
Sony: Assembling PS4 for Core Gamers Took “Painful and Expensive Decisions”, Can Pull in Casuals Too

Sony Computer Entertainment UK Managing Director Fergal Gara has no doubt on the fact that the console has been built with a core audience in mind, and that took no small amount of “painful and expensive” decisions. Yet he thinks that casual gamers can be pulled in as well thanks to the lower price point.

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Majin-vegeta3841d ago

And it paid off.We buy consoles to play games not watch TV.I dont care if they add that stufd aside.But as long as games are their focus.I'm good.

GarrusVakarian3841d ago

Your comment mirrors my thoughts exactly. Well said +.

Extras are nice, just as long as gaming remains the primary focus.

theWB273841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

"Speak for yourself, i hardly watch any TV and certainly not 99% of the crap that's on TV nowadays. Games and internet are my main uses for my TV."

I can't even wrap my head around this really. You're in the minority when you say you don't watch TV on your TV. So you, Majin and Xsilver, speak for yourselves when you say you don't use your TV unless you're gaming.

There are people who want the extra features Micro is putting out there...TV and all.

Being able to upload videos, Netflix, Facebook, stream movies etc arent extra either since I can get them all from different sources.

The fact they're all integrated is what makes them extra features. You can grab a remote and switch inputs...but you have the feature of having it integrated into the X1 so that isn't needed. That's why they're EXTRA features. See how that extra feature thing works?

Xsilver3841d ago

TV isn't a extra feature for the Xone if i switch input on my tv remote i can jump from TV to my PS4 instantly just saying :/.

GTgamer3841d ago

"There are people who want the extra features Micro is putting out there...TV and all."

You make it sound like the Xone gives people free cable so if you dont have cable that feature is useless-_-.

NewMonday3841d ago


a remote dosn't second guess you like Kinect and respond to input every time, and in in europe they get judder when they plug TV content in the XBone

theWB273841d ago

"You make it sound like the Xone gives people free cable so if you dont have cable that feature is useless-_-"

No I don't. That argument is stupid. If people don't have internet (which alot don't) almost every extra capability both systems offer is rendered useless. See how that works?

"a remote dosn't second guess you like Kinect and respond to input every time, and in in europe they get judder when they plug TV content in the XBone"

It is an EXTRA feature. All I'm saying is it's funny when posters act like NO ONE wants the EXTRA features Micro touts.

Well Europe is not on the good end. http://www.techradar.com/us...
There's also no timetable for when they'll recieve Gaikai from Sony. That judder....

GTgamer3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

"No I don't. That argument is stupid. If people don't have internet (which alot don't) almost every extra capability both systems offer is rendered useless. See how that works?"

Hey they both play games regardless that's their purpose :/.

"There's also no timetable for when they'll recieve Gaikai from Sony. That judder...."
Are you implying that because gaikai won't be available at the start in Europe it's a problem unlike the Tv feature that is available for Xone but works poorly in Europe i think your reaching too far now.

NewMonday3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )


sorry but on the XBone GAMES are the extra feature.

if the TV stuff was "extra" MS wouldn't allocate big system resources for them and they wouldn't force gamers to overpay another $100.

ABizzel13841d ago


"If people don't have internet (which alot don't) almost every extra capability both systems offer is rendered useless."

LMAO, if people don't have internet, they shouldn't even be buying an XBO, because they can't get the REQUIRED DAY 1 UPDATE to make their console function at all.

Extras are just that, extras. Nice little features to have, but don't take away from the main reason of purchase. Extras are like toppings on a sundae. You're there for the ice cream (aka the gaming aspects of the console), anything extra is just a bonus.

In this case those bonuses gave you unlitmited toppings, but increased the price sundae while giving you 50% less ice cream (XBO). Compared to Sony who gave you all the perfect amount of ice cream and just enough toppings to satisfy you (PS4).

The XBO is good for fanboys such as yourself, XBO exclusives, XBL, and for people who want AIO console. But the PS4 is hands down the better console for gaming and developers.

DigitalRaptor3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

I doubt the majority of people want to foot an extra $100 for a few extra features that their TV, laptop, phones and more do for them. That is why most are choosing the dedicated and most powerful gaming system.

And when the TV features are optimised only for the US market, not the world, that is where your argument falters. When designing a system for the global market, you don't design it where it's going to be relevant in only one market for the main features you're touting. We all know very, very well that on-demand streaming services are on the rise, and cable/TV providers are on the way out.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3841d ago
Death3841d ago

We absolutely buy our consoles to play games. We don't buy our TV's to play games though, we buy them to watch TV. What is your PS4 doing while you watch TV? Is it keeping you connected to your friends so you can game more or is it just sitting there waiting for you to decide to use it?

GarrusVakarian3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

"We don't buy our TV's to play games though, we buy them to watch TV"

Speak for yourself, i hardly watch any TV and certainly not 99% of the crap that's on TV nowadays (i download TV shows such as The Wire, The Sopranos, GoT, Breaking Bad etc etc). Games and internet are my main uses for my TV.


I don't care if im in the minority, i don't watch TV because TV is 99% garbage these days. My TV is for gaming and internet. Why can't you wrap your head around this? Not everyone likes to watch X factor. I did speak for myself, whereas Death didn't, he said "we" whereas i said "i".

"There are people who want the extra features Micro is putting out there...TV and all."

And there are people who don't.

Try harder next time.

Xsilver3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

I'm sorry what? my Tv doesn't come on unless i'm about to use my console point blank. Dont need cable when i can watch everything for free on the internet :3.

DrRobotnik3841d ago

Using your TV to watch TV!? Pfft, what madness do you speak of sir.

supes_243841d ago

Well my PS4 is off while I watch tv. While watching tv I don't want to be interrupted by someone playing a game and inviting me to that game. I hate being interrupted during my shows or movie I'm watching. Actually, my PS4 is in my gaming room while my PS3 is in my living room as a Bluray player. Gaming consoles are for gaming first and foremost and should be the main focus. If not you end up with a machine that shares resources and suffers performance in the most important aspect, gaming.

The Great Melon3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

@Lukas_Japonicus, Xsilver

Agreed. A TV is simply a output device for either my consoles or computer. I haven't watched live TV in probably 10 years. Heck, the provided cable line at my apartment isn't even hooked up. =P

zero_gamer3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

My 72" TV has never seen a cable the two years I own it. It's dedicated to PC and consoles. YouTube on my PC makes up 100% of all the TV I watch nowadays and it's free.

Death3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

So nobody watches TV unless they are watching TV via the internet. That is still TV, but a different delivery method. If I am not watching TV via Netflix on my Xbox One and my friends want to play, they can send me an invite or contact me via Skype thanks to the resources allocated. I have the option to turn off notifications if I don't want to be bothered. I can also play games.

VitaTV, Sony's Viacom deal and the subscription based TV service that didn't make it for launch doesn't make Sony "focused on gaming". Fans simply ignore Sony's more ambitious TV plans since it goes against their stand against Microsoft. These are the same fans claiming Blu-ray is the future while Sony pushes digital delivery so I shouldn't be too surprised. What the fans say and what Sony does are hardly ever the same. Look at Sony's first party games as proof gaming isn't their main focus. You claim Sony is gaming first and Microsoft uses gaming as an additional feature yet the games available today don't support that argument.
It's a sad argument when people claim the PS4 is "games first" when it can't do other things as well. You can still access TV on the PS4, but it is launched as an app that isolates you from gaming. All of the extra features on the Xbox One are designed to keep you connected with your friends to make gaming easier and more accessable. I'm not sure how that makes gaming anything other than the primary focus.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3841d ago
IcicleTrepan3841d ago

It hasn't paid off anything yet. They need years of people buying lots of games and PSN subscriptions for it to pay off. All they've managed to do so far is sell a bunch of break-even consoles and some PSN subs and not that many games in the grand scheme of things since there's almost none out there right now. Let's not declare a major victory for PS4 before anything has happened. It's going to take them years to see if it was worth it or not.

WickedLester3841d ago

I love my PS4! Purrs like a kitten and runs like a champ! Just an exquisitely designed piece of hardware! Thank you Mr. Cerny!

WeAreLegion3841d ago

Can't get over how awesome Fergal Gara's name is. He sounds like a freaking Viking.

bomboclaat_gamer3841d ago

PS 4 is growing on me too
but i wont be having a nerdgasm like most of you guys

AceBlazer133841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

Bomboclaat batty man

At least ah know meh mother yuh horna child.

tigertron3841d ago

Targeting core gamers is what will ultimately pay off. You can try and attract the casual market like other companies have done, but they have learnt the hard way, which is that casuals are fickle and will simply move on to something else when it suits them.

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PlayStation UK chief Gara joins Amazon

Fergal Gara has joined Amazon UK as director of PC.

He joins the company after four years in charge of PlayStation’s UK and Ireland business.

During his tenure, he helped turn around the firm’s fortunes in the UK. PlayStation was ranked No.3 in terms of console market share when he joined the business and, by the time he left, PS4 was the No.1 games console in the country.

He was in charge of marketing, sales, finance and customer service

Prior to joining PlayStation, Gara spent six years at Asda, which included stints as category director for music, video and games, general manager for entertainment and - eventually - trading director for Asda Direct.

Eonjay3112d ago

Congrats to Gara. I was wondering where he was gonna end up.

Mr Pumblechook3112d ago (Edited 3112d ago )

Sure he will be working on the PC division, but Amazon's Kindle Fire platform and Twitch purchase suggest they are serious about the gaming business. The question is will they be looking to move into the bigger game and how?

thisismyaccount3112d ago (Edited 3112d ago )

He´s been in charge of Sony PlayStation UK since 2011, meaning he was in charge for the PS3 doings in that territorial .... if PS3 was only 3rd when he joined Sony, he prolly hasn´t done much to change that image.

Dunno how you can now claim that thanks to him the PS4 is nrº1 in UK. It has to do more that the PS4 is a sexy beast and successful on its own merits and not because he was in charge of it. You could most likely hire an ape from the local Zoo to direct Sony UK and the PS4 would still print money like a wh...


PS4 boss talks Black Friday's performance and future: 'Not going to go away'

PlayStation UK head Fergal Gara talked about what Black Friday and the season around it ended up resulting in.

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Sony says PS3 will be around for 2015 and 'beyond', talks this year's PS4 games

The PS4 has had unprecedented success since it was released in 2013, but its predecessor, the PS3, seems to be drifting off into the distance. This Fall represents a massive opportunities for developers and publishers to capitalize on a rising new-gen audience and Sony is quite aware of that.

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itsjustexuma3297d ago

Yet it wont get the support for that long

martinezjesus19933297d ago

It got supported 4 to 5 years longer than its competition, i think its safe to say anyone that bought the ps3 isnt dissapointed on how long it got supported

freshslicepizza3297d ago

sony is still supporting it with games like mlb the show. i think they should stopped support and move on to focus on just the ps4 but that's just my opinion.

FarEastOrient3297d ago

PS2 got its last game 2 years ago. PS3 will be around for a long time, especially for markets that can't afford the full price of the PS4.

Double_O_Revan3297d ago

PS1 & 2 got solid support Way into the next generations. No reason to believe the PS3 won't get the same.

Magicite3297d ago

Developers will support PS3 for many years to come (unlike its direct rivals), especially Japanese, the question is - how long Sony will keep producing it.

GribbleGrunger3297d ago

It probably won't get that much support from developers who are now fully committed to next gen, but it will be a decent alternative for the poorer amongst us. Indie games will continue to be made available for the PS3, as will the occasional AAA cross platform title. Then you have PSVue, PSNow, PS+ and PSMusic, along with many other aps such as Netflix. If the price is right, it will continue to sell.

blackblades3297d ago

Using my ps3 all the time and my vita if I had a ps4 right now I'll still be using my ps3 more.

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Lore3297d ago

Seing as how Tretton said there'd be a 10 year plan for the console, this should come as no surprise

Tapani3297d ago

What kind of a relationship did you have with him?

Lore3297d ago

Everytime I think of him I also think of "AGENT" plastered on the big screen

...Hopefully one day

ThichQuangDuck3297d ago


Generally have been an Xbox person. I love gears and Xbox Live,but just went with PS4 for friends and variety of games(STREET FIGHTER V). Tretton always presented well for Sony. Their last E3 ehhhhhh and have liked Phil Spencer.

OC_MurphysLaw3297d ago

Considering its already 2015 I would hope so. :)

miyamoto3297d ago

I play my PS3 the whole week and did not even fire up my PS4 even once.

Hoffmann3297d ago

Same here. Due to one of the last flash sales where I bought that E.D.F game. Its a great time now to get Playstation 3 games for cheap and while Witcher 3 looks awesome I rather wait for the inevitable "complete" edition in 2016.

Retroman3297d ago

Still debating buying ps4 in mean time ps3 on fire.

Debaitable3297d ago

Seeing how everyone gets excited with all the remasters for PS4 I'm not surprised and sorely disappointed. That generation lasted longer than it should, I'm baffled to why people want to extend that longer into the PS4. Let's keep it moving.

WickedLester3297d ago

Agreed. I was BEYOND ready to move onto the next generation when the PS4 finally came out.

gangsta_red3297d ago

It is really strange right? The last few years of last gen people couldn't wait to move on and see the next new consoles and the new games it brings along. And here we are and some of us are celebrating last gen games on our new system.

3297d ago
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