a quick re-read of the N4G submission guidelines is in order for some of the people on this site.

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Zelda Replay: Majora's Mask

VGChartz's Evan Norris: "Is Ocarina of Time as legendary as I remembered it? For the most part, yes. In spite of a handful of missteps — a few obtuse puzzles, some tedious backtracking, and a clunky stealth sequence — I don't believe the last 23 years have been unkind to it. Ocarina remains a brilliant example of the medium, a landmark game that shaped the future of its own franchise and 3D gaming in general. After more than two decades it retains its inventive dungeon design, challenging puzzles, dynamic combat, wistful storyline, unforgettable music, and empowering open-air freedom. I feel confident calling it one of the greatest games of the fifth generation, even if I'm no longer prepared to list it among the five best games ever made."

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Crows9015d ago

Pure unadulterated fun. They don't make them like this anymore...especially not the triple A industry.

FinalFantasyFanatic14d ago

Back when video rental was a thing, I rented out Majoria's Mask, I never finished it though. I did buy the 3DS version before the eshop shutdown, so maybe one day I'll finally play through the whole thing, it's amazing how well these games hold up though. I briefly played Ocarina of Time for a while and it was really fun.


6 Fun Games Where You Actually Play As The Bad Guy

While the mainstream media always sees things turning in favor of the hero, here are 6 games that own being a bad guy.

Profchaos19d ago

Pretty much all of these games listed are based around a morality system you don't have to be bad and you don't have to be good.

It seems to have left out some real amazing games like red dead redemption 1/2,ass effect and true crime la/ny

Tacoboto18d ago

Armored Core VI?

Ok, I'm really missing something here. Just beat chapter 3 earlier this evening, unlocked A-rank Arena fights. I'm not seeing or sensing any branching paths or morality system and I've done every side mission and arena fight available to me up to that fight.

Is something big coming soon to branch the story?

banger8818d ago

No mention of Grand Theft Auto? Saints Row (original trilogy), Manhunt? Also The Suffering (depending on the ending you get).

ChasterMies18d ago

Trevor in GTA 6 is a sadist and psychopath who dabbles in cannibalism. Should be top of the list. These game “news” sites should hire people that know games.


Nintendo Switch Online April 2024 SNES Lineup Offers Cutesy Chaos

Nintendo has announced the SNES and Super Famicom games gracing the Nintendo Switch Online library this month, and there are some gems to enjoy.

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OtterX30d ago

Strange headline, as I thought the star of the show was Super RType. I almost bought RType Dimensions EX this last month and was just thinking, man I wish we had the SNES one somewhere on Switch. That's where I got my start w the series and I was beyond excited to see it drop this week!