
Sony hints that the PS4 lifecycle may be shorter than PS3

Techradar: Microsoft says that the Xbox One is a 10-year console, but what about the PlayStation 4? We asked Sony UK boss Fergal Gara whether the PS4 is in it for the long stretch.

"I think there's reasons to believe that the next cycle might be shorter in markets such as the UK," he said.

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gillri3842d ago

I think 5 years is perfect, lets give developers time to get used to the tech and get the most out of it...plus rising costs could force more risk taking developers out of business and we'd just be left with Ubisoft, Activision and EA ..........shudders

decrypt3842d ago (Edited 3842d ago )

It would be amazing if the next console is x86 too and they can maintain BC.

PS4 gets to live its 10 years, however just like the Android, Iphone ecosystem. The later console just plays the same games better.

5 years later the PS5 could be playing games in 4k meanwhile PS4 is plays the same game at lower settings.

kneon3842d ago

This is exactly how I expect it to go, every 4-5 years there will be a new iteration that is fully backwards compatible since I can't see them moving off of x86.

AngelicIceDiamond3842d ago

@Kneon 4 to 5 years? Is some kind of joke? No way I don't wanna hear about another PlayStation at least close to 10 years.

Sony's exclusive portfolio would be the weakest showcase yet on PS4 yet compared to the PS2 and 3.

Plus all the firmware updates to keep the console updated and keeping MS on its toes.

No way, long live PS4 for a while.

sonic9893842d ago (Edited 3842d ago )

the thing isnt even released in the whole world and we are already talking about PS5 .
that doesnt sound good at all the phones and the consoles are completely different consoles benefits greatly from new hardware look at it as you wish but the PS3 wont get the support it used to get before .
while with the Iphone and android its nothing really games and apps works perfectly on nearly every hardware i phone 4 can run today's games with no problem
PS: gaming is getting worse and worse by the day i hate the COD BF generation they ruined what gaming used to be before and now we will have shorter life cycles so the less games other than COD and the other REALISTIC STUFF DAH CRYSIS 3

infamous-butcher3842d ago

I cant imagine what power cpus and gpus will have in 10 years, not to mention in spring next year when Nvidia unveil their Maxwell cards. Also with VR, 4K, 8K and proper 3D head sets around the corner, this gen of consoles is going to be left in the dust yet again.
When a generation of GPU's lasts only about 6-8 months and CPU's a year, and about 20% improvement over the highest end models, That's going to be a hell of a (bigger) gap.

ssj273842d ago (Edited 3842d ago )

you have no idea of what you are talking about and those who agree are in the same stupid level of your iq.. it's pathetic.

The last thing PS5 needs are PS4 ported games at higher res/texture.

PS5 will not only mean better res"4k", fps. it will mean better AI bigger worlds better everything, better networks etc .

Your mentality is from a stupid PC elitist mentality who will upgreade their PC just to get more fps/texture from the same game. not a true value there.

5/6 years is perfect time for a new gen console that is 10 times more powerful!

x5exotic3841d ago

Ps2 stayed for 7 damn years after it was considered "old" gen, and ps3 onward aren't going anywhere

TheGreatAndPowerful3841d ago

5 years is too long, I think 4 is better.

sonic9893841d ago

LOL @ 4 years
if you want 4 years update go PC its made for the SPECZZZZ ( which are generally meaningless )
play all games at 9999p and 500 fps but still it will be the same games except the usual my fire is better than yours or look at that far building you cant see it on consoles etc.
console are built to have long life spans unlike phones and tablets

mikeslemonade3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

Good :) I hated how last generation lasted this long. For the past 2 years I got almost gotuninterested in gaming. Looking forward for PS5 in 5 years.

Sarcasm3841d ago

5 Years is perfect for me.

I'll buy a PS5 in 2018.

The Killer3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

i doubt ps4 will have shorter life cycle than ps3. Reasons? because ps4 most probably will have higher success rate than ps3 and will bring much more income to sony than ps3 did. why would they sacrifice something of a cash-cow after big losses from ps3?

plus, from what i see, it will be easier for developers to develop for ps4 than ps3 or even ps2, so i expect great number of titles and IPs from both the west and japan studios.

it is possible release ps5 after 5 years but if they did, they will give big support for ps4 for many more years to come.

i also expect the indie developers to make their impact this gen since the development costs are much lower compared to ps3.

overall, i think ps4 will be here and supported for another 10 years, something similar to ps2.

DatNJDom813841d ago


I totally agree with you if you only owned a xbox. If you owned a PS3 however, you were still getting you mind blown even to this day.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3841d ago
Statix3842d ago

I'll take a 6-year cycle. 5-year cycle would be even better.

That way, we get more frequent hardware upgrades, and the consoles won't be hobbling toward the finish line on arthritic ankles like they were at the 7th-8th year mark with the PS3 and 360. This past generation has been the longest generation of consoles I've seen, and I hope that doesn't become a trend.

InTheZoneAC3842d ago

must suck to be an xbox fan. I didn't feel like the ps3 was struggling at all towards it's end. I just got ratchet and clank, gt6 comes out in 1 week.

GTA 5 and Splinter Cell just came out, what's to complain?

There are other games, but I can't think of one exclusive xbox has had in the last year or so to hold them over...

0ut1awed3842d ago (Edited 3842d ago )

^^ It must suck to be a fanboy in general. Really limits your capability to enjoy ALL games.

The PS3 and the 360 have been considered very outdated technology for a while now. I realized this since I had a PC but I'm supprised you haven't realized this yet with the X1 and PS4 out.

Maybe you don't own one so you have yet to see 60fps and 1080p+ in person? Go play something like BF4 on the PS3 then play it on the X1/PS4/PC and tell me that the PS3 wasn't struggling at the end.

It was a solid system but 7 years was way too long of a life cycle.

sonic9893842d ago

nope longer generation = more creativity and less focus on those boring graphics showcase games
back in the day it didnt matter because most games were purely made for fun across the whole gen you would have like 20 or so favorites but now with the whole new realistic trends crushing our way i am not gonna say we but I would find less unique and fun games to play

Statix3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

@InTheZoneAC: I think you're deluding yourself a bit. The technology in the PS3 and 360 are EXTREMELY archaic in the year 2013. This fact is indisputable. 512MB of total RAM, and 7800GTX-level GPU? These specs are absolutely LAUGHABLE. Sure, consoles are capable of heavy optimization and various coding tricks to maximize the graphics output you can possibly get from this incredibly creaky last-gen hardware, but there's only so much you can do given a set of hardware limits.

Yes, some standout games like The Last of Us looked fantastic, but those are more the exception, rather than the rule. The vast majority of multiplatform games on PS3/360 paled in comparison to even lower-end PC rigs. And as good as The Last of Us looked, even it showed signs of cracking under the weight of the antiquated PS3 parts--namely in the form of occasional framerate drops below 30fps in more visually intensive scenes.

What truly exemplifies how outdated the last-gen consoles really are is the Battlefield series. BF3 and BF4 truly showed all the wrinkles and weaknesses of these old machines, with cut-down maps reduced seriously in size, much weaker textures and effects, and limited to a mere 24-player support. Once you play BF4 on PS4, complete with full 64-player support, great effects, high-res textures, and a fluid framerate, you'll NEVER be able to go back to the PS3 version.

Bottom line is, more frequent hardware updates is a good thing, and ~5 years lifecycles is a good compromise. This would mean consoles won't develop the same gigantic gap from typical gaming PCs like we have with the PS3 and 360.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3841d ago
Blaze9293842d ago

Xbox 360 came out in 2005...and is still kicking and gaining support 9 years later. Job well done Microsoft. I don't doubt em ft Xbox one either - which was literally built for the future with its online architecture. Can't wait to see how it evolves

dantesparda3841d ago

That's 8 years not 9, do the math

gigoran3841d ago Show
Benchm4rk3841d ago


would you say the same thing about the ps3 seen as there has been 3 iterations of that console and its been out for 7 yrs.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3841d ago
ABizzel13842d ago (Edited 3842d ago )

It's coming between 2018 - 2020. 2020 seems like a better time, just because their vision seems so clear 20-20 :D

Thank you, don't forget to tip.....Cash Only ;D

Golden_Mud3841d ago

I actually expect a console to be announced in 2023

Budz_McGr33n3841d ago

Yeah, 2020 seems about right. Although I'm sure Nintendo might launch a new console earlier than that because they have always been on a 5 or 6 year cycle, unlike MS/Sony.
@IHassounah: Really? You actually think 10 year console lifespan means that they won't release another console before that? You apparently know nothing of console life cycles.

Moz3841d ago

Thing is, both system have clearly be designed so that the next gen consoles can use the same tech but faster allowing both backward compatibility and familiarity with the hardware. Which will allow for shorter cycles as all in development software work on the new platforms much like iPhones and Android phones today. You might even get a situation where a game will run on both PS4 & PS5 with the only difference being res or frame rate.

L0L_WUT3841d ago

whoa! why not enjoy the ps4 while it's still hot and then enjoy the ps5 when the time is ready ;)

sonic9893841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

Kids these days they treat everything like toys
when ever they get something they dont thank god for what they have no they start complaining that they are bored to death .
longer gens means less wasted money for everyone including devs and consumers with more stable systems .
COD selfish SPOILED BRATS some people play games other than call of duty

ovnipc3841d ago

7 or 8 max. 5 to short most games take to 3 years to develop. We need more than one or two killzones and the last of us.

Salooh3841d ago

3 years will become 2 years since ps4 is alot more easier to develop for then ps2 and 3.

I expected this and people disagreed with me . Developers were asking for the ps4 for a long time . Ps3 was pain in the ass wnd its outdated for a long time. 5 years is perfect to keep up with the tech

MizTv3841d ago

I would be very happy with 7
Anything else Just seems to soon

Budz_McGr33n3841d ago

No, in 5 years 4K TV's will be more abundant and the PC will be taking advantage of them with lots of Ultra HD games. Considering how outdated the PS4/XB1 already are, I'd say 5 years for this console generation seems the better option. I mean who the hell wants to play 720p/1080p games on their 4K TV?

memots3841d ago

F*ck no

I was already not happy that the ps3 time had come and still go back to it. I love my Ps4 but if the stuff from ps4 to ps5 don't work together i am done.

Salooh3841d ago

I bet you just bought the ps3 recently . People who bought the ps3 in launch were tired of the ps3 for 2 years..

Thats why ps4 released in the same year it announced..

memots3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

at 14Feb-R

Nope i had a 60gig BC .
got it a couple months after release. played Warhawk to death on it. I still have it along a 20gig model ( the one without wireless ) I still have a very big ps2 collection.

I will admit i didnt use it that much for ps2 stuff but this is different. I have so much digital download. HD editions Ps1/mini ect .. I want those on my Ps4 , I love the controller , I love how fast everything is and using all the content i paid for on this too me anyway sounds only fair.

irepbtown3841d ago

Sony will continue to support the PS3 for the next few years. Last year I thought 2013 was too soon, but man, it is perfect.

frostypants3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

We need to define "cycle" here. This guy is just talking about the likely time to a new console. This isn't what Sony/MS usually mean by system lifecycle. The PS3 has a 10-year lifecycle, but that just means they'll still be making games for it, and selling some variant of the system, 10 years after its release. That doesn't mean a new system won't come out. So the PS4 coming out doesn't mean the end of the PS3's lifecycle (which should continue for another 3 years or so), and the PS5 won't mean the end of the PS4.

JsonHenry3841d ago

I am betting they will go with a shorter lifecycle. People already buy a new $400-$600 iPhone every year or two.

It isn't too much of a stretch to think that by switching to x86 and having full BC in newer consoles that they will try for the same quick money. Especially since they can just make games scale like on a PC where a low end PC (PS4) runs the same game at lower settings but the same game-disc will run on higher settings on a higher end PC (PS5).

I seriously see this happening.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3841d ago
Livecustoms3842d ago

Wow really ? YES !, i was one of the people worried that this would be the last ever generation of game consoles. Due to how popular 'All in one' devices are becoming. And NO Xbox One is NOT all in one lol

Fil1013842d ago

Could this also be because of the xbone being a weaker console that Microsoft might enter next gen even quicker forcing sony to follow suit.

come_bom3842d ago (Edited 3842d ago )

I have to agree. If the X1 flops, or if it's not as successful as Microsoft hopes, they will be left with two options: quit the console business or make a early launch of their next console, that way forcing Sony to follow with their next console.

As for my predictions, i don't think the X1 will flop, but it won't be as successful as the PS4.

SonyWarrior3842d ago

Microsoft CEO already said they have been thinking of selling off the xbox brand

Bzone243842d ago


Can you point me to where the Microsoft CEO says they have been thinking of selling off the Xbox brand? Can't seem to find it.

Oner3842d ago (Edited 3842d ago )

Here are 4 articles I have come across that are along those lines that may answer your question Bzone24 ~

Pre Launch of Xbox One (January 2013) ~

2 Billion Dollar Investor wants to fire Ballmer & Sell XB Division (Aug. 2013) ~

Major change in MS could mean Xbox One is the last one (Aug. 2013) ~

Post Launch of Xbox One (November 2013)~

Hope that is the helpful information you require.

3842d ago
tiremfej3841d ago


So all those articles are from reputable sources? I can't find Bloomberg, NYT, Forbes, Financial Times in those four you listed.


Bzone243841d ago


Sorry, but none of the links you provided has Microsoft's CEO saying they are thinking about selling off the Xbox brand.

Oner3840d ago (Edited 3840d ago )

@ tiremfej & Bzone24 ~ Then you weren't looking hard enough (to be expected) as 2 of the articles actually link to PROMINENT financial sites as well has pertinent info from other business related sites.

The 1st link ~ http://hothardware.com/News... states specifically in THE VERY FIRST SENTENCE "Forbes contributor Adam Hartung" is that reputable? I think so.

While the 2nd link terminates at the Puget Sound Business Journal. But admittedly that may not be enough...I mean the CONTENT itself is what is most surprising in that one alone. But because it doesn't come from "Bloomberg, NYT, Forbes, Financial Times" it doesn't mean anything right?

Now the 3rd link came from ~


Which links to and is based off this article ~


Which was authored by Bill Rigby, FROM REUTERS (is that good enough yet?).

Now that should be enough but I will continue...The 4th link came from right here on N4G ~


Which links to and is also based off of this article ~


And what site is that? Barron's ~ a Dow Jones & Company leading financial site.

Surprising huh? Well not to me, but whatever...YOU will see what YOU want to see. Not what is the truth/news of which I provided.

But even with that said, I have to take the time to clearly point out that reading comprehension is quite key here and something the two of you should try to improve upon.

See I never exactly said I agree with or was supporting what "SonyWarrior" said about the "Microsoft CEO selling Xbox"...if you read slowly & carefully understand (that's called comprehension) I specifically said at the start of my first sentence "that are along those lines..."

"Along those lines" means it is similar to and/or supportive in nature but not EXACTLY as to what SW said (as I honestly believe he is mistaken and in a roundabout way agree with the two of you) so I provided links to what would clarify that misunderstanding or support the overall point he was trying to make.

But that doesn't matter to you 2, as I said ~ you will see what you WANT to see. So go ahead and lets see what excuses you try to come up with now.


tiremfej3840d ago (Edited 3840d ago )


I didn't even take the time to click on the links or read them. That is how much I actually care. I am glad you spent time typing your rebuttle.

Bzone243840d ago

Your comment also said "that may answer your question Bzone24". It didn't. He said Microsoft CEO. That is what I called him on. I don't care what all your links say if they don't have the Microsoft CEO saying that they have been thinking of selling off the Xbox brand. He straight up lied in his comment. But you give me links of other people saying they should, or may. Others have also said the same about the Playstation brand. Does that mean the Sony CEO said it?

Oner3840d ago (Edited 3840d ago )

Exactly as I thought.

@ Tire,fej ~ You don't care now huh? Yet you did care enough to say originally if they were reputable...then when I prove they are, you then proceed to not care. Thats so very mature of you.

@Bzone24 ~ As I said you see what you WANT to see. I explained that I didn't agree with SW's comment and actually clarified it (as to what he probably meant) along with proving the sites ARE reputable...either way, the CONTENT is what's important yet that somehow doesn't matter huh?

But that was to be expected. As usual.

Bzone243840d ago

lol. Unless you have the account SonyWarrior, you don't need to be speaking for what he probably meant. He said Microsoft CEO. That is what I was responding to. I didn't respond to him saying journalists, financial advisers, bankers, bakers, librarians, etc. said it. You bringing in anything that isn't a quote from the Microsoft CEO then it doesn't matter to me in regards to this discussion.

In regard to me seeing what I want to see. His post said "Microsoft CEO already said they have been thinking of selling off the xbox brand". You are the one only seeing what you want to see. I see what he typed.

tiremfej3839d ago


Okay I'll bite. It is idiotic for anyone to think that MS would sell the Xbox brand after investing billions into R&D into X1, let alone marketing, development, logistics, resources...etc...etc...but hey as a Sony fan you can hope.

Realistically, it isn't going to happen. However, here on sony4g.com where reality is so skewed this deal is already set in stone. Crawl out from under your rock, grab a sense of realism and think to yourself if this is even plausible. It isn't.

I just can't believe how much anti Xbox bullshit is on here. It is disgusting.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3839d ago
Prime1573842d ago

xbone was made for the 10 year span: as a media hub.

Not for games.

With steam machines on the horizon, MS positioned the XBone very interestingly in my opinion. That's why I'm angry at them at the same time as it didn't really help me as a gamer - it feels evident that the multimedia was more important to them than the core gamers that made the 360 what it is.

What I'm really curious about (after reading this article) is how Sony plans to pursue post-PS4 with the PS brand.

IanVanCheese3842d ago

The Xbox One will not flop, but I can see Microsoft having to go next-gen within 5-6 years. Sony could outlast them by a year or two but it wouldn't make sense for them to do so.

6 Years before the next gen is my assumption.

pyramidshead3842d ago

I want the PS5 to hover just a lil tiny bit off the ground because, sci-fi future tech.

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PlayStation UK chief Gara joins Amazon

Fergal Gara has joined Amazon UK as director of PC.

He joins the company after four years in charge of PlayStation’s UK and Ireland business.

During his tenure, he helped turn around the firm’s fortunes in the UK. PlayStation was ranked No.3 in terms of console market share when he joined the business and, by the time he left, PS4 was the No.1 games console in the country.

He was in charge of marketing, sales, finance and customer service

Prior to joining PlayStation, Gara spent six years at Asda, which included stints as category director for music, video and games, general manager for entertainment and - eventually - trading director for Asda Direct.

Eonjay3112d ago

Congrats to Gara. I was wondering where he was gonna end up.

Mr Pumblechook3112d ago (Edited 3112d ago )

Sure he will be working on the PC division, but Amazon's Kindle Fire platform and Twitch purchase suggest they are serious about the gaming business. The question is will they be looking to move into the bigger game and how?

thisismyaccount3112d ago (Edited 3112d ago )

He´s been in charge of Sony PlayStation UK since 2011, meaning he was in charge for the PS3 doings in that territorial .... if PS3 was only 3rd when he joined Sony, he prolly hasn´t done much to change that image.

Dunno how you can now claim that thanks to him the PS4 is nrº1 in UK. It has to do more that the PS4 is a sexy beast and successful on its own merits and not because he was in charge of it. You could most likely hire an ape from the local Zoo to direct Sony UK and the PS4 would still print money like a wh...


PS4 boss talks Black Friday's performance and future: 'Not going to go away'

PlayStation UK head Fergal Gara talked about what Black Friday and the season around it ended up resulting in.

Read Full Story >>

Sony says PS3 will be around for 2015 and 'beyond', talks this year's PS4 games

The PS4 has had unprecedented success since it was released in 2013, but its predecessor, the PS3, seems to be drifting off into the distance. This Fall represents a massive opportunities for developers and publishers to capitalize on a rising new-gen audience and Sony is quite aware of that.

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itsjustexuma3297d ago

Yet it wont get the support for that long

martinezjesus19933297d ago

It got supported 4 to 5 years longer than its competition, i think its safe to say anyone that bought the ps3 isnt dissapointed on how long it got supported

freshslicepizza3297d ago

sony is still supporting it with games like mlb the show. i think they should stopped support and move on to focus on just the ps4 but that's just my opinion.

FarEastOrient3297d ago

PS2 got its last game 2 years ago. PS3 will be around for a long time, especially for markets that can't afford the full price of the PS4.

Double_O_Revan3297d ago

PS1 & 2 got solid support Way into the next generations. No reason to believe the PS3 won't get the same.

Magicite3297d ago

Developers will support PS3 for many years to come (unlike its direct rivals), especially Japanese, the question is - how long Sony will keep producing it.

GribbleGrunger3297d ago

It probably won't get that much support from developers who are now fully committed to next gen, but it will be a decent alternative for the poorer amongst us. Indie games will continue to be made available for the PS3, as will the occasional AAA cross platform title. Then you have PSVue, PSNow, PS+ and PSMusic, along with many other aps such as Netflix. If the price is right, it will continue to sell.

blackblades3297d ago

Using my ps3 all the time and my vita if I had a ps4 right now I'll still be using my ps3 more.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3297d ago
Lore3297d ago

Seing as how Tretton said there'd be a 10 year plan for the console, this should come as no surprise

Tapani3297d ago

What kind of a relationship did you have with him?

Lore3297d ago

Everytime I think of him I also think of "AGENT" plastered on the big screen

...Hopefully one day

ThichQuangDuck3297d ago


Generally have been an Xbox person. I love gears and Xbox Live,but just went with PS4 for friends and variety of games(STREET FIGHTER V). Tretton always presented well for Sony. Their last E3 ehhhhhh and have liked Phil Spencer.

OC_MurphysLaw3297d ago

Considering its already 2015 I would hope so. :)

miyamoto3297d ago

I play my PS3 the whole week and did not even fire up my PS4 even once.

Hoffmann3297d ago

Same here. Due to one of the last flash sales where I bought that E.D.F game. Its a great time now to get Playstation 3 games for cheap and while Witcher 3 looks awesome I rather wait for the inevitable "complete" edition in 2016.

Retroman3297d ago

Still debating buying ps4 in mean time ps3 on fire.

Debaitable3297d ago

Seeing how everyone gets excited with all the remasters for PS4 I'm not surprised and sorely disappointed. That generation lasted longer than it should, I'm baffled to why people want to extend that longer into the PS4. Let's keep it moving.

WickedLester3297d ago

Agreed. I was BEYOND ready to move onto the next generation when the PS4 finally came out.

gangsta_red3297d ago

It is really strange right? The last few years of last gen people couldn't wait to move on and see the next new consoles and the new games it brings along. And here we are and some of us are celebrating last gen games on our new system.

3297d ago
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