
Diehard GameFAN: The Mysterious Cities of Gold: Secret Paths Review

DHGF: The Mysterious Cities of Gold –Secret Paths is not only one of the rare Kickstarter products (regardless of type) to actually make its originally projected release date, but it’s very done, providing gamers everywhere an example of a crowdfunding product done right from beginning to end. The game is visually stunning and the music will stick in your head for days. It’s hard to believe a licensed game by a small indie studio in France would end up being the best puzzle game I’ve played all year as well as one of my five favorite releases for the Wii U, but there it is. With a price tag of only fifteen dollars, anyone that owns a Wii U should do themselves a favor and download this ASAP.

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The Mysterious Cities of Gold: Secret Paths: 30plusgamer Review

It’s an innocent story with minimal cartoon violence, and The Mysterious Cities of Gold: Secret Paths has a cast of characters that will quickly capture the attention of the kiddies. Three friends Zia, Esteban, and Tao work together to find and protect the Mysterious Cities of Gold. They are caught in the magnificent wonder of a world filled with sacred riches, along with those who only want to pillage the cities. If they don’t stay one step ahead of the pirates and other scum who are out to liquidate the hidden treasures, then the Mysterious Cities of Gold may be lost forever.

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Review: Mysterious Cities of Gold: Secret Paths (Pure Nintendo)

Pure Nintendo: "It is easy to see that the developer tried to stay true to the Mysterious Cities of Gold cannon but it falls short in variety throughout its many levels. Mysterious Cities of Gold: Secrets Paths is not a bad game but may be better suited for a younger gamer with limited game experience. The fans of the show may also find the game more entertaining. While the game is solid in gameplay and visuals, it could have used some work in a few other areas. I was able to finish the game in just over 5 hours and at a cost of $14.99 Mystery Cities of Gold may not be a great purchase for a more experienced gamer, but fans of the show or younger gamers may find a good game experience in Secret Paths."

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Best iOS Games for November 27, 2013

AppsGoer has discovered a great list of new iOS Games that have just come to the App Store. The list includes Adventure Town, Icycle: On Thin Ice, Fantasy Kingdom Defense, Darklings, The Inner World, Gary Chalk’s Gun Dogs, Doctor Who: Legacy, RunCraft – Thrones, Burn the Rope 3D, Campus Holiday, Flesh & Blood – Attack on Orc, Hotel Enigma HD, The Mysterious Cities of Gold: Secret Paths, Kiwi & Me, Jetbee – Ready, set… GO ! and many more.

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