
Sony offers Notch free games, turns them down to buy individually

Markus ‘Notch’ Persson, creator of the hugely popular Minecraft, has been tweeting about the next-gen consoles on Twitter. After expressing his interesting in the PS4 on his account, none other than Sony’s Adam Boyes got in contact with him to offer him free games. Notch’s response? No thanks.

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Kingthrash3603833d ago

^^lol well played kimosabi.

this is a gangsta move he pulled. me myself would have had no hesitation on making my order...my list would have 1 word.
"ALL" lol

cleft53832d ago

Notch is a popular indie developer with a highly successful, revolutionary game. Despite that he carries himself with a great deal of class and is incredibly humble. People like Johnathan Blow, David Cage, etc could learn a heck of a lot from this guy. Basically he is on top of the world and rather than behave like a self absorbed jerk he behaves with pure class. Really hope this guy continues to do well.

come_bom3833d ago

Shame on you Sony! This guy is rich, so let him pay for his games. Offer the free games to me...

MadLad3832d ago

Pretty sure he made the money he paid on those games in the time it took him to confirm the order of them.

KiLLeRCLaM3832d ago

The rich just keep getting richer

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

I remember in 2006 paris hilton got a free ps3..

"LOS ANGELES - OCTOBER 08: Paris Hilton at the Playstation 3 launch party"

Can't find the article on it but I remember i was like wtf back then lol


shut it.. I am glad he turned it down to support game devs..

Also if this was MS would have been a sh!t storm lol..

Abdou0233832d ago

Am not sure how is that a cool move or respect or all that, from all i know if someone offers you a gift you be polite and take the gift, nomatter how rich or important you are.
No respect from me here.

MazzingerZ3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

He actually answered like a real gamer:
"I want to buy it myself legitimately! Games is too personal for me, I want to feel like “it’s mine”. :D But omg <3"

and anyway showed he appreciated the gesture, the article tries to make it sound different, negative... so people can read it like if he said something like: "No thanks, not interested, I'm an X1 fan" LOL

He didn't import an X1...he seems ok waiting until 2014 when it comes to Sweden:
"I'd totally get an Xbone too, but they don't release until "early 2014" in Sweden"

I think he is far from console wars, he just want to drink his glögg haha

xavierbigdaddy19723832d ago

I agree. That was not class. Just shows how some peeps still have no home training

MiloGarret3831d ago

In the more civilized cultures of this world, you are allowed to turn down a gift.

curtis923832d ago

Notch needs to tell Mojang to get on that PS4 version of minecraft and stop diddledaddling around with the current gen versions.

SonicRush153832d ago

I thought it was coming out for PS4?

admiralvic3832d ago

I think they're saying that the current generation versions should be delayed so the PS4 version can release sooner.

KetchupBlood3832d ago

I think there are more people that has a PS3 rather than PS4 right now, so if they are going for money, they would choose PS3 first. Logic.

ColinZeal3831d ago

"I think there are more people that has a PS3 rather than PS4 right now"

You THINK? You actually had to THINK about that?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3831d ago
curtis923831d ago

@KetchupBlood True but also, which install base is most eager to spend money right now? I think that goes to PS4. Lot of dormant PS3s sitting in living rooms of people who bought em on a whim or just use them for bluray.

PS4 gamers' bodies are ready. NOW IS THE TIME.

TomahawkX3832d ago

That Boyes fellow seems to be trying too hard to get devs to like the PS4, its kind of sad actually.

KwietStorm_BLM3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

Yea, doing his job is such an embarrassment...

Software_Lover3832d ago

Its not sad. It's just PR tactics. Now if it were Microsoft, people would call it desperation tactics. You can't win them all I guess.

testerg353832d ago

Yup.. When Sony gives PS4s and goody bags to the media its good PR, but when MS does anything like that its a bribe, desperate, and underhanded.

curtis923832d ago

I.. I agree with that. Touche.

Silly gameAr3832d ago

Oh lord stop crying fellas.

DragonKnight3832d ago

Oh look, more crying about MS' deserved PR reputation, more crying about "teh Sony bias," more off topic tears that have nothing to do with the story.

Do you want to know the difference between Sony and MS as it pertains to a situation like this?

One: Notch was tweeting about his interest in the PS4 which is what prompted Adam Boyes, whose job is third party relations, to contact him. It was done totally in public with complete transparency and no exchange of green. If it were Microsoft, it'd be shady backroom deals involving money, timed exclusivity, and PR double talk about how Notch came to the decision because he loves the Xbox ecosystem and blah blah blah.

Two: Adam was doing this knowing full well that it could easily amount to nothing. Giving Notch free games wouldn't have secured a partnership any more than giving him a golden PS1 did. Microsoft on the other hand send out $800 worth of merchandise to journalists to secure positive reviews for their biggest games. They only make moves with developers and journalists that they know will end favourably for them, which is their right as a business of course, but the likelihood of Microsoft just handing free games to ANY developer just because they tweeted interest in the Xbox One is pretty much zero.

You wanna know why people are constantly on Microsoft? Because Microsoft are sleezy, back door dealing, PR talking, money hungry automatons who couldn't show any interest in relating to gamers if one of us were running their PR department.

Sony could be guilty of what you call "PR tactics" but if this is how they go about it, in a completely open and upfront manner, then plenty would take that over Microsoft's shady business style any day.

MaXiM19843832d ago

Why people keep questioning why we don´t like microsoft.

Have they were living under a rock or what????

Negation is the first barrier to happiness XD

SpideySpeakz3832d ago

Give away free game content?..MS would never do such a thing. You're so gullible it's pathetic.

SilentNegotiator3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

"Its not sad. It's just PR tactics. Now if it were Microsoft, people would call it desperation tactics"

....you realize that you're *responding* to a comment that is calling it desperation with Sony doing it, right? So what's with the "if it were MS" BS?

+1 trolling

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3832d ago
fattyuk3832d ago

At least he's talking to Devs and not TV company's and the NFL!!

Studio-YaMi3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

The guy is happy to work on the PS4(he said it himself),he just refused the offer because he said that he want to buy the games legitimately because "games" are too personal for him.

Stop being immature and maybe read the article and not just the title next time.

GraveLord3832d ago

That fact you care so much, kinda sad.

Elit3Nick3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

Can't you say that for all the fanboys on this site?

Hicken3832d ago

I guess you missed the rest of 2013, but devs already like the PS4, including the developer in question. Boyes didn't have to do a damn thing.

I'm getting tired of people talking and talking and knowing NOTHING.

Sarcasm3832d ago


His job is 3rd party relations...

5eriously3832d ago

@TomahawkX ["+ 12h ago
That Boyes fellow seems to be trying too hard to get devs to like the PS4, its kind of sad actually."]

What an idiotic and stupid comment. If you read and were able to comprehend the twitter feed you would have noticed that Markus Persson tweeted at 11:38 PM - 28 Nov 13 that he is already waiting for his PS4 and then thereafter at 11:46 PM - 28 Nov 13 from Hayward, CA Adam Boyes tweeted @notch send me a list of games you want and I'll see what I can do! Then Markus at first declined the offer like the great man he is and then tweeted he would like Half Life 3 as a free gift on PS4.


+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3832d ago
SIRHC133832d ago

This is like trying to offer free sex to Hugh Hefner.

Software_Lover3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

.........Wouldn't that make Sony/Microsoft a slut?

captainbigballs3832d ago

I can't take you seriously with that avi haha

piffyd3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

instead of wasting money giving games away to billionaires maybe sony should have designed a console capable of playing bf4 in something other than 900p at crappy medium settings with jaggies everywhere

this goes for Microsoft too!!

maybe investing in a cpu that wasn't made for a tablet and a gpu that wasn't made for a laptop

just a thought

fattyuk3832d ago

Run back to your pc will ya,

WeAreLegion3832d ago

The console would have cost $500 or more with more power. Not worth it. It's plenty powerful.

Soldierone3832d ago

Head BF4 sucks in general, doesn't even run right on pc. Give it a few months and DICE will eventually fix most of it, just before releasing BF5 to the same broken mess.

FragMnTagM3832d ago

BF4 runs great on my PC. At launch it was a little shaky, but it is fine with me and I have pretty high standards.

MiloGarret3831d ago

Agree with above, no problems at all.

EXVirtual3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

It's one game. 64 players, 60fps, destruction, the whole seven eleven.
If you wanted it to be playing the game at ultra settings at 1080p @ 60fps, the PS4 would've cost $900+.
Sony is just being classy. No need to get angry about that.
The PS4 is a powerful console as it is. That's the BF4 is the only game that's not running at native 1080p, along with the Order because of the black bars.

BattleTorn3832d ago

Oh man, not letterbox.

I find letterbox to be inexcusable.

*glares at dragons dogma*

MiloGarret3831d ago

"Because of black bars"? HAHA, please don't be so gullible. Because of hardware limitations is the correct answer.

EXVirtual3831d ago

@MiloGarret, I'm being serious.
Letterbox is the best word. The resolution The Order is in is what people would call cinematic 1080p.
inFamous is an open world game without a letterbox and is 1080p native.

admiralvic3832d ago

Did you ever stop to think how much this would actually cost Sony?

In theory, they could just generate some PSN codes and hand him it for next to nothing. If they were going to secure some third party titles, then it might cost a few bucks, but you're talking about an expense that is easy under $200 dollars. This is infinitely less than it would cost to "fix" anything you said and really isn't that much money to a company like Sony.

younglj013832d ago

tbh if you find PC gamers on Youtube that have played the PS4 version,they are saying they really can't tell an difference between the PC and PS4 version...LvlCap is one of the PC gamers I heard say this so I'll believe him over you any day...

MidnytRain3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

If LvlCap can't tell the difference between the (texture)resolutions then perhaps you shouldn't listen to him.

chobit_A5HL3Y3832d ago

sony could have very easily designed a console that could play bf4 at ultra settings. but there's this little factor called the "price" that's a major factor. most people aren't gong to spend what it would have cost sony OR ms to make that happen. you have quit a small mind~ *tsk tsk* oh yeah, and before you start spouting more bullshit, please build me a pc that can run bf4 at ultra with $400-$500.

Sarcasm3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

Right, and the console will cost like $900. That's going to work out great for Sony again wouldn't it?

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Adam Boyes Doesn't Miss the Console Wars

USG: “At DICE 2020, Adam Boyes tells us about maintaining Iron Galaxy without crunch, developing ports, and more.”

masterfox1544d ago (Edited 1544d ago )

Well I do, cause a proper console competition makes each company to go out and try to be the best and this can create lots of gaming opportunities and new fresh ideas from every side, for example the era with the PS2 games or Xbox with games like Ninja Gaiden or Otogi so damn Awesome games, or from Nintendo Gamecube games like Metroid Prime and Resident Evil 4, each one have their own personal taste and their games look awesome in that time.

But sadly todays console wars is an effing joke, Nintendo just releasing effing old multiplatform games looking pretty damn bad and for new stuff is none, more Mario, Pokemons or Zelda , really miss the days when a release of a Mario game or Zelda was so damn special , but since they milked them so damn much they are now so god damn annoying to hear even those names. MS in the other hand is just a PR BS machine they are just pure talk not even going to waste my time writing all their fails.

So in the end Playstation is literally alone in the top of this gaming industry with no worthy competitor, lets hope they continue with their gaming ideology and so keep maintaining this gaming industry as big as it is now, because with out them this gaming industry would it be just a cheap entertaining industry.

Fluttershy771543d ago

Nah... You are just getting old and grumpy and now look back at the past with nostalgia... hey, welcome!

masterfox1543d ago

Didn't know common sense was attached to just a certain age lol, no wonder why we lived in such times with so much nonsense around us.

ThinkThink1544d ago

Probably because he's an adult.

Zombieburger6381543d ago (Edited 1543d ago )

Only people who care about console wars are children and people with no lives. Just buy the consoles and play the games, no need to fight like idiots.

jambola1544d ago

So I only skimmed and did keyword searching here because the article is really long
But it looks like he doesn't even mention console wars anywhere

1543d ago Replies(2)
moriarty18891543d ago

miss Adam he was a likeable guy imo.

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Adam Boyes: There's a New Era of Trust & Respect at Blizzard

Iron Galaxy CEO Adam Boyes talks about Diablo III on Switch, Blizzard's new era of openness, trust and respect for third-party devs,, Skyrim's Switch port, and next-gen consoles

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XiNatsuDragnel1766d ago

Also Blizzard becoming worst as a result of ppl leave I'm right or wrong here?

2pacalypsenow1766d ago (Edited 1766d ago )

Who cares about any of that, it’s all about games.

And blizzard has been slacking.

Godmars2901765d ago

What do you expect after Activision gutted them?

GrimReaperGamer1765d ago

Can you guys at Iron Galaxy start working on the next Killer Instinct.

IamTylerDurden11765d ago (Edited 1765d ago )

Why is Adam sucking off Blizzard? Because they let him port Diablo? Run Iron Galaxy, Extinction was a miserable failure. Adam Boyes was phenomenal at Sony, but i'm starting to lose respect.

I'll always remember Iron Galaxy for their atrocious Vita ports. Too bad they didn't put the same effort into Jack & Daxter..

Yui_Suzumiya1765d ago

Didn't they also do thae infamous PC port of Arkham Knight?

1765d ago Replies(1)
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GI Show – Spider-Man, Ernest Cline, Adam Boyes Interview

GI: "Watch us share exclusive gameplay impressions for Insomniac's Spider-Man, and interview Ready Player One's author and Adam Boyes."

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