
Dying Light Doesn't Require You To Kill Zombies

In a surprising revelation, Tymon Smektala announced that Dying Light won't require players to kill zombies at all if they so choose.

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x8003840d ago

This is a exciting zombie game to look forward to.

3840d ago Replies(2)
BobBelcher3840d ago

Pacifism towards zombies? Not in my universe.

SpinalRemains1383840d ago

I get the idea of choice and all, but come on....

How is it possible to survive and succeed in a zombie outbreak if one does not take part in the shooting of the brains?

I'm intrigued, though there is no way I would ever go that route. I'm killin' me some zombies!

Ron_Danger3840d ago

I'm guessing it means no forced sections where you have to survive wave after wave of zombies...

I'm hoping it means that every encounter will be fight or flight. A real zombie survival game where every scripted encounter feels like you need to make tough decisions with real consequences.

Alexious3840d ago

Yes, that is the idea. The freeform running is there for exactly that reason, you can avoid combat most of the time.

cleft53840d ago

If you really think about it the last thing you would want to do is fight a zombie in a zombie outbreak because you could end up getting overwhelmed and rushed. The idea would be to avoid fighting them as much as possible, after all it would only take one bit or scratch to turn you. I am really excited by this idea, at the very least it will mean they will avoid situations that happened in Dead Island 1 and 2 where you was constantly dying to insanely overpowered zombies.

wallis3840d ago

Definitely killing them myself but I do like games such as State of Decay where stealth is a critical part of the game. This excites me because it shows a lot of thought about the design, and also a willingness to utilize zombies in more than just a cannon fodder role.

Plus as fun as it is to slaughter hordes endlessly like Dead Rising I think it dilutes the whole idea of an endless horde. I mean would you really bother even firing a pistol with 20 rounds into a horde that's well over a few thousand strong, or would you just leg it?

Rmx2123840d ago

Zombies I game and don't have to kill them umm yea I need some more info on this

FANTA11803840d ago

doesnt look interesting, but dead island was pretty good.

Ricegum3840d ago

Looks interesting, but Dead Island wasn't very good.

MidnytRain3840d ago

Award for the most backwards person of the day goes to...

FANTA11803840d ago (Edited 3840d ago )

i dont have to agree.

and dead island sold alot of copies.

give the award to yourself if you think that looks good , mirrors edge zombie edition.


80 metacritic .... nuff said

MidnytRain3840d ago (Edited 3840d ago )

Lol, you think Dead Island was good...

You're the minority, guy.

This game doesn't even need to exist with a new Mirror's Edge coming.

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Lexreborn298d ago

I was REALLY looking forward to this game but this was legit my biggest let down. The removal of Firearms just didn't sit right with me. Having to spend upwards 20 hours to get the things that make the game fun like the grappling hook and kite just irritated me. But the biggest offense was going into my friends world to help and none of my progress carrying over from co-op. That is NOT co-op and it's not fun, I have to see what changes they've made maybe I'll revisit but honestly can't believe how much of the ball they dropped after how amazing the first was.

mastershredder98d ago

Holy hell the update is just freak’n terrible. The gun mission is one of the worst things cooked up in recent history. Take a page right of Facr Cry 6 dlc/updates and insert it here: Same horrible uninspired type tack-on level and missions that are basically the special operations in far cry 6 and you get…guns. Wow you guys really went all out here with an original idea. 😕


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