
ASRT DLC: Simon From Yogscast Joins the Roster & Humble Bundle Detailed.

A few days ago, Sumo Digitals Steve Lycett hinted that the next piece of ASRT DLC would be controversial, PC exclusive and ‘a popcorn moment.’ Many have since speculated what this might mean, theories have ranged from ASRT being Free To Play, to certain very popular characters being included in the game (excluding the console versions) and even 1970′s Trousers Mode… what it could happen.

Well… we might have found the answer.

During the livestream of the very popular PC gaming channel ”Yogscast,”Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed will be included in a new Humble Bundle for charity. However the reveal didn’t end there. Simon from the Yogscast then went on to state that he himself would become a racer in ASRT and be part of a piee of charity DLC that would all go live on December 6th.

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megadrivesonic3838d ago

Nobody did, the only good news here is that Sega might be doing the next humble bundle.

Vednor3838d ago

About time Sega steps into this action.

RmanX10003838d ago

Simon from Yogscast is DLC. PC exclusive. For charity. Great! We dont get any character that could sell really well (miku and ryo)in order to raise tons of money for charity, instead we get... SOME BRITISH GUY! Whether the Yogscast is a entertaining youtube channel(s) i have no clue, i dont watch them. But seriously SEGA, this is getting really out of hand.
I guaran-f@#1^g-tee this will just upset people and not raise nearlly as much money as they think it will.

I know the Sonic fanbase (mostly the "Make SA3 o nawt <3 N E moar" people) for the most part is extremely whiny and annoying. But really i would probably be saying this exact same thing for any other game where the console releases were getting absolutely nothing in terms of extra content, while the PC version gets tons of exclusive characters that are all marketing based.

Smashbro293837d ago

It's because console DLC takes a lot more money to port as well as all the fees involved with getting on the stores, it most certainly wouldn't be free.

Muadiib3837d ago

Stop spamming the same pointless comment.

SpiralTear3837d ago

If Sega does do a Humble Bundle, I'm curious as to what they would include...?

Smashbro293837d ago

I'm trying to decide what I hate more, this or Ralph.


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-Foxtrot67d ago

Shame about Creative Assembly, they should have just been allowed to do an Alien Isolation sequel.

just_looken67d ago

It was that garbage coh 3 that did them in only a special team can make a sequel worse in every way even though it was a 10 year gap and the same era.

gold_drake67d ago

I hope they find new jobs in the industry soon.

Jingsing67d ago

Two Point Studios and Sports Interactive probably run on a shoe string budget so that fits into SEGA better lol