
Indie Game Insider | Contrast Review

Contrast is a beautiful game--both visually and audibly--but it's bogged down with too many glitches and physic-based inconsistencies to be truly appreciated.

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Former Coalition's Senior Environment Artist Joins Compulsion Games

Former Coalition's Senior Environment Artist - Dylan Abernethy - has joined Compulsion Games to work on their latest project.

Magog851d ago

So he left one Xbox studio to go to another one? Lol.

Orchard850d ago

What is funny about that? People do that all the time.

Just because a studio is under the same parent company doesn't mean it's identical. Maybe he prefers the location? the work culture? the game they're working on?

RaidenBlack851d ago

Still curious as to what Compulsion's upto ...


Newly Leaked Xbox Exclusives Have Us Excited

IGN : This week we discuss details that have seemingly been leaked about two new Xbox exclusives from Compulsion Games and Obsidian Entertainment, the minds behind We Happy Few and the Outer Worlds, respectively. Jonathon and Ryan also look towards the future of both consoles and discuss the most exciting games hitting next-gen in the coming months.

SinisterMister931d ago

Desparately need to have Sony-like exclusives on Xbox. Make it happen Microsoft!

mkis007930d ago

As a Playstation guy, I have been waiting to salivate at the kind of games MS could afford to make. And I hope they can finally deliver a pure AAA single player masterpiece. The problem is the xbox fanbase seems to not like those games, as even fable 2 and 3 get crapped on even though i liked them both over 1.

Kerppamaister930d ago (Edited 930d ago )

Who craps on Fable 2&3?

abstractel930d ago

I agree, I would love to see MS build up the amount of skilled studios that Sony has managed to do and produce Xbox exclusive games. I do see the Series S as a bit of a hindrence because of their first party studios only had to focus on Series X, I believe (based on a lot of experience as a professional in the industry) they could make titles that would really make you want to own a Series X.

Just look at games like God of War PS4 and TLOU PS4, it's amazing what they achieved on such old hardware. Can't wait to see the first true PS5 exclusive, non cross-gen titles. Ratchet was fantastic looking but even Insomniac said they were only scratching the surface of what the PS5 is capable of.

Btw, does it seem to anyone else that IGN is really biased in favor of Xbox this gen? On one daily fix they had "Sony makes it harder for you to get a PS5". Technically that was true, but that made it sound like they did it on purpose, not because there are component shortages. That's just one of several examples I've noticed the last few months.

Darkborn930d ago

@abstractel a lot of journalists and gaming websites like ign have been pro xbox this Gen. GameSpot on Twitter keeps spamming bad things about Sony like the thing yoi just said and I saw multiple times about how elder scrolls 6 is a Microsoft exclusive. They just keep doing stuff like that.

mkis007930d ago (Edited 930d ago )


I suppose I meant 3 more than 2. but 3 does seem to get crapped on a lot by fable fans... actually a big group hates one and a smaller group hates the other.

XbladeTeddy930d ago

"The problem is the xbox fanbase seems to not like those games"

Since when? You act like Xbox fans are different to other gamers. Halo, Forza and Gears of War are major exclusives that fans love and sell well. Not really sure your point but whatever.

DarXyde930d ago (Edited 930d ago )


A few points about your comment...

"You act like Xbox fans are different to other gamers."

They are different, if you consider instances where people only game on Xbox. In general, people gravitate towards the hardware that meets their needs best (if you can only choose one). I would say that I, as a predominantly PlayStation gamer, love the narrative blockbusters. I also love unique experiences (hence why I loved Japan Studio titles and I have a soft spot for Nintendo games). However, I am very averse to online multiplayer outside of less than a handful of titles, so Xbox never really stuck with me. For the record, this is the first generation I've decided that I don't need one.

"Halo, Forza and Gears of War are major exclusives that fans love and sell well."

And therefore, Microsoft puts emphasis on these series. There is a collective conscience that informs them of what their gamers want. A good example: Japanese games have a turbulent history on Xbox platforms. They simply don't do well in western countries on Xbox and they don't do well in Japan. No one is buying an Xbox for those games and they can often find them on every other platform.

I think perhaps the most succinct perspective to take is that perhaps I would grant that Xbox fans are not different per se, but the gamers with certain nuanced tastes are not gaming as often on the Xbox.

jznrpg930d ago (Edited 930d ago )

Fable 3 sucked

alb1899930d ago

Is the article about SONY?
Why do you bring up SONY?
This guys have no families and friends...go to the beach or plant some trees.... damn!!

alb1899930d ago

We gonna play Elder Ring and I don't care it isn't exclusive, it won't make me enjoy that game less.

Michiel1989930d ago

@mkis007 I dont think its necesarilly that xbox gamers dont like single player games, but over the years the players that do like those big blockbuster sp games have been driven out of the xbox ecosystem for the most part, because there is not much on offer for them. If your forte is mostly sp games, then there is very little reason to buy an xbox over a ps. I think there is plenty of people who only own a ps4/ps5 for mostly sp games would gladly buy an xbox when the games they got on offer actually caters to them (im one of them). but untill that happens i wont be buying an xbox just to play 1 or 2 games.

Thats why i think they backed themselves into a corner by focussing mainly on mp games and they either had to take a big L this gen again or spend the big bucks to aqcuire the studios that they did. I dont like how they did it, i will always prefer that as many people can play good games, especially from devs that have been multiplat for years and years. but the deal is done, they own the studios now and all i can hope for now is that they will actually deliver some great games this gen.

TheHan930d ago

Who craps on the Fable 1,2 or 3 their amazing games. I have hopes that Playground games is gonna do Fable justice.

itsmebryan929d ago

What has GameSpot been saying or " spamming " about Sony that is not true?

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 929d ago
camel_toad930d ago (Edited 930d ago )

I'd love to see them kick off some new IP exclusives, a reboot of Splinter Cell and definitely include Mercs vs. Spies.

The industry needs all 3 of the big ones (Sony, MS and Nintendo) to all continually shoot for the top spot and never let up. When all 3 are consistently pumping out great exclusives it'll be great for all of us.

Playstation is at the top as far as great and frequent exclusives. But I know MS has it in them to get their shit together and become a better competitor instead of dragging way behind in 3rd place.

Nintendo needs to get it together too. I know they are number one in sales most of the time but their top tier exclusives just come out so damn far apart. It's like a ghost town for months at a time as far as their exclusive games go.

Xbox needs to repeat their glory days of the original Xbox. At that time they gave Nintendo and Sony a reason to push harder to be the best. They churned out a lot of great new IPs back then and it's looking like they are really trying to get to that point again now.

Seeing all of the big 3 neck and neck and neck would be great.

BenRC01930d ago

Halo and forza have dominated the holidays. I'm good for a while.

jeromeface929d ago

because he's wrong, more of the same needing to be broken is the point of the article.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 929d ago
ColtPSSX931d ago

I really don’t like giving ign clicks or views.
Anyone mind telling me the games so I to can be excited lol

Atom666930d ago

Compulsion's SP 3rd person game. Fantasy/magic setting mixed with a US deep South/Gothic vibe.

Obsidian's (Josh Sawyer) smaller game. 16th century European murder mystery.

DuckOnQuack35930d ago

Oh wow that's pretty exciting. I liked we happy few, was just a bit iffy on the story and everything. But a full game with that setting and it being funded by Xbox has me really excited

930d ago
dbcoops929d ago

They are games that are years away so feel free to temper your excitement anyway.

CS7930d ago

I must say it is so good to see Playstation, Xbox and Nintendo all doing great!

They're not perfect but we are getting some good games no matter what camp you're in!

moriarty1889930d ago

The question is how far off are these exclusives? Years? we still,haven’t seen or heard a peep,about Fable or perfect dark reboot. Same with Everwild. All these studios and supposed games have been in limbo it seems.

KillBill929d ago

In development is not the same as Limbo. What are you guys going to do when the titles in production start rolling out? Are you going to be complaining more on the new titles in production announced that won't come out soon?

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Releasing a Cross-Gen Game Has a Lot of Technical Constraints, Says Compulsion Games

Compulsion Games went on record to say that making a cross-gen game, for example for Xbox One and Series S|X, would have many technical constraints.

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iwin861000d ago

We Happy Few didn't release cross gen and still looked outdated.

porkChop1000d ago

Not really the point, but sure.

Profchaos1000d ago

That's the case for most indie games in their position at the time of launch. I think they were first shown off as a indie Dev at E3 during the ms conference which helped the game

Brazz1000d ago

makes sense, i mean, they are a small team.

Profchaos1000d ago

yeah it's common sense instead of targeting one hardware type as tradition dictates you have to now target up to 8 odd targets if your a multiplatform Dev excluding PC. If your a Xbox Dev which these guys are historically supporting now you have to target 4 hardware types and PC with decent scaling.

NeoGamer232999d ago (Edited 999d ago )

The common sense is that the current gen CPU and GPUs have more cores and are more powerful. Plus the memory and storage are faster. And the CPU and GPUs are faster as well.

Anytime you have faster and more powerful hardware it is impossible to have the previous gen hardware perform the same as current gen hardware so current gen is constrained by the previous generation.

Constraints do not come from the number of target hardware. They come from the poser and speed of the hardware.