
The Wii U - One Year On

GR-UK writes: "With all the Sony and Microsoft celebrations, let's not forget that this weekend marks the one year anniversary of Wii U. We look back over a troubled 12 months."

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from the beach3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

I was hoping to mark it by playing SM3DW this weekend, but I'm still waiting for my copy to arrive. Not like a Wii U game to be delayed! :P :| :( :'(

Hicken3825d ago

Game Gear, more like.

Blacktric3825d ago

"Dominate what? PS Vita?"
"Game Gear, more like."
"Dominating the rubbish bin."

Is this what projecting looks like? Jesus christ...

hahaha3825d ago

Dominating the rubbish bin.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

I have to admit even though it started off slow it has been an AMAZING year for ps3.........

josephayal3825d ago

it amazes me how people can't seem to comprehend the Wii-U sold over 3 mil consoles

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3825d ago
admiralvic3825d ago

I got to say, terrible article.

The thing that is holding back the Nintendo Wii U, is the launch of the Xbox One and PS4. Last year everyone was saying 2013 would be the year (though they've said that about 2012 I believe...), so a lot of people passed on the Wii U due to the weak offering. A bunch of games 6 - 12 months old with some new features for 3 - 6x the price of the previous offerings certainly didn't motivate anyone to buy. Of the remaining games, Nintendoland only really appealed to casual gamers and Zombi U is not a game for everyone, which meant the only real launch title people cared about was Mario, which isn't enough to move a $350 dollar console on his own.

Shortly into 2013, we had the PS4 announced, which was before the Wii U had anything new (more or less) on the console. The PS4 quickly became the item people were saving up for and the M$ fans expected the new Xbox to be announced shortly after, which it was. Going into E3, all eyes were on M$ and Sony, so while Nintendo announced and showed some cool things, many were lost in the awesomeness of Titanfall, inFAMOUS, Killzone and Killer Instinct.

Come fall, the Wii U had practically nothing going for it. Around August we got Pikmin 3, which was a great game, but it wasn't a system seller. Then we had Luigi U, though many criticized how it wasn't worth $20, much less $30 for the retail release (Going off how many bad DLC packs I've seen at $10+, I think it was okay). The Wonderful 101 failed horribly, since Nintendo didn't have a ton of faith in it (Nintendo directs are not going to sell a game alone). Shame, since 101 was an interesting game that all Wii U owners should check out. Then we got Sonic Lost Worlds, though this wasn't the super awesome Sonic game we were hoping for. The Nights DLC was also pretty lack luster if I do say so myself. Now we have Super Mario 3D World and while it's amazing, I still wouldn't say this is a game that you absolutely need to buy a console over. Especially when you can buy the other next gen consoles and are assured more value in the long run.

It's a shame, but next year is the real test for the Wii U. It won't have people lining up to get in on the next generation of consoles and we will finally see some of the titles people have been waiting for. Provided Nintendo handles this right, we could see the Wii U getting out of this spiral.

SilentNegotiator3825d ago

"Then we got Sonic Lost Worlds, though this wasn't the super awesome Sonic game we were hoping for"

...so what *were* the expectations for a modern 3D Sonic game, if not to be mediocre at best?

admiralvic3825d ago

I believe some people played Colors and Generations and had faith the series was making a comeback.

wiiuniverse3825d ago

A game in line with colors and generations. Decent games.

thezeldadoth3825d ago

played the demo for lost world, its actually pretty fun

SilentNegotiator3825d ago

Colors had all of the issues of Unleashed (sans werehog).

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3825d ago
JessiePinkmanYo3825d ago

I picked up the Wii U/Mario/Luigi bundle this weekend. It put a smile on my face, and I see a lot of time playing in my future. The game brought back a lot of nostalgia from my childhood that you can't get elsewhere. The original Wii was flooded with shovelware, and a lot of games no one wanted to play. Being that the U is backwards compatible, I'll get the ones worthy of playing that I missed on the Wii. That said, and before I'm labeled as a Nintendo fan boy, I own a PS4 and X1 too. Each console is different and offers experiences that the others don't. I'm enjoying them all. To compare the Wii U to the other two, is like comparing a Prius to a Camaro. The Wii U doesn't have the horsepower that the other two have. I'll never enjoy a GTA or CoD on my Wii U, but I'll never experience Mario on my PS4 or X1.

Jay70sgamer3825d ago

Call of duty is on wii u ...just saying

Angeljuice3825d ago

If he has all three consoles, why would he choose to play a multiplatform game on the weakest of the bunch? Would you play the inferior version when you have a free choice?

Venoxn4g3824d ago

here's my list of good Wii games, have a look, I dont know will all video links will work, but its still a very good list


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Will There Ever Be A New Rayman Game?

Ubisoft barely have a leg to stand on lately, so do they need to crack open the vaults and return platforming royalty to glory for some goodwill?

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-Foxtrot83d ago

We need Rayman 4, they could make a great platformer game if they wanted. With the open hub levels and the like.

Better than relying on Rabbids and Assassins Creed all the time

Profchaos82d ago

Yeah agree id love a Rayman 2 style 3d platform game over another 2d platformer I know people loved legends but it never gelled with me same as Rayman 1 back in the day on PS it just felt like a average platformer with sonic and Mario offering something better on what was then last gen hardware

Terry_B83d ago

Yes..but I am sure it won't be the Rayman game fans want. Not from the company that is Ubisoft today.

mastershredder83d ago (Edited 83d ago )

Ancel is retired from games. His hoodlum/rabbid team are doing their own thing. It would not be the same if Ubisoft did.

Profchaos82d ago

Probably far more profitable to make low effort Rabbids games aimed at kids over a next Rayman

Chocoburger83d ago

Experience points, skill trees to fill up, level gating, endless menial tasks and side quests, constantly scrounging for resources. Always having to upgrade your gear. A.KA. "The Ubisoft effect".

No thanks, don't ruin Rayman's legacy.

Profchaos82d ago

Sure there will be it'll launch right alongside the next splinter cell

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HankHill265d ago

Too bad Ubisoft only cares about live service games now. Maybe one day they'll make a new Rayman game.

Venoxn4g265d ago

Great games.. would be cool to get qn Origins remaster at least..I know that many of the levels are in Legends, but still

Outlawzz265d ago

Loved this game but wish they would create a new Rayman 3d game.